Which of the following developments in the late 1400s and early 1500s is depicted in the excerpt?

apush midterm

Before 1492, many American Indian cultures were strongly influenced by the

spread of corn cultivation

Which of the following contributed most significantly to the population trend in pre-Columbian Mexico described in the excerpt?

Trade and settlement resulting from maize cultivation

Which of the following best characterizes the Mississippian societies described in the excerpt?

They had mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages.

Which of the following statements about the population of North America at the time of Christopher Columbus' voyages is supported by the map above?

Compared with other areas of North America, relatively few American Indians lived in the Southeast.

The second paragraph of the excerpt makes which of the following claims about the introduction to Europe of new crops from the Americas?.

They stimulated economies across Europe.

The excerpt makes the overall argument that the Atlantic economy

drove long-lasting economic shifts across Europe, Africa, and the Americas

Moctezuma's statement that the Mexica "were not the aborigines of the country" most likely refers to which of the following developments?

Use of the encomienda system by the Mexica before the arrival of the Spanish

Developments such as that depicted in the image most directly led to which of the following?

The spread of Spanish missionaries into portions of Florida

The encomienda and slavery systems both contributed to which of the following developments?

The Spanish developed a race-based caste system that defined the status of Europeans, Native Americans, Africans, and people of mixed race in their colonies.

Which of the following was a major difference between the encomienda system and slave labor in the Spanish colonies?

The encomienda system exploited the labor of Native Americans, whereas slavery more typically extracted labor from enslaved Africans.

Which of the following most supported the development of the commerce described in the third paragraph?

Native Americans constructed extensive road networks.

French exploration of North America, as reflected in the excerpt, most directly contributed to which of the following?

The ongoing shift from feudalism to capitalism in western Europe

The development that brought "corne" to the attention of botanists such as Gerard is best known as the

Gerard's description of "corne" in the excerpt best reflects which of the following?

Assumptions about the superiority of European culture

Which of the following describes a piece of evidence for Las Casas' claim in the fourth paragraph about the similarity between ancient Spanish people and Native Americans?

The ancient Spanish had no laws or political rulers.

In their colonization of the Americas, the Spanish used the encomienda system to

organize and regulate Native American labor

An implication of Las Casas' argument is that a major cause of the decline of the native populations in the Americas after 1492 was the

epidemics brought to the Americas by Europeans

Which of the following contributed most to the changes shown in the graph?

The introduction of new plants and animals

Which of the following most directly contributed to the major pattern depicted on the map?

Demand for crops produced in the Americas

Which of the following best characterizes the Mississippian societies described in the excerpt?

They had mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages.

Which of the following contributed most significantly to the population trend in pre-Columbian Mexico described in the excerpt?

Trade and settlement resulting from maize cultivation

Which of the following most directly contributed to the advanced development of both pre-Columbian American societies described in the excerpt?

Adaptation to and use of the natural environment for their own benefit

Which of the following developments in the late 1400s and early 1500s is depicted in the excerpt?

Europeans undertook voyages across the Atlantic to the Americas in search of new sources of wealth.

In the excerpt, Crosby makes which of the following claims about the transmission of Old World diseases to the Americas?

It was an unintended consequence of contact between the New World and the Old World.

Which of the following describes Crosby's overall argument in the excerpt about the reason for the change in Native American populations after 1492 ?

Native Americans had no immunity to new diseases introduced by Europeans.

In the third paragraph of the excerpt, which of the following pieces of evidence does de Gante use to support his argument about the emperor of Spain's obligations to Native Americans?

Native American workers were eager to fulfill the emperor's wishes.

In which of the following ways did the Spanish impose racial hierarchies in the regions of the Americas that they controlled during the 1500s and 1600s?

The Spanish created a caste system that incorporated people of European, Native American, and African descent.

The first paragraph of the excerpt makes which of the following claims?

More young adults migrated to New England than to the Chesapeake colonies.

The trend from 1660 to 1710 depicted in the table most strongly indicates which of the following?

The rise of the trans-Atlantic trade of enslaved Africans

The change in White and Black populations in the various regions shown in the table most strongly suggests the influence of which of the following?

The demand in Europe for commodities such as tobacco and sugar

The White and Black populations in New England shown in the table most directly suggest the

minimal use of enslaved labor in New England compared to other regions

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the excerpt?

The Virginia governor is seeking support from the colonial legislature for his plan to address conflict between settlers and American Indians in frontier areas.

The point of view expressed by the Virginia governor in the excerpt is that he

feels a responsibility to protect White frontier settlers from violent encounters with American Indians

Which of the following represented a change in the labor force of the southern British colonies by the 1700s as depicted in the excerpt?

The encomienda was adopted from the Spanish to provide Native American workers.

The experience of enslaved people in the southern British colonies as described in the excerpt was similar to the experience of enslaved people in the northern British colonies because

most enslaved people in both regions performed skilled labor in port cities

The events of the First Great Awakening illustrated by the excerpt led to

new denominations attracting followers who were drawn to the dynamic sermons of the new preachers

Which of the following most directly contributed to the decision in Philadelphia referenced in the excerpt to build a specific meeting house for the new preachers?

Leaders in cities such as Philadelphia wanted to do all they could to limit the spread of new Protestant denominations in the colony.

Which of the following was the most important reason that Native American relations with English settlers differed from Native American relations with other groups of European settlers in the 1600s?

Larger numbers of English colonists settled on land taken from Native Americans.

The pattern depicted on the graph from 1450 to 1800 best serves as evidence of which of the following?

The replacement of indigenous labor and indentured servitude by enslaved Africans in New World colonies

Anne Hutchinson was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1637 because she

challenged the religious beliefs of the colony's leaders

Bacon's Rebellion occurred because of disagreements between frontier settlers and the Virginia governor over which of the following issues?

Relations with American Indians and restrictions on the fur trade

Settlers who established the British colony in Virginia during the seventeenth century were primarily seeking to

Colonial cities functioned primarily as

mercantile centers for collecting agricultural goods and distributing imported manufactured goods

Which of the following was true of colonial New England?

Life was centered in clustered villages with farmland surrounding the villages

In which of the following British North American colonies was slavery legally established by the early 1700's?

Colonists from which of the following European nations generally had the most cooperative relations with American Indians?

Which of the following earlier trends was most similar to the pattern described in the excerpt?

The development of Atlantic world commerce in the 1600s and early 1700s

The French most differed from the Spanish in relations with American Indians in that the French

developed stronger alliances with American Indians

The Great Awakening of the 1740s led to

splits among existing religious denominations and the rise of new churches

Which of the following best explains why some European colonists intermarried with Native Americans?

To create economic and diplomatic relationships between Europeans and Native Americans

Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by

a joint stock company anxious to return a profit to investors

The quotation above contains ideas typical of

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the document from which the excerpt was taken?

Organizing a system of rules and order in the colony

Which of the following most likely motivated Parliament to pass the law in the excerpt?

The desire to pursue mercantilist goals

Which of the following best explains a result of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) ?

Great Britain gained a claim to land extending to the Mississippi River.

Britain's victory in the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) had which of the following economic consequences for its American colonies?

The British government paid for the construction of canals to encourage trade between the Great Lakes region and the East Coast

In the excerpt, Otis was responding to which of the following developments?

The British government's attempts to pay for the costs of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War)

Which of the following was a major purpose of Otis' pamphlet?

To encourage opposition to Parliament's regulation of colonial commerce

By the 1770s, to which of the following groups would Otis' argument that the colonies "must obey" Parliament most appeal?

During the period of the American Revolution, Locke's point of view in the excerpt would most likely have been interpreted as promoting a form of government based on

The excerpt from Locke's Two Treatises of Government could best be used as evidence by historians studying which of the following topics?

The impact of the Enlightenment on Revolutionary political thought

The first paragraph of the excerpt makes the claim that

all people should have the same inherent liberties

Which of the following does the author use to support his argument about the power of the states under the Confederation?

Foundational political documents written during the American Revolution

The failure of the Articles of Confederation resulted in which of the following changes in the government of the United States?

The ratification of a constitution that established a stronger central government

Which of the following claims did Hamilton make in the excerpt about the powers of the United States under the Articles of Confederation?

The United States was not empowered to raise sufficient money for the government.

Which of the following overall arguments did Hamilton make about the Articles of Confederation?.

The United States should abandon the Articles to form a stronger central government.

Washington most likely wrote about political parties for which of the following purposes?

To warn the public that political parties result in national divisions

Which of the following best explains why Washington warned against foreign alliances?

Britain and France were at war with each other, and both threatened United States interests.

The trend in the population percent increase from 1790 to 1800 most likely indicates which of the following?

The rapid movement of migrants to newly settled states such as Kentucky and Tennessee

Which of the following statements about conditions under slavery is best supported by the passage above?

Slaves maintained social networks among kindred and friends despite forced separations.

Which of the following contributed most to the American Victory in the Revolution?

French military and financial assistance

Britain attempted to pay for the debt resulting from the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) by

increasing taxes on goods bought and sold in the colonies

The role of women expressed in the cult of domesticity had its roots in

the early twentieth-century suffrage movement

The issuing of the declaration in the excerpt best serves as evidence of the

Colonial demand for complete independence from Britain

The views expressed in the excerpt contributed most directly to

The addition of the Bill of Rights shortly after the Constitution was adopted

In which of the following ways did slavery change in the late 1700s?

The argument that slavery was a positive social institution became widely accepted.

Which of the following best describes Jefferson's point of view about government as expressed in the excerpt?

Government should limit interference in the lives of its citizens

The petition could best be used as evidence by historians studying which of the following?

The ideas that led some Americans to advocate for improved transportation

The excerpt could best be used by historians studying the

resistance against the expansion of United States influence

Which of the following describes a context that most influenced the implementation of the government policy discussed in the excerpt?

Many Americans desired the United States to expand its western land claims.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would help modify an argument in the excerpt about President Jackson's intentions toward American Indians?

Jackson had led United States armies that conquered American Indian peoples in the Southeast and forced land cessions.

Andrew Jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT

the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States

Which of the following factors best explains the increase in White male suffrage in the early nineteenth century?

Changes to property ownership requirements

People who shared the views expressed in the excerpt most likely opposed which of the following?

The use of federal government funding for internal improvements

Which of the following most likely accounts for the limits of United States settlement in portions of North Carolina and Georgia depicted on the map?

The lands were set aside for American Indian reservations.

Which of the following best explains the cause of the emergence of new political parties in the early nineteenth century?

Continued debates over the proper role of the federal government

The nullification crisis of 1832 arose over the issue of

Many Americans were suspicious of the Second Bank of the United States for which of the following reasons?

They believed that it was controlled by a commercial elite.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt emerged most directly from a larger intellectual debate over the

expansion of slavery into the western territories

Which of the following factors best supports the argument in the excerpt?

The debates over the federal government's proper role had intensified during the early nineteenth century.

Which of the following of Jackson's policies undermined his position as described in the excerpt?

Using federal power to forcibly relocate American Indian groups

Which of the following best describes an argument made by de Gante in the letter?

Which of the following best describes an argument made by de Gante in the letter? The Spanish should require less tribute after conquest to avoid Native American depopulation.

Which of the following describes Crosby's overall argument in the excerpt about the reason for the change in Native American populations after 1942?

Which of the following describes Crosby's overall argument in the excerpt about the reason for the change in Native American populations after 1492 ? Native Americans had no immunity to new diseases introduced by Europeans.

Which of the following contributed most significantly to the population trend in pre

Contributed most significantly to the population trend in pre-Columbian Mexico described in the excerpt? Maize cultivation supported trade, settlement, advanced irrigation, and social diversification, all of which contributed to population growth and the development of a large urban center.

What was a major difference between the Spanish encomienda system and the Spanish caste system in the Americas quizlet?

What was a major difference between the Spanish encomienda system and the Spanish caste system in the Americas? The encomienda system was based on using Native Americans for forced labor, while the caste system was based on a diverse and racially mixed population.


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