Which of the following constitutional clauses does this case have in common with Engel v Vitale 1962?

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Facts and case summary for Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962)
School-sponsored prayer in public schools is unconstitutional.


A New York State law required public schools to open each day with the Pledge of Allegiance and a nondenominational prayer in which the students recognized their dependence upon God. The law allowed students to absent themselves from this activity if they found it objectionable. A parent sued on behalf of his child, arguing that the law violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, as made applicable to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


Whether school-sponsored nondenominational prayer in public schools violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.


Yes (6-1)


The majority, via Justice Black, held that school-sponsored prayer violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The majority stated that the provision allowing students to absent themselves from this activity did not make the law constitutional because the purpose of the First Amendment was to prevent government interference with religion. The majority noted that religion is very important to a vast majority of the American people. Since Americans adhere to a wide variety of beliefs, it is not appropriate for the government to endorse any particular belief system. The majority noted that wars, persecutions, and other destructive measures often arose in the past when the government involved itself in religious affairs.


Justice Douglas

In his concurrence, Justice Douglas took an even broader view of the Establishment Clause, arguing that any type of public promotion of religion, including giving financial aid to religious schools, violates the Establishment Clause.


Justice Stewart

Justice Stewart argued in his dissent that the Establishment Clause was only meant to prohibit the establishment of a state-sponsored church, such as the Church of England, and not prohibit all types of government involvement with religion. In particular, he found that the nondenominational nature of the prayer and the "absentee" provision removed constitutional challenges.

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What clause did Engel v Vitale violate?

Reasoning. The majority, via Justice Black, held that school-sponsored prayer violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Which of the following constitutional clauses does this case have in common with Wisconsin v Yoder 1972 )?

Which of the following constitutional clauses does this case have in common with Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)? (The free exercise clause prohibits the government from interfering with someone's ability to practice their religion.

What was the Engel v Vitale case about quizlet?

6-1 decision in favor of Engel (the parents) ruled that school-sponsored prayer was an unconstitutional violation of the Establishment clause since it was a religious activity orchestrated by government officials and used as part of a government program to advance religious beliefs.

What impact did the Engel v Vitale case have on America?

Engel v. Vitale is one of the required Supreme Court cases for AP U.S. Government and Politics. This case resulted in the landmark decision that established that it was unconstitutional for public schools to lead students in prayer.


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