Which of the following best explains how a wheat farmer in the northern plains region of the United States is able to maximize profits?

Plantations and farm forestry present an opportunity to increase Australia’s long-term wood supply while contributing significant social, economic and environmental benefits to regional Australia. The links from this page will help you find out more about Australia's plantations and how to get involved in farm forestry.


Increasing the plantation timber resource to expand Australia's forest industries and offset the reduced access to native forest resource is a key forest policy objective of the National Fo rest Policy Statement, Regional Forest Agreements and National Forest Industries Plan.

The overarching principle of the National Forest Industries Plan is to provide a vision for Australia's forestry industry and supports the sustainable forest industries as long-term growth engines for regional Australia. This is to be achieved through a notional target of the planting of a billion new plantations trees over the next decade.

Plantations produce over 85% of the 32.9 million cubic metres of logs harvested in Australia on average each year. The majority of plantation logs are derived from softwood plantations (61%) compared to hardwood plantations (39%).

Australia’s plantation processing industry comprises a number of large, internationally competitive companies. In recent years the plantation processing sector has invested heavily in the development of modern efficient sawmills, reconstituted and engineered wood production facilities and best practice pulp mills. Continued development of plantations is necessary to support further investment in the plantation processing sector. This investment will assist in developing new export and value-adding industries, and contribute to regional economic development.

Plantations also offer important environmental benefits. Plantations, strategically placed in the landscape, are recognised for their importance for sustainable production and improved soil, water quality and salinity mitigation, carbon and biodiversity benefits. There is a substantial body of scientific and policy activity through major Australian Government programs that recognise, promote and evaluate the opportunities to achieve multiple objectives through revegetation and plantations. Key research in this area has been undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) and Forest and Wood Products Australia.

ABARES produces several publications on Australia's plantations which can be found on their publications webpage.

Farm forestry

Farm forestry means different things to different people. Essentially however, it is the incorporation of commercial tree growing into farming systems. It can take many forms, including timber belts, alleys and widespread tree plantings. Farm forestry can provide farmers with an alternative source of income. It can improve agricultural production by providing shelter for stock and crops and can provide substantial environmental benefits such as salinity control.

Farmers now have more options for diversifying their income through farm forestry, such as capitalising on the demand for wood and wood products and the ability to participate in carbon markets. These changes are improving opportunities for farm forestry and increasing interest in combining tree growing and traditional farming activities.

Farm Forestry: Growing Together

The Australian Government’s Farm Forestry: Growing Together Plan recognises the new opportunities and provides practical information and resources for farmers looking to invest in farm forestry.

With our new plan we have responded to calls for more practical information and resources about farm forestry. We have also demonstrated how all levels of government can support farm forestry with measures that meet the needs of landholders.

The plan outlines what the Australian Government has done to support farm forestry including:

  • removing barriers that restricted participation in the Emission Reductions Fund
  • providing support for new plantation establishment
  • supporting 11 Regional Forestry Hubs and the Forest and Wood Products Association to provide the tools and resources needed by farmers to understand how farm forestry can work for them.

The plan has been developed following consultation with industry, and the community. To find out more about our consultation process visit our Have Your Say website.

Industry, including National Farmers Federation and forestry industries recognise that farm forestry can supplement existing agricultural activities, be an important part of our farming future and an important part of growing our wood resources.

The new Farm Forestry: Growing Together Plan supports the previous Farm Forestry National Action Statement (NAS), which outlined the objectives and actions agreed by the Australian, state and territory governments and the forest and wood products industry to develop farm forestry. The NAS was endorsed by the Natural Resource Management and Primary Industries Ministerial Councils in August 2005.


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Terms in this set [156]

The images show examples of agricultural technology developed during different time periods. Which of the following statements is best supported by the images?

Image 2 shows an innovation that occurred in the Second Agricultural Revolution, reducing the amount of labor needed and increasing crop yields.

Tractors with internal combustion engines with aerator and planter attachments, as shown in image 2, were developed in the Second Agricultural Revolution. This type of technology increased yields and allowed farms to operate with fewer laborers.

Which of the following correctly compares the significance of the different technologies shown in the images?

Invention of the plow eased the intensive use of labor, and the innovation of mechanized farm equipment led to improved food production.

Image 1 shows technology improvements of the First Agricultural Revolution, and image 2 shows technology improvements of the Second Agriculture Revolution. Both resulted in improved food production, better diet, and longer life expectancy at the time.

Which of the following best explains the spatial patterns illustrated in von Thünen's model?

Labor-intensive farming of vegetables is done in small-scale plots in market gardens, while extensive grain crops are grown in large-scale fields far from the market town.

Which of the following best explains why in the model the amount of land used for dairying is much smaller than the pasture used for beef cattle?

Dairy cows must be kept close to farmhouses, as they require daily milking, and milk must be produced close to consumers, as it is highly perishable.

A typical grocery store in the United States may sell oranges grown primarily in California during part of the year and oranges grown primarily in South Africa during a different part of the year. Which of the following explains why oranges are available year-round in the United States?

Grocery stores sell oranges that are grown in locations with similar climates but different growing seasons.

Which of the following best explains the significance of a similarity among locations where olives, figs, grapes and lemons are grown?

Intensive agriculture is practiced in a Mediterranean climate.

Crops such as rice, yams, okra, and plantains are typical of a_______________ which is found in countries such as ________

tropical wet and dry climate,

Which of the following best explains the significance of similarities between the farming practices for apple orchards and grape vineyards?

Both farming practices require considerable labor input because the fruit is picked by hand, making it a product of intensive agriculture.

Neither ___________________ is considered plantation agriculture. Both crops require intensive agriculture practices and large inputs of labor.

Apple orchards and grape vineyards

Agricultural settlement patterns are partly determined by the survey system used to organize landownership. Which of the following best describes the survey methods used to delineate agricultural land and the associated settlement patterns shown in the two images?

The first image shows a long-lot survey method with a linear settlement pattern, and the second image shows a metes-and- bounds survey method with a dispersed settlement pattern

Which of the following best describes the settlement patterns shown in the images?

The long-lot system results in population clustered along a waterway, whereas the metes-and-bounds system results in a random, dispersed population pattern.

The long-lot survey system is centered on a ____________ to maximize settlers' access to the waterway.


The metes-and-bounds system is more __________, with settlements located in a more _____________ pattern across land parcels.


Which of the following best describes the survey system used in both locations shown?

Township and range: unit-block field patterns with dispersed farmsteads and occasional villages

Irregular field patterns with ____________ are typical of the metes-and-bounds survey system used in the eastern United States.

Clusters of farm Holdings

The township-and-range systems system surveys lands to be a ____________________ pattern and results in scattered or dispersed farmsteads with occasional villages.

Grid or true square

Which of the following correctly explains the relationship between wheat and its early hearth of domestication?

Wheat was first domesticated in Mesopotamia because of a favorable climate and a great diversity of wild grains that led to crossbreeding of seeds.

______________ was likely first domesticated in the foothills of the Himalayas, where the climate is unclassified highland and dry, not tropical.


Which of the following scenarios best explains the Columbian Exchange?

Domesticated animals such as cattle, horses, pigs, and chickens were introduced to the Americas by European colonizers. Prior to this, very few animals had been domesticated in the Americas.

The most significant impact of disease was on ____________________which was decimated by the introduction of European diseases.

the indigenous population of the Americas,

Which of the following explains the prevalence of banana plantations in Central America?

Banana plants were brought to Central America from Southeast Asia to be grown closer to markets in the United States and Canada.

Bananas were first domesticated in __________and diffused to _______________ during the 1800s to be grown closer to consumer markets in the United States and Canada.

South east Asia
Central America

The images shown illustrate the differences in scale of production for two methods of producing thread. Which of the following best describes advances in the production of textiles during the Second Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

The conversion from manual thread spinning to an industrial processing approach led to increased demand for raw cotton in the agricultural sector.

Industrialization prompted an increase in

Thread production

The conversion from manual thread spinning to an industrial processing approach led to increased demand for

raw cotton in the agricultural sector.

The Green Revolution led to an increase in food production in many places around the world, but there have been some negative consequences. Which of the following explains one of the negative consequences of the Green Revolution that would be of greater concern for people in developing countries than for people in more-developed countries?

Runoff of agricultural chemicals into the local groundwater that pollutes water resources

People in________________ countries are more likely to use groundwater directly for drinking, whereas in___________ countries, water is treated before drinking. Contamination of groundwater used for drinking is a negative consequence of the Green Revolution in less-developed countries.

rural areas of less-developed
urban areas and more-developed

Which of the following best explains a negative economic consequence of the Green Revolution in less developed countries as compared to more developed countries

Because of the increased capital investment required to produce new crop varieties using technology that was pioneered in more developed countries, there was an increase in wealth disparity in many farming communities in less developed countries.

The Green Revolution was characterized by_________

increased crop specialization,

Increased crop specialization

meaning that farmers were more likely to grow single crops on larger plots of land.

While the Green Revolution did increase production costs, this increase was caused by the use of

mechanization, irrigation, and fertilizer.

The Green Revolution resulted in increased _______________countries to______________.

agricultural exports from less developed
more developed countries

there was an increase in_______________ where Green Revolution crops were introduced.

wealth disparity in may less developed countries

Which of the following best compares a technological consequence of the Green Revolution in more developed and less developed countries?

Farmers in less developed countries were able to increase their profits from growing and exporting high-yield grain to levels similar to those in more developed countries.

Organic farming is not associated with the

Green revolution

Organic farming

is a movement related to sustainability, with limits on chemical fertilizers and genetically modified seeds.

The high-yield grain produced during the _______ provided farmers in less developed countries with dramatic surpluses that were then sold at a profit.

Green revolution

Which of the following best explains how a wheat farmer in the Northern Plains region of the United States is able to maximize profits?

Grain farming is an extensive farming practice that can maximize profits in part by lower land costs, lower transportation costs, and imperishability of the product.

Grain farming is an __________agricultural practice.


,purchasing small plots of land will not_________________ even when the land is located further away from a market area and thus less expensive.

maximize efficiency

Based on the map above, which of the following best explains the production of lettuce in the United States?

Lettuce production in the United States is an example of commercial farming. Most lettuce is produced, processed, and packaged for sale in supermarkets that are a significant distance from where the product was grown.

In the United States, large-scale commercial lettuce production is primarily limited to

year-round farming locations with irrigated farmland.

Lettuce is usually transported

significant distances from where it is produced.

Which of the following best explains the farming practice related to plantation agriculture?

Plantation farming is considered to be an intensive farming practice because it requires large inputs of labor and capital to produce the crop.

Plantation farming is________________ on near-market locations

not dependent

many plantation crops like tea, coffee, and cocoa are

relatively inexpensive to transport and can locate far from markets.

Plantation farming is considered to be an intensive farming practice because

it requires large inputs of labor and capital to produce the crop

Which of the following explains an economic benefit of cattle production using feedlots rather than grass pastures?

Agricultural technology has increased the economy of scale and the carrying capacity of feedlots, increasing profits for the farmer.

On average a cow requires

1.5 to 2.0 acres for grazing [depending on the climate and productivity of the pasture].

cattle raised in feedlots are corralled in small areas and provided feed, raising the

carrying capacity of the land and improving the economy of scale.

What gives grassland a low carrying capacity

a cow requires 1.5 to 2.0 acres for grazing

Since the mid-twentieth century, wheat production has risen dramatically in some regions of the world but not others, which may increase the uneven development among countries. Which statement best explains the increase in wheat production in Europe and the United States compared to sub-Saharan Africa?

Farmers in Europe and the United States use high-yield seeds and other technology but farmers in sub-Saharan Africa depend on low levels of mechanization and non-genetically modified seeds.

What are the two types of wheat

Spring wheat and winter wheat

The two types of wheat

are not grown in the same areas and do not respond well to double-cropping schemes.

Wheat production increased in developed regions of the world because

farmers can afford high-yield seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, and irrigation technology needed to produce higher yields.

Wheat production increased in developed regions of the world because farmers can afford

high-yield seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, and irrigation technology needed to produce higher yields.

More developed countries tend to have greater access to agricultural technology and government-supported loans used to purchase computerized farm equipment. Which of the following best explains the significance of access to these resources?

Government financing and improved technology lead to larger economies of scale and improved efficiency.

Farm loans and agricultural subsidy programs available in more developed countries make large amounts of money available to

farmers who can purchase or lease larger farm vehicles and high-technology equipment.

Based on von Thünen's model of rural land use, which of the following explains the location of agricultural practice A or B relative to the market?

Practice A represents intensive land use, requires a smaller parcel of land, and can afford higher land costs found closer to the market.

According to von Thünen's model, market gardening is practiced

closer to the market and ranching is practiced farther from the market.

Intensive farming can be on a

Small parcel of land

intensive and thus can accommodate

higher land costs closer to markets much better

Vegetable gardening is


Ranching is


Which of the following best explains patterns of subsistence and commercial agriculture in West African countries such as Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire?

While some farmers are engaged in subsistence agriculture practices, there is significant commercial farming focused on luxury goods for export, such as coffee and cocoa.

Only about 20 percent of the people in West African countries are employed in_________________,

commercial agriculture

agriculturalists in West African countries such as Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire,

produce and export luxury crops such as coffee and cocoa.

West African countries

Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire

Agriculture is practiced at the local scale, and agricultural yields are measured at the national scale. Which of the following best explains why the concept of the global system of agriculture is helpful to geographers?

The concept helps geographers simplify and visualize a vast and complicated global supply chain.

Environmental effects do influence the

global food supply chain, but the concept is not related to the environmental effects of

In 2017, the United States exported approximately $500 million of beef to Mexico, and Mexico exported approximately $500 million of beef to the United States. Which of the following best explains this international supply chain?

United States and Mexican producers rely on each other's market to sell certain beef products.

certain agricultural products may be preferred from certain origins, such as

well-known specialty beef such as Kobe or Wagyu from Japan.

United States exported approximately $500 million of beef to Mexico, and Mexico exported approximately $500 million of beef to the United States.

This interdependence of commodity chains between the United States and Mexico exists because each country depends of the other's market to sell certain cuts of meat.

Commercial agriculture in dry climates relies heavily on irrigation. Which of the following best explains an environmental concern that results from irrigation in arid regions?

The soil will have increased salinity, leading to soil erosion and reduced nutrients in the soil for plant health.

As the water evaporates in the arid climate, it leaves behind

salts that build up over time and may lead to erosion and a decline in soil nutrients.

Slash-and-burn cultivation is an agricultural practice used by subsistence farmers in tropical forest areas. Which of the following best explains an environmental effect of this practice?

Air pollution and long-term land-cover change are side effects of slash-and-burn agriculture that have a long-ranging effect on a broader region.

The benefits to the tropical soils are

Short term

The benefits to the tropical soils are short term, and, in some cases, the soil is

irrevocably damaged by the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture.

The environmental side effects of slash-and-burn agriculture have been documented by

environmental scientists

Which of the following best explains how irrigated commercial agriculture in arid environments creates both environmental opportunities and challenges?

Irrigation increases production but potentially depletes water resources.

Irrigated farmland in arid landscapes allows farmland to exist in

places it would not normally exist.

Irrigated farmland in ______________ allows farmland to exist in places it would not normally exist.

arid landscapes

Irrigated farmland in arid landscapes causes

water supplies in both surface water and groundwater are often limited in such places and are at risk for overconsumption.

Which of the following statements best explains fair trade agriculture as shown for the products on the map?

A system where consumers in mostly more developed countries purchase goods from producers mainly in less developed countries, with the intent to reduce the disparity in income between different regions

Most other sales flow is from

products in the developing world to more developed countries.

Guaranteeing a living wage, sufficient to pay the costs of production plus a small profit for farmers, is a belief of

Fair trade agriculture

The two images each show a different form of beef production. Which of the following statements explains a primary difference between the agricultural practices?

Image 1 shows traditional beef production, which has regained popularity because of perceived environmental and ethical benefits compared to the beef production shown in Image 2.

Consumers in developed countries have started to seek out traditionally grown pasture-raised or grass-fed beef and dairy products, even though

they are less efficient to produce and more expensive at the market.

Consumers in developed countries have started to seek out ______________________even though they are less efficient to produce and more expensive at the market.

traditionally grown pasture-raised or grass-fed beef and dairy products,

Consumers seek out beef raised according to more traditional methods based on perceptions that

these traditional methods can allow for more ethical treatment of animals, as well as being more environmentally friendly.

The two images show an agricultural transition that occurred in the twentieth century. Which of the following best explains how this transition helped meet a challenge of contemporary agriculture?

The increased crop yield produced more food for a growing global urban and industrial population.

Mechanization increased outputs to produce

more food and meet the needs of the world's increasingly urbanized population.

Using the data shown, which of the following best explains the spatial variations of rural women's roles in food production and food preparation?

In less developed countries, females and males tend to participate equally in harvesting and preparation tasks.

While males have gradually taken on more household responsibilities, including food preparation, in more developed countries, females still tend

to be responsible for more food preparation.

Which of the following best explains the differences between countries with higher and lower percentages of women working in agriculture?

Countries with large percentages of female employment in agriculture tend to be mostly rural and are reliant on subsistence agriculture.

The large amount of mechanized, commercial agriculture in the Western Hemisphere means

fewer people work as farmers, but production meets and/or exceeds demand.

Women in less developed countries are needed to work in

Subsistence agriculture

Which of the following explains a reason why education and employment rates for women are lower in less developed compared to more developed countries?

Females take primary responsibility for harvesting and cooking food in less developed countries.

In rural farming areas in less developed countries, females assume responsibility for

harvesting and food preparation.

females assuming responsibility for harvesting and food preparation in less developed countries

can limit a woman's ability to go to school or enter the workforce.

In North America, which of the following frequently consumed items is most likely to be supplied by a trans-national corporation?


Dramatic increases in global grain production since 1950 have been made possible by

an increase in the use of energy and technology

Which of the following agricultural practices has the most significant long-term environmental impact in tropical regions?

Burning extensive areas of forested land to create pasture, which decreases biodiversity

The practice of moving livestock to higher pastures does not lead to

soil degradation

Burning extensive areas of forested land for pasture will have a more

significant long-term environmental impact.

Which of the following best explains the potential impact of rising global temperatures on agricultural regions?

The wheat belt will shift northward.

As temperatures rise,

growing seasons will lengthen,

As growing seasons will lengthen, the wheat belt will move

northward in the northern regions of the world.

Which of the following best explains why farmers would plant both strawberries and watermelons in the same field?

Limited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields.

Production of agricultural products destined primarily for direct consumption by the producer rather than for market is called

subsistence agriculture

Production of agricultural products destined primarily for direct consumption by the producer rather than for market is called

Limited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields.

Production of agricultural products destined primarily for direct consumption by the producer rather than for market is called

subsistence agriculture

Which of the following best explains the importance of climate to agricultural practices?

Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China.

Agricultural crops have adapted to specific climates and, with the exception of the _________________, are successful in most climate areas.

Polar regions

Agricultural crops have adapted to specific climates and are

successful in most climate areas.

Midlatitude climates tend to support

similar agricultural crops and practices.

Agriculture practiced in California differs from forms practiced in other Mediterranean agricultural regions because in California

farms use more irrigation

Corn [maize] was first domesticated in

Central Mexico

Which of the following explains why multiple early hearths of domestication and diffusion of plants and animals arose across the world in Central America, the Fertile Crescent, the Indus River valley, and Southeast Asia?

Domestication of plants and animals evolved in each hearth independently of one another as societies in each area learned and applied the process to local plants and animals.

Domestication of plants and animals did not diffuse from

Central America to other hearths by explorers

plants and animals were domesticated in each hearth

independent from influence of other hearths

In less developed countries, pesticides are typically applied by hand, whereas pesticides are typically applied by tractors or aircraft in more developed countries. Which of the following best explains the risks associated with pesticide applications?

Farmers' health is at risk in less developed countries, whereas environmental pollution is a risk in more developed countries.

__________ are not at risk for pesticides, nor is environmental pollution a primary risk in less developed countries.


In a country with a lower level of economic development pesticides would be applied by

human labor putting the farmer and farm workers at risk.

Green Revolution technology has resulted in which of the following in modern

The development of high-yield grains and the expansion of cultivated areas

Why have many family farms in North America been replaced by agribusiness farms since the 1980s?

Agribusiness farms have the resources to take advantage of economies of scale.

Large agribusiness farms are generally better able to invest resources in

technology such as computerized farm equipment.

As farm size increases,

the average cost per unit of production generally decreases.

As farm size increases, the average cost per unit of production generally decreases.

allows agribusiness farms to take advantage of economies of scale.

The two images show different agricultural methods. In the context of the Second Agricultural Revolution, which of the following trends is represented in these images?

The mechanization of farming in the Second Agricultural Revolution resulted in more reliable crop harvests and healthier populations in areas where the mechanization was adopted.

More reliable crop harvests were one of the significant byproducts of

the mechanization of farmin

More reliable crop harvests were one of the significant byproducts of the mechanization of farming,

leading to healthier populations during the Second Agricultural Revolution.

The mechanization of farming resulted in

more reliable crop harvests and healthier populations.

Which of the following is a characteristic of shifting cultivation?


Which of the following is an explanation for the similar impact of large-scale commercial agriculture in developed countries and plantation agriculture in developing countries?

Both farming practices involve the consolidation of family farms and displacement of rural communities.

It is difficult for small-scale family farmers to compete with

large-scale commercial farms or plantations.

Small-scale farmers often lose their land or sell it to

large corporations or plantation owners, prompting small-scale farmers to relocate.

The displacement of small scale farms impacts

Rural communities including workers who supported family farms.

Which of the following explains the role of commodity chains in the average size of farms?

Commodity chains have led to changes in the spatial organization of agriculture from dispersed family farms to large corporate farms that produce, process, and distribute the products.

The increase in the size of farms from small family farms to large corporate enterprises has resulted in

changes to the spatial organization of agriculture

the loss of the smaller farms leads to the loss of

the supporting establishments in the agricultural towns, as corporate farms are part of extended commodity chains.

Which of the following is a subsistence crop?


The clearing of tropical rain forest for agriculture frequently results in

Shift to animal raising

Von Thünen emphasized which of the following factors in his model of agricultural land use?

Transportation cost

Nomadic pastoralism is an extensive agricultural system practiced

Dry regions of Africa and Asia

Which of the following best explains the diffusion of plants and animals from their hearths of domestication?

Both domesticated plants and animals spread across the globe through contagious diffusion in early years by farmers and traders, and later by relocation diffusion through European exploration and colonialism.

Early diffusion occurred throughout the regions of domestication where climate and physical landscape were

similar but not exactly the same.

Plants were able to adapt relatively _______ to different soil types through agricultural techniques used by early farmers.


Domesticated plants and animals spread across the globe through

contagious diffusion.

Which of the following explains the diffusion and successful cultivation of many plants and animals in new regions of the world through the Columbian Exchange?

The plants and animals diffused to a region with climate and geography similar to that of their point of domestication.

During the Colombian exchange The plants and animals traveled

great distances away from their hearths during their trade and exchange and were successful in their new regions owing to similarities in climate and geography.

Which of the following spatial patterns is best explained by bid-rent theory?

Concentric rings of different agricultural activities surrounding a city in the midwestern United States

Market gardens and dairies are located closest to the city, surrounded by

zones of field crops and ranches farther from the city center.

The bid rent theory patterns can be explained by

land prices and transportation costs,

Which of the following explains an impact of globalized agricultural commodity chains on consumers as compared to producers?

Drought and depletion of groundwater sources in developing countries cause a rise in global grain prices and associated higher costs for food.

Factors such as drought and depletion of groundwater sources that affect food production in different regions of the world

affect and create higher costs to consumers globally.

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Which of the following explains an impact of globalized agricultural commodity chains on consumers as compared to producers? Drought and depletion of groundwater sources in developing countries cause a rise in global grain prices and associated higher costs for food.

Which of the following best explains the importance of climate to agricultural practices? Midlatitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the United States and China.

Which of the following is an explanation for the similar impact of large-scale commercial agriculture in developed countries and plantation agriculture in developing countries? Both farming practices involve the consolidation of family farms and displacement of rural communities.

Which of the following best explains the economic advantage of the type of farm-produced goods shown in the images? Compared to plain milk or fresh fruit, these value-added agricultural goods significantly increase the price of the farm products sold and increase earnings for farmers.

Which of the following correctly explains the relationship between wheat and its early hearth of domestication?

Which of the following correctly explains the relationship between wheat and its early hearth of domestication? Wheat was first domesticated in Mesopotamia because of a favorable climate and a great diversity of wild grains that led to crossbreeding of seeds.

Which of the following best explains the economic advantage of the type of farm produced goods shown in the images?

Which of the following best explains the economic advantage of the type of farm-produced goods shown in the images? Compared to plain milk or fresh fruit, these value-added agricultural goods significantly increase the price of the farm products sold and increase earnings for farmers.

Which of the following contributed to the increased emphasis on economies of scale in farming?

Agricultural technology has increased the economy of scale and the carrying capacity of grass pastures, increasing profits for the farmer. Agricultural settlement patterns are partly determined by the survey system used to organize landownership.

Which of the following best compares a technological consequence of the Green Revolution in more developed and less developed countries?

Which of the following best compares a technological consequence of the Green Revolution in more developed and less developed countries? Farmers in less developed countries were able to increase their profits from growing and exporting high-yield grain to levels similar to those in more developed countries.


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