Which of the following concepts refers to prejudice and discrimination directed against the elderly?

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Terms in this set (26)

Activity theory

the view that satisfaction during old age is related to a person's amount and quality of activity

Age cohort

people born at roughly the same time who pass through the life course together


prejudice and discrimination directed against people because of their age; can be directed against any age group, including youth

Continuity theory

focuses on how the elderly continue ties with their past

Disengagement theory

the view that society is stabilized by having the elderly retire from their positions of responsibility so the younger generation can step into their shoes


the view that biology is not destiny and that stratification by gender is wrong and should be resisted


the behaviors and attitudes a group considers proper for its males and females

Gender age

the relative value placed on men's and women's ages

Gender stratification

males' and females' unequal access to property, power, and prestige

Glass ceiling

the mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels at work

Graying of America

the growing percentage of older people in the US population

Life expectancy

the number of years that people can expect to live

Life span

the maximum length of life possible


a society in which men as a group dominate


biological characteristics that distinguish females and males, consisting of primary and secondary sex characteristics

Sexual harassment

unwelcome sexual attention at work or at school, which may affect job or school performance or create a hostile environment

Robert Butler

coined the term "ageism" to refer to prejudice, discrimination, and hostility directed against people because of their age

Janet Chafetz

studied the second wave of feminism in the 1960s, noting that as large numbers of women began to work in the economy, they began to compare their working conditions with those of men

Elaine Cumming and William Henry

these two developed disengagement theory to explain how society prevents disruption when the elderly vacate their positions of responsibility

Sue Fisher

discovered that surgeons were recommending total hysterectomies to female patients when they were not necessary

Charles Hart

this anthropologist graduate student carried out research on the Tiwi, a gerontocracy

Alison Jaggar

observed that as society changes, we may see a greater appreciation for sexual differences and gender equality can become a background condition for living in society rather than a goal to strive for

Dorothy Jerrome

this anthropologist is critical of disengagement theory. She pointed out that it contains implicit bias that the elderly give up productive roles in society and slip into oblivion

Gerda Lerner

while acknowledging that in all societies women--as a group--have never had decision-making power over men, she suggested that patriarchy may have had different origins in different places around the globe

Alice Rossi

this feminist sociologist has suggested that women are better prepared biologically for "mothering" than are men

Diana Scully

learned that surgeons "sell" unnecessary female operations to women in order to keep themselves in business

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