Which design principle refers to units that are opposite creates variety and stimulates interest select one a contrast B repetition C alternation D progression clear my choice?

The arrangement of shapes, lines and ornamental effects to create an artistic whole is known as:

What are the 3 levels of observation ?

The 3 dimensional representation of shape is called:

The outline or silhouette of an object is known as:

When all units are identical except for position, the design principle is known as:

When 2 or more units are repeated in sequential repetition, this design principle is better known as:

Which design principle refers to units that are opposite, creates variety and stimulates interest?

A state of equilibrium between contrasting, opposite or interacting elements in the design

What type of balance is created when weight is positioned unequally from center axis?

What’s the standard proportion between the head and body of a woman , that just artist use?

3 sectioning is an effective way to measure the proportions of the:

What describes the term profile?

An outline of the face from the side

Straight, convex and concave are terms used in design that refer to which of the following?

Adding volume to the fringe area and forehead will visually shrink the length of the nose in which profile?

A dominant, protruding forehead and chin with a small nose are characteristics of a:

Which of the following is true regarding design decisions about clients who wear glasses ?

Select large glasses for a large face

Wearing a coordinated outfit would fall into which of the following style categories?

A casual and comfortable clothing style may also be described as:


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The arrangement of shapes, lines and ornamental effects to create an artistic whole is known as: Design
Which of the following terms is defined as any portion or part in relation to the whole? Proportion
In which of the three levls of observation does the designer use qualitative analysis? Detail
Which of the following terms is NOT one of the three levels of observation? Shape
The three dimentional representation of a shape is called? Form
The outline or silhouette of an object is known as: Shape
Which of the following lines are parallel to the horizon and floor and create a feeling of maximum weight and stability? horizontal
Atwo-dimentional representation of form consisting of length and width, but not depth, is called a(n): Shape
A symbol that will help you to identify the staight and curved lines, angles and directions of a hair design is called a(n): Celestial axis
The visual appearance or feel of a surface that can be smooth or rough is known as: Texture
The three primary colors are yellow,blue and: Red
When all units are identical except for position, the design principle is known as: Repetition
When two or more units are repeated in a sequential repitition, the design principle is better known as: Alternation
Which design principle refers to units that are opposite, create varity and stimulate interest? Contrast
hen all units are similar yet gradually change proportionately in an ascending ir descending scale, this type of design principle is called: Progression
Which design principle refers to units that are opposite, create variety and stimulate interest? Contrast
Balance in a design is identified by which of the following definitions? A state of equilibruim between contrasting elements in a design
Weight positioned equally on both sides of a center axis is considered: Symmetrical
What type of balance is created when the weight is positioned unequally from a center axis? Asymmetrical
Which of the following is standard proportion between the head and body of a woman that most artist use? 1 to 7
Short and sturdy body shapes often have: Wide shoulders and hips
Three sectioning is an effective way to measure the proportions of the: Face
When three sectioning the facial area, the middle or second includes: The middle of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose
Which facial shape looks good with almost any hair style, length or texture? Oval
A designer should NOT accentuate the narrowness at the temples and width at thejawline in what type of facial shape? Pear
Which of the following should NOT be considered if the clients has a diamond facial shape? Adding width at the cheekbones
Which of the following guidelines is true if the client has a heart shaped facial shape? Leave fullness at the nape
Which of the following describes the term "profile"? An outline of the face from the side
Straight, convex and concave are terms used in design that refer to which of the following? Profile
Adding volume to the fringe area and forehead will visually shrink the length of the nose in which profile? Convex
A dominant, protruding forehead and chin with a small nose are characteristics of a: Concave profile
Which of the following is true regarding design decisions about clients who wear glasses? Select large glasses for a large face
What type of hair texture creates a wide silhouette and generally holds a style for a longer period of time? Curly and coarse
Which term describes the number of hair follicles per square inch on the scalp? Density
Wearing a coordinated outfit would fall into which of the following style categories? Classic
A casual and comfortable clothing style may also be described as: Low maintenance
Which service Essential involves buiding rapport with your guests and putting them at ease? Connect
The four service Essentials are Connect,Consult,Create and: Complete
Which of the following terms describes the outward reflection of inner thoughts,feelings,values and attitude? Personality
Which of the folllowing personality types makes decisions based on what is logical, objective and impersonal? Thinking

Which design principle refers to units that are opposite creates variety and stimulate interest?

Chap 8.

Which design principle refers to units that are opposite creates variety and stimulates interest select one a contrast B repetition C alternation D progression?

Progression. Which design principle refers to units that are opposite , creates variety and stimulates interest. Contrast. Balance in a design is identified by. A state of equilibrium between contrasting , opposite or interacting elements in the design.

Which of the following lines are parallel to the horizon or floor and create a feeling of weight and stability?

Form is the three-dimensional representation of shape. Which of the following lines are parallel to the horizon and floor and create a feeling of maximum weight and stability? Horizontal. Horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon and floor and give the impression of stability and calmness.

What type of balance is created when the way is positioned unequally from a center axis?

Asymmetrical balance. Asymmetrical balance results from unequal visual weight on each side of the composition. One side of the composition might contain a dominant element, which could be balanced by a couple or more lesser focal points on the other side.


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