Which of the following are the five aspects of the skin that the nurse assesses during a routine examination?

Which is a normal finding on auscultation of the lungs?

1. Tympany over the right upper lobe.

2. Resonance over the left upper lobe.

3. Hyperresonance over the left lower lobe.

4. Dullness above the left 10th intercostal space.

2. Resonance over the left upper lobe.

The nurse positions the client sitting upright during palpation of which area?

1. Abdomen

2. Genitals

3. Breast

4. Head and neck

4. Head and neck

After auscultating the abdomen, the nurse should report which finding to the primary care provider?

1. Bruit over the aorta.

2. Absence of bowel sounds for 60 seconds.

3. Continuous bowel sounds over the ileocecal valve.

4. A completely irregular pattern of bowel sounds.

1. Bruit over the aorta.

If unable to locate the client's popliteal pulse during a routine examination, what should the nurse perform next?

1. Check for a pedal pulse.

2. Check for a femoral pulse.

3. Take the client's blood pressure on that thigh.

4. Ask another nurse to try to locate the pulse

1. Check for a pedal pulse.

Which of the following is an expected finding during assessment of the older adult?

1. Facial hair becomes finer and softer.

2. Decreased peripheral, color, and night vision.

3. Increased sensitivity to odors.

4. Respiratory rate and rhythm are irregular at rest.

2. Decreased peripheral, color, and night vision.

List five aspects of the skin that the nurse assesses during a routine examination.

1. Moisture

2. Temperature

3. Texture

4. Turgor

5. Vascularity

If the client reports loss of short-term memory, the nurse would assess this using which one of the following?

1. Have the client repeat a series of three numbers, increasing to eight if possible.

2. Have the client describe his or her childhood illnesses.

3. Ask the client to describe how he or she arrived at this location.

4. Ask the client to count backwards from 100 subtracting seven each time.

3. Ask the client to describe how he or she arrived at this location.

To palpate lymph nodes, the nurse uses which technique?

1. Use the flat of all four fingers in a vertical and then side-to-side motion.

2. Use the back of the hand and feel for temperature
variation between the right and left sides.

3. Use the pads of two fingers in a circular motion.

4. Compress the nodes between the index fingers of both hands.

3. Use the pads of two fingers in a circular motion.

For a client whose assessment of the musculoskeletal system is normal, which does the nurse check on the medical record? (Select all that apply.)

1. equal
2. atrophied
3. symmetrical
4. flaccid
5. firm
6. contractured
7. hypertrophied
8. crepitation
9. spastic
10. tremor

1. equal

3. symmetrical

5. firm

Which technique would the nurse use to assess the elasticity of the patient's skin?

Light palpation Assess for texture, tenderness, temperature, moisture, elasticity, pulsations, and masses.

Which of the following can a nurse assess by palpation?

Palpation allows nurses to assess for texture, tenderness, temperature, moisture, pulsations and the presence of masses.

When assessing the temperature of the skin on a body part the nurse uses which part of the hand?

Use the dorsal surface of your own hands (i.e., the back of the hands), to assess the temperature of a surface (e.g., skin). For example, findings may include “warm skin temperature on arms, equal bilaterally.” Your fingertips are densely innervated and therefore sensitive to tactile discrimination.

Which assessment technique would the nurse use to examine a patient's musculoskeletal system?

The techniques for the assessment of the musculoskeletal system are inspection, palpation, and observing the range of motion of the joints.


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