Which electrolyte in balance would prompt the nurse to instruct the patient to consume more dairy products in their diet?

The nurse is caring for a patient with diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, and massive gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding who is admitted for blood transfusion. In analyzing the morning laboratory results, the nurse understands that a potassium level of 5.5 mEq/L could be caused by which factors in this patient? Select all that apply.

1 The potassium level may be increased if the patient has renal nephropathy.

2 The patient may be excreting extra sodium and retaining potassium because of malnutrition.

3 The potassium level may be increased as a result of dehydration that accompanies high blood glucose levels.

4 There may be excess potassium being released into the blood as a result of massive transfusion of stored hemolyzed blood.

5 The patient has been overeating raisins, baked beans, and salt substitute, which could increase the potassium level.

Which fluid electrolyte imbalance may develop in a patient who consumes spironolactone?

This medicine may also cause electrolyte imbalances (including low sodium, magnesium, and calcium in the blood, hypochloremic alkalosis) and an increase in your uric acid and blood sugar levels.

Which electrolyte disturbance would the nurse assess for the presence of Trousseaus sign and serum electrolyte results?

Trousseau Sign of Latent Tetany. Trousseau's sign of latent tetany is a clinical sign that nurses and other healthcare professionals use to assess whether a patient has an electrolyte imbalance known as hypocalcemia, though this sign can present during hypomagnesemia as well.

Which patient would most likely need teaching regarding dietary sodium restriction?

Dietary sodium restriction is commonly recommended for patients with heart failure to prevent fluid retention, exacerbation of symptoms, and hospitalization for acute decompensated heart failure. However, less than half of patients successfully follow the recommendation [1, 2].

Which electrolyte influences excitability of nerve and muscle cells and is necessary for muscle contraction?

Calcium has a significant physiological role in the body. It is involved in skeletal mineralization, contraction of muscles, the transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting, and secretion of hormones.


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