Which of the following are clinical indicators of respiratory failure quizlet?

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Terms in this set (148)

A 32 year old male ingested a large quantity of Dilaudid, a powerful opiate. Which of the following clinical signs would you Most likely encounter during your assessment?

Respiratory depression and hypertension.

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) occurs when.

Your body is unable to produce enough insulin.

The skin and underlying tissues of the face:

Have a rich blood supply and bleed profusely.

Which of the following electrolytes determines wheter or not the body is acidotic or alkalotic?


An AEMT administers 1,000 ml of IV fluid to a patient with severe pulmonary edema and a stable B/P. The pt then develops profound respiratory distress and becomes apneic. What is this situation an example of?

Gross Negligence.

Perfusion is defined as

the circulation of oxygenated blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cells current needs.

The white portion of the eye is called the


Which of the following is Most effective way of preventing the spread of disease?

thoroughly washing your hands after every Pt.

The substance epinephrine (adrenaline) has an affinity for

alpha & beta receptors

When assessing or performing a procedure on a toddler, you should expect him or her to

Resist separation from his or her parents

The primary physiologic abnormality that causes diabetes is

Ineffective action of insulin

An ischemic stroke is Most often the result of

Cerebral embolism / blocked cerebral artery

One milliter (ml) is equivalent of

1 cc Cubic centimeter

The shaft bone is called


An anaphylactic reaction impairs effective breathing secondary to

upper airway swelling

Which of the following medications or medical devices may inhibit the bodys tachycardic response during shock?


Which of the following is Not a crystalloid?

whole Blood

All of the following can lead to shock (hypoperfusion) Except

Increased venous return to the atrium

An 18 year old female is experiencing an axiety attack and is breathing at a rate of 40 breaths/min. Which of the following acid-base derangements will occur if her condition is not promptly treated?

CO2, H2CO3, Ph

What is an enternal drug

Any drug that is administered along any portion of the GI tract.

which of the following Most accurately describes the pathophysiology of angina pectoris

Reversible process in which myocardial oxygen demand exceeds the supply of available oxygen.

Why does the skin become flushed or red when a person is exposed to a hot environment

Expanded blood vessels bring heat to the skins surface

As a triage officer you

Must not begin treatment until all pts. have been triaged

a 63 year old male is being transported to the hospital for an acute exacerbation of his emphysema. He is on oxygen via nasal cannula at 4/lpm. during your reassessment you note that his mental status has deteriorated and his respirations have become markedly slow and shallow. You should

Assist his ventilations with a BVM

A 33 year old male complains of generalized weakness and chest discomfort that began following his morning workout at the gym. He is conscious and alert, but restless. Your assessment reveals a BP of 130/60 , pulse of 78 bpm. and occasionally irregular, respirations of 16 and unlabored, and a SPO2 of 98% on room air. He has prescribed nitro tabs and states that he took one without relief. Appropriate treatment for this pt includes

O2 via N/C up to 324 mg aspirin, saline lock, additional nitro per med control and tx

You are assessing a semiconscious patients respirations and note that they are 18 breaths/min. When further assessing the patients breathing, which of the following signs indicate inadequate breathing?

Shallow movement of the chest

A 50 year old male fell approx. 20 feet and landed on his left side. He is conscious and alert and denies loss of consciousness. During your assessment you note pain and crepitus when palpating the iliac crests. In addition to the potential for spinal injury you should be Most concerned about

Internal hemorrhaging

Near-drowning is Most accurately defined as

recovery that last at least 24 hrs following submersion in water

The two goals to achieve when assessing a patients with behavioral emergency are to

Identify life-threats and reduce the stress of the situation

A patient experiencing status epilepticus

seizure lasting longer than 4-5 mins or consecutive seizures with no return of consciousness

AEMT training follows National EMS Standards as recommended by the

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

When assessing a patient with a grossly deformed humerus, you note that the pulse is absent and the extremity is becoming cyanotic. you should

use constant, gentle manual traction to align the humerus

A 50 year old female with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea complains of intense thirst and generalized weakness. Her B/P is 86/50 and her pulse is 130 beats per/min and thready. Which of the following interventions would Not be appropriate for her

Salt-containing solutions by mouth

Which of the following is a late sign of a tension pneumothorax

tracheal Deviation

Following a traumatic brain injury a pt presents with Cushing Triad, which consists of

increased B/P, decreased H/R, and irregular respirations

A pt in shock is experiencing tachycardia, among other signs. What physiologic response causes tachycardia during times of decreased perfusion?

Beta 1 receptor stimulation

Your Most immediate action when caring for a child who is experiencing a grand mal seizure should be to

Secure and protect the airway

During your initial attempt to control severe external bleeding from an extremity you should

apply direct pressure and elevate the extremity

Determining the mechanism of injury will contribute to your decision of whether you should

perform a rapid assessment or focused exam

Which of the following conditions would be LEAST likely to cause an alteration in behavior


a 22 year old female was involved in a traumatic incident. She is exhibiting signs of shock, but there are no obvious external signs of trauma. You should suspect bleeding within the

Abdominal cavity

A 69 year old female is found to be semiconscious, hypertensive, and bradypneic. You should

Assist ventilations and start an IV to KVO

The middle layer of the heart is called


Shortly after administering a second nitro dose to a 44 year old male with chest pain, he becomes lightheaded. You take his blood pressure and it reads 80/50. You should have already established IV access and are administering oxygen You should

Fluid Bolus and raise feet

Reconstituting a drug such as glucagon involves

mixing with water

When transporting a patient to the hospital you should

be safe, tx in shortest practical time

The ability to consciously flex a muscle in an extremity is a function of the

Skeletal muscle

Postpartum eclampsia is characterized by

sudden hypertension, proteinuria, edema and seizures

When you apply the AED pads to a woman in cardiac arrest, you note that she has a medication patch over the same area where one of the AED pads will be placed. You should

remove the patch and wipe away any medication residue and apply the AED pads

Which of the following are clinical indicators of respiratory failure

Lethargy & Bradypnea

a 77 year old man presents with hypertension, anuria, generalized edema and tachypnea. This clinical presentation is Most consistent with

acute renal failure

The primary muscle(s) of respiration is/are the

external intercostal muscles / diaphragm

Topographically the term distal means

Farther from the Trunk

The aortic valve

regulates blood flow from the L ventricle to the Aorta

The lower jawbone is called the


Blood enters the right atrium of the heart from the

superior and inferior vena cava

a 19 year old female presents with severe pain to the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. She is restless, tachypneic and tachycardic. When you inquire about her last menstrual period she tells you that it was approx. 2 months ago. You should suspect

ruptured ectopic pregnancy

According to Starlings Law of the heart

When the heart is stretched it contracts with greater force

Nitroglycerin relaxes vascular smooth muscle, dilates the coronary arteries and relieves cardiac chest pain. These properties of nitro are called

Therapeutic effects

Gestation refers to the process of

fetal development

An individual is considered to be hypothermic when his or her core body temperature falls below

35C or 95F

The purpose of a constricting band when starting an IV is to

increase venous pressure at the puncture site

The central nervous system (CNS) is

The Brain & Spinal cord

Osmosis is defined as the

Water moving from an area of low concentration across a semi-permeable membrane to an area of high concentration.

a 29 year old male was involved in a rollover MVA. The pt was removed from his vehicle prior to your arrival. during your general impression, you note that he is conscious, yelling in pain, and has actively bleeding open fracture of his leg. As your partner assumes manual stabilization of the pts head and communicates with him, you should

apply direct pressure to his leg

typical signs and symptoms of pneumonia include

Pleuritic chest pain, fever and ronchi
Dypnsea cough, Dark sputum

Cross contamination occurs when

a person is contaminated by an agent as a result of coming into contact with another contaminated person

When a section of the ribs has been fractured, the injured section falls during inspiration and bulges during expiration. This is called

paradoxical chest movement

The large opening at the base of the skull is called the

foreman magnum - this is where the brain connects to the spinal cord

Blood leaves the capillary beds and is returned to the right side of the heart by the

venules and veins

The movement of a solvent from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration is called


A male pt with a history of congestive heart failure presents orthopnea. This means that

the severity of his respiratory difficulty varies with position

in contrastt to the assessment of a trauma pt, assessment of a medical pt

is focused on the nature of illness, the pts chief complaint and his or her symptoms

The hearts natural pacemaker is not functioning properly

The AV node takes over at a 40 to 60 bpm.(nodal rhythm)
( SA Node) is not functioning properly and has developed an abnormally slow heart rate or rhythm or electrical pathways are blocked.

An allergic reaction is MOST accurately defined as a(an)

extreme allergic reaction that affects multiple body systems

As an AEMT which of the following medications would you be allowed to administer to a pt


A 40 year old male was in his woodworking shop when he felt sudden sharp pain in his left eye. Your assessment reveals a small splinter of wood embedded in his cornea. You should

cover both eyes and transport to the hospital

A breakable glass container that is designed to carry a single medication dose is called an


An infant born with a nuchal cord has

umbilical cord wrapped around the neck

The recognition by one state of another states EMS licensure is called


Approximately 25% of severe injuries to the aorta occur during

lateral collisions

In an attempt to kill herself a 56 year old female ingested a large quantity of Darvon. Your primary assessment reveals that she is semiconscious, has slow shallow respirations and a heart rate of 40 bpm. Further assessment reveals that her BP is80/50. initial management for this pt includes

Positive pressure ventilations with a BVM and 100% O2

a 34 year old female in her second trimester of pregnancy presents with a generalized motor seizure. Her husband tells you that her obstetrician recently diagnosed her with preeclampsia. you should

protect her airway from injury, maintain her airway and administer O2, and be prepared to suction her mouth

a 29 year old male has sustained a large laceration across the lower abdomen and has a loop of bowel protruding through the wound. You should

cover the wound with moist sterile dressings

During your assessment of a pt you note that he is bradycardic, hypotensive, and salivating. these clinical findings suggest

parasympathetic nervous system stimulation

The AEMT should be MOST suspicious of a Le Forte fracture if a pt who experienced massive blunt force trauma to the face presents with

separating facial fracture

What is the correct ratio of compressions to ventilations when performing 2 rescuer child CPR


a ph of 7.30 indicates


a 40 year old man with diabetes gas a blood glucose level of 38. However because he is unconscious and unable to swallow oral glucose the medication is


a 43 year old female is unconscious following an overdose of heroin. Her respirations are slow and shallow. Which of the following conditions will she initially develop if not treated?

Respiratory acidosis

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an ovum develops

outside of the uterus

Prior to applying a tourniquet to a profusely bleeding injury, you should take standard precautions and then

apply direct pressure

An intracerebral hematoma is the result of bleeding

within the skull

When treating a pt with a BP of 80/40 due to pump failure you should

give a 20 ml/kg crystalloid fluid bolus to improve perfusion

a 12 year old male jumped approx. 12' from a tree and landed on his feet. He complains of pain to his lower back. What injury mechanism is MOST likely responsible for his back pain

Energy transmission to the spine

When oxygen levels are low or absent the cells revert to a process of

anaerobic metabolism

You respond to the home of a 75 year old man who is in cardiac arrest. The family states that the pt is terminally ill and has an advanced directive, however they are unable to locate it. How should you manage this situation

Begin CPR and contact med control

You are dispatched to a local nightclub for a pt who has been stabbed. After arriving at the scene and ensuring you and your partners safety, you find the pt sitting on the ground. He is conscious screaming in pain and attempting to control the bright red blood that is spurting from his groin area. After taking standard precautions you should

Apply direct pressure to control bleeding

a61 year old female called EMS after suddenly being awakened in the middle of the night with a felling that she was smothering. You arrive to find the pt very apprehensive and restless sitting on the living room couch I obvious respiratory distress. Her BP is 160/90 pulse 110, and irregular, respirations 24 and labored. Auscultation of her lungs reveals diffuse rhonchi in all fields. treatment for this pt should include

continue positive airway pressure and an IV TKO

Which of the following statements regarding the umbilical cord is correct

It contains one vein and two arteries

When evaluating a woman in labor who is gravida 5 and para 4 you should

expect a relatively short second stage of labor

a 29 year old male has an anterior nosebleed after he was accidently elbowed in the nose. He is conscious and alert with adequate breathing. The MOST appropriate care for this pt includes

leaning him forward and pinching his nostrils together

The concept of standard precautions assumes that

every pt is potentially infected or can spread an organism that could be transmitted in the health care setting

Kussmaul respirations indicate that the respiratory system is

excreting Ketones from the blood

a 55 year old male fell from the roof of his house and sustained a closed , displaced femur fracture. He is restless. diaphoretic and tachycardic. After appropriately managing his ABC's and performing a rapid head to toe assessment you should

immobilize him on a long board, transport and start a large bore IV enroute

The upper section of the sternum is called the

manubrum sterni

An agonistic drug is defined as on that

binds to a receptor site and stimulates a response

Decrease in the size of a muscle and its inherent ability to function is called

loss of muscle nervous supply

a 67 year old male complains of burning sensation in his abdomen and hematemesis. During your assessment you note pain to palpation of his left upper quadrant, his vital sign are suggestive of shock. Which of the following conditions should you suspect

Bleeding peptic ulcer

While caring for a 40 year old male with shortness of breath and a history of tuberculosis the AEMT should place a

HEPA respirator on himself and a NRB on the pt

a 60 year old male is found top be unresponsive, pulseless and apneic. You should

Begin CPR until an AED is available

Approximately 1 week following her menstrual period a 33 yr old female complains od bilateral lower abdominal quadrant pain, vaginal discharge and fever. This clinical presentation is MOST consistent with

PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

The axial skeleton is composed of

80 bones / Skull , Face, Thorax, Vertebral column

The process of moving air in and out of the lungs is called

ventilation / breathing

For consent to be informed the AEMT must

explain the risks & benefits of treatment

Which of the following techniques is appropriate when cannula ting a vein

Apply traction to the vein and insert the needle with the bevel side up at a 45 degree angle

You respond to a call for an older woman who has fallen. upon arrival at the scene you assess the pt who is responsive and alert to person, place, time and event. She states that she does not want to go to the hospital; her son requests that you take her. What should you do

Ensure the pt is fully aware of the consequences of refusing treatment

You are assessing a 59 yr old male with altered mental status. You should suspect an acute ischemic stroke versus hypoglycemia if the pt

attempts to communicate with you

A young female is found floating face down in a lake. There were no witnesses to the event. Prior to removing her from the water you must first

rotate the pt into a supine position and protect her spine

Common physical signs and symptoms of agitated delirium include

diaphoresis, tachycardia and hallucinations

Following the administration of one tube of oral glucose your 20 yr old female pts condition markedly improves. You should

Tx to hospital reassess blood sugar enroute

The term anemia is defined as

deficiency of red blood cells

The movement of a substance against a concentration or gradient such as the cell membrane is called

active transport

Compartment syndrome is caused by

excessive pressure builds up in the enclosed space of the body ( increased pressure in the fascial compartment)

Compared to the frontal region of the skull the occiput is


On which of the following injuries would it be MOST appropriate to apply a traction splint

swelling & ecchymosis to the mid-shaft femur

A weapon of Mass destruction (WMD) is MOST accurately defined as

any agent used to bring about mass death, casualties or massive infrastructural damage

A 25 yr old male experienced blunt abdominal trauma and is developing shock. Which of the following signs would you expect to manifest LATE?

Blood Pressure Loss

A fracture of the orbital bone is commonly referred to as a

eye socket fracture

If a pt is hemorrhaging he/she is


You are assessing a 45 yr old male who experienced a syncopal episode. He is conscious and alert and complains only of slight weakness. he denies any medical problems or drug allergies. His BP is 140/90, HR 40, and resp 22. What is the MOST likely cause of this pts syncopal episode

Acute Bradycardia

If too much water enters a cell during osmosis it will burst. This process is called


When assessing a 30 yr old female in her second trimester of pregnancy the MOST important clinical sign of preeclampsia for the AEMT to recognize


a 60 yr old female is in possible cardiogenic shock. She is semiconscious with shallow respirations, an irregular pulse and hypotension. Appropriate treatment for this pt should include

Assisted ventilation w/BVM device, thermal management, 20 ml/kg fluid bolus & tx

a 29 yr old female in her second trimester pf pregnancy is found semiconscious by her sister. The pt is diaphoretic and breathing shallowly at a rate of 28 bpm. Her blood glucose level reads 40. You should

Assist ventilations, start an IV of NS and give 25g of dextrose slowly

Gastric distension will MOST likely occur

if you ventilate a pt too fast

In addition to providing the framework for the human body, bone also

produce blood cells in the marrow

End tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO@), monitoring is clearly indicated for pts who present with

respiratory distress

You are dispatched for an elderly male with dyspnea. When you arrive you find the pt sitting in a chair. He is semiconscious and unable to effectively communicate with you. As you perform a primary assessment, your partner applies 100% O2 and a pulse oximeter which read 85%. The MOST reliable indicator of cerebral hypoxia in this pt is his

Mental status alteration

which of the following statements regarding shock in a pediatric pt is correct

They compensate well

Compared to classic heatstroke, exertional heatstroke commonly presents with

Heatstroke - lack of sweating
Exertional - after exercise (headache, seizure, collapse)

Cardiopulmanary arrest in infants and children is MOST often the result of

respiratory arrest

A 27 yr old male complains of an acute onset of abdominal pain. he is found curled in a fetal position with his right knee drawn up into his abdomen. This position is MOST commonly seen in pts with acute


The normal ph of the human body ranges from

7.35 - 7.45

a 19 yr old male sustained major head trauma following a motorcycle crash. During your assessment, you note the presence of blood draining from his left ear. What is the MOST important reason for not attempting to control the flow of this bleeding?

An acute increase in intracranial pressure may occur

a 70 yr ol male with a history of esophageal cancer is un responsive with slow, shallow respirations. Appropriate airway management for this pt includes

inserting an oral airway, and ventilating with a BVM

a 6 yr old unresponsive male presents with respiratory distress, profound cyanosis and a weak heart rate of 7- bpm. You should

Assist ventilations with 100% oxygen

Hypoxia is a condition in which

Prolonged hypoxia can turn into respiratory arrest.
Symptoms - cyanosis, altered mental status, SOB, grayish skin tone

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Which of the following are clinical indicators of type I respiratory failure quizlet?

Clinical indicators of respiratory failure include pulse oximetry of less than 91% on room air, PaO2 level less than 60 mmHg, and a pCO2 level of over 50 mmHg.

Which clinical signs are associated with respiratory distress syndrome?

Signs of Respiratory Distress.
Breathing rate. An increase in the number of breaths per minute may mean that a person is having trouble breathing or not getting enough oxygen..
Color changes. ... .
Grunting. ... .
Nose flaring. ... .
Retractions. ... .
Sweating. ... .
Wheezing. ... .
Body position..

Which of the following signs is indicative of respiratory distress in infants quizlet?

Expiratory grunting, nasal flaring, substernal retractions, cyanosis in hands feet and around her mouth. These signs and symptoms are indicative of RDS.

Which of the following can cause respiratory depression quizlet?

Which of the following can cause respiratory depression? End-stage COPD changes the stimulus to breathe from high carbon dioxide levels to low oxygen levels, causing breathing to become depressed when oxygen is administered.


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