Which of the following is a responsibility of each author corresponding with the journal editor?

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This section provides general guidance to authors on their responsibilities and the code of conduct they should follow when submitting to a Royal Society of Chemistry journal. It also describes what are considered to be conflicts of interest, and outlines our policy on human and animal welfare.

On this page

Code of conduct & conflicts of interest
Authenticity & professionalism
Safety & hazards
Funding information
Human & animal welfare
Publication of related works
Editor's responsibility to authors

The information on this page was reproduced in part with permission from 'Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research', Chem Rev., 1995, 95, pp 11A-13A. © 1985, 1989, 1995 American Chemical Society. 


There is no universally agreed definition of authorship, but authors should, as a minimum, take responsibility for a particular section of the study. The award of authorship should balance intellectual contributions to the conception, design, analysis and writing of the study against the collection of data and other routine work. If there is no task that can reasonably be attributed to a particular individual, then that individual should not be credited with authorship.

All authors must take public responsibility for the content of their paper. The multidisciplinary nature of much research can make this difficult, but this may be resolved by the disclosure of individual contributions.

Authors have a responsibility to give due acknowledgement to all workers contributing to the work, including technical staff and data professionals. Those who have contributed significantly to the research should be listed as co-authors. On submission of the manuscript, the corresponding author attests to the fact that those named as co-authors have agreed to its submission for publication and accepts the responsibility for having properly included all (and only) co-authors.

In the interests of transparency, we strongly encourage authors of research articles to include an ‘Author Contributions’ section in their manuscript, for publication in the final article. Contributions should be explained concisely. We strongly recommend you use CRediT (the Contributor Roles Taxonomy) for standardised contribution descriptions. All authors should have agreed to their individual contributions ahead of submission and these should accurately reflect contributions to the work. Please note that for any manuscript with more than 10 co-authors the corresponding author must provide the editor with a statement to specify the contribution of each co-author.

The corresponding author signs a 'licence to publish' on behalf of all the authors. Any change in authorship after initial submission must be approved by all authors and justified to the editor. We require consent from all the authors (including from the added / removed co-author) confirming that they are happy with the change. Ideally this will be in the form of an email, preferably from the institution address of the relevant authors.

In the case of authorship disputes, authors are encouraged to reach a mutual agreement. If this is not possible, unresolved disputes should be referred to the responsible research institution(s) for mediation. The Royal Society of Chemistry cannot act as an adjudicator to determine correct authorship.

Please carefully check the spelling and format of all author names, affiliations and funding information.  If your paper is accepted for publication, it is important this information is accurate to ensure your article is correctly indexed, which may affect citations and future funding evaluation.

Code of conduct & conflicts of interest

Code of conduct

One of the foundations of the scientific profession is the acceptance by its members of a 'code of conduct', which outlines desired behaviour and obligations of members of the profession to each other and the public. Such a code of conduct seeks to maximise the benefits of science to society and the profession. The advancement of science requires the sharing of knowledge, even though this may sometimes forego any immediate personal advantage.

The publication of scientific research in journals is one of the fundamental ways in which the Royal Society of Chemistry serves the chemical science communities. Central to this service is the responsibility that editors, authors and reviewers maintain the high ethical standard relating to the publication of manuscripts. In cases where these guidelines are breached or appear to be so, the Royal Society of Chemistry will consult the core practices and best practice guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and act accordingly.

Conflicts of interest

The relevant Royal Society of Chemistry journal concerned should be informed of any significant** conflict of interest that editors, authors or reviewers may have, in order to determine if any action may be appropriate (such as adding a declaration of an author’s conflict of interest to a published piece, or disqualifying a reviewer). Conflicts of interest are almost inevitable and it is not intended to attempt to eliminate these. For a description and discussion of some leading journals' policies on conflicts of interest see: F van Kolfschooten, 'Conflicts of interest: Can you believe what you read?', Nature, 28 March 2002, vol. 416, pp. 360-363; DOI: 10.1038/416360a.


Editors, authors and reviewers of a manuscript should inform the relevant journal of any significant financial interest - recent, present or anticipated - in any organisation that may in any way gain or lose financially from the publication of the piece (for example, employment by such an organisation; funds for research; funds for a member of staff; fees for consulting; stock or share holdings; patent interests). If you have such an interest, you may have a conflict of interest, which should be declared. 

Other interests

An editor, author or reviewer may wish to disclose to the editor a conflict of interest that would be embarrassing if it became generally known (for example, an academic link or rivalry or a close relationship with, or a strong antipathy to, a person whose interests may be affected by publication of a manuscript).

**Significance may be judged by considering whether an undeclared conflict of interest could be embarrassing were it to become publicly known after the fact.

Recommended reviewers

We may ask authors to recommend suitable reviewers on submission of their manuscript. When recommending reviewers, the following points should be considered:

  • Recommended reviewers must have sufficient expertise in the relevant subject area.
  • Authors should not recommend reviewers with whom they have a conflict of interest, for example, a close collaborator or colleague.
  • Recommended reviewers should not be at the same institute as any of the authors listed on the manuscript.
  • The RSC considers diversity in reviewers to be an important aspect of peer review. Therefore, wherever possible please consider diversity when recommending reviewers, for example in terms of career stage, gender, geographic location, race and ethnicity, etc.
  • Institutional email addresses should be provided for recommended reviewers, wherever possible.

For further guidance on avoiding potential conflicts of interest during the peer review process, see the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ethical guidelines for peer reviewers.

Conflict of interest statement

Please note that a Conflicts of interest statement is required for all submitted manuscripts. If no conflicts exist, please state that ‘There are no conflicts to declare' under a Conflicts of interest heading as the last section before your Acknowledgements.

Authenticity & professionalism

Authors have responsibilities as detailed below.

Gather and interpret data in an honest way: Editors, reviewers, readers and publishers have the right to assume that submitted (and published) manuscripts do not contain scientific dishonesty and/or fraud comprising among others fictitious or manipulated data, plagiarised material (either from the previous work of the authors or that of other persons), reference omissions, false priority statements, 'hidden' multiple publication of the same data and incorrect authorship. Authors must not breach any copyright.

When reproducing figures and/or schemes from previous publications, it is the author's responsibility to seek appropriate permission from the relevant publishers.

Present a concise and accurate report of their research and an objective discussion of its significance.

Give due recognition to published work relating to their submitted manuscript by way of correct reference and citation: All sources should be disclosed, and if a significant amount of other people's material is to be used, permission must be sought by the author in accordance with copyright law. An author should not use privately obtained information (for example, information obtained through conversation), or information obtained through the performance of a confidential service (for example, the reviewing of a manuscript), without permission from the person from whom the information originated. We encourage the citation of primary research over review articles, where appropriate, in order to give credit to those who first reported a finding. Find out more about our commitments to the principles of San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

Declare all sources of funding for the work in the manuscript, and also to declare any conflict of interest.

Ensure that their submitted articles contain no personal criticism of other scientists; however, criticism of the work of another scientist may be justified; an article may not contain any defamatory or otherwise actionable material.

Safety & hazards

Authors must highlight very clearly, in the experimental details, any hazards or risks associated with the reported work and include appropriate warnings. Authors must call attention to any hazardous materials or operations and it is vital that any relevant safety precautions or standard codes of practice are explicitly cited, or included as supplementary information, as appropriate.

Funding information

Providing accurate funding information will enable us to help you and your co-authors comply with multiple funder reporting mandates, and increase the visibility of your work through the Funding Data Search tool. Your funder or research institute may also have certain requirements or mandates for open access publication; please see our funder requirements guidance for more information.

Why do I need to acknowledge my funder?

Increase chances of securing future funds: Clear acknowledgement of funder support is an important consideration in funder evaluation and will improve your chances of securing funding in the future.

Increase the visibility of your work: We collect funding information from our authors and match this information to funders listed in the Open Funder registry. This funding data is made publicly available through Crossref's search interfaces for funders and other interested parties to analyse. 

Enable us to display your article on our web site as part of the CHORUS initiative: By providing us with accurate funding information we will be able to identify if your article is funded as part of the CHORUS initiative, and display the Accepted manuscript on our web site after an embargo period of 12 months.

Enable us to deposit your article on your behalf: By providing us with accurate funding information we will be able to identify if your article is required to be deposited in PubMed Central (PMC). If your funding bodies mandate PMC deposition, we will do this on your behalf.

Increase funding transparency: Accurately recording funding information helps to increase transparency in the funding of research. Funders also have the ability to track the impact of the work they support through the Funding Data search tool.

You can find out more about Funding Data on our policies webpage.

How do I acknowledge my funder?

In the acknowledgements section of your article. 

On submission of your manuscript: Our online submission system will help you to report funding information accurately. If you have received financial support for your research you should provide the following information:

  • Name of funder – enter the name of your funding body. A drop down menu will appear when you start typing. For some funders you may be prompted to enter a sub-organisation; if appropriate choose the relevant sub-organisation from the drop down menu. 
  • Grant/award number – enter all related grant/award numbers accurately. You will have the option to enter multiple grant/award numbers for each funder. 

Human & animal welfare

When a study involves the use of live animals or human subjects, authors must include in the 'methods/experimental' section of the manuscript a statement that all experiments were performed in compliance with the author’s institute’s policy on animal use and ethics; where possible, details of compliance with national or international laws or guidelines should be included. The statement must name the institutional/local ethics committee which has approved the study; where possible, the approval or case number should be provided. A statement that informed consent was obtained for any experimentation with human subjects is required. Reviewers may be asked to comment specifically on any cases in which concerns arise.

Publication of related works

Authors have responsibilities as detailed below.

Avoid undue fragmentation of their work into multiple manuscripts: Editors have the right to reject submitted articles on the grounds of undue fragmentation. In particular, a piece of work should not be split into a number of manuscripts for publication as Communications.

Do not engage in redundant publication: This occurs when two or more papers, without full cross reference, share the same hypothesis, data, discussion points, or conclusions. Previous publication of an abstract or preprint of the proceedings of meetings does not preclude subsequent submission for publication, but full disclosure should be made at the time of submission; please see our processes and policies page for full details in our section, Journal policy on prior publication.

Re-publication of a paper in another language is acceptable, provided that there is full and prominent disclosure of its original source at the time of submission.

Consider publishing related manuscripts in the same journal or a small group of journals: This can be of benefit to readers.

Inform the editor of related manuscripts under consideration for publication by the same author in any journal, on submission of their current manuscript: Authors should provide copies of these related manuscripts, and details of their present status.

Ensure that a manuscript is submitted for publication in only one journal at a time: It is not acceptable for an author to submit a manuscript (or manuscripts describing essentially the same matter) to more than one journal at a time. A manuscript that is a full paper report of a published Communication may be submitted for publication; however, the author has the responsibility to inform the editor of the previously published Communication.

Editor’s responsibility to authors

The Royal Society of Chemistry upholds the right of authors to be treated fairly and professionally throughout the peer review process and beyond. To uphold this right our editors have the responsibilities detailed below.


  • Submitted manuscripts will be handled in a confidential manner, with no details being disclosed to anyone - with the exception of the reviewers - without the permission of the author, until a decision has been taken as to whether the manuscript is to be published.
  • Confidentiality of the names and other details of reviewers is ensured; adjudication and appeal reviewers may be informed of the names of prior reviewers, if appropriate. Reviewers can choose to voluntarily sign their comments to authors if they wish, see our policy on reviewer anonymity for more information.
  • We are fully compliant with data protection regulations, as appropriate.


  • To acknowledge receipt of submitted manuscripts within two working days of submission and to ensure the efficient, fair and timely assessment of submitted manuscripts.
  • To make the final decision concerning acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.
  • To decide to accept or reject a manuscript for publication with reference only to the manuscript's importance, originality and clarity, and its relevance to the journal.
  • To respect the intellectual independence of authors.
  • To make known any conflicts of interest that might arise. Specifically, in cases where an editor is an author of a submitted manuscript, the manuscript must be passed to another editor for independent peer review.
  • Not to use work reported in unpublished submitted articles for their own research.
  • To consider the use of an author's suggested reviewers for their submitted article. However, the editor maintains the right to use reviewers of their own choice.
  • Not to use reviewers which an author has requested are not to be consulted, unless the editor reasonably considers there to be a significant over-riding interest in so doing.
  • To respond to any suggestions of scientific misconduct or to convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of a published manuscript is erroneous, usually through consultation with the author. This may require the publication of a formal ‘retraction’ or correction. We follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts as the basis for our best practice guidelines when investigating allegations of misconduct.
  • To deal fairly with an author's appeal against the rejection of a submitted manuscript.
  • Only in the most extreme and unusual cases, and with the specific agreement of the editorial board and the chair of the Publishing Board, may sanctions of limited duration be applied to an author.

Data protection

The Royal Society of Chemistry will use the information you supply for the provision and administration of its activities, products and services. We do not share your personal data to any individual or organisation unless they are working directly with us as a contractor, as part of maintaining our activities, products, or services. Such contractors are subject to a non-disclosure agreement. There is more information on our Privacy & cookies page.

What is the primary responsibility of oversight bodies?

Oversight bodies are an essential regulatory institution, which enhances quality in regulatory processes and their reforms. Their mission is to supervise, co-ordinate, challenge and advice regulators while promoting reform, regulatory quality and its benefits.

Which of the following is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct quizlet?

Among the options mentioned, good mentoring is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct.

Which author is normally responsible for sharing reprints of a publication with readers?

Correct Answer : The corresponding author. Comment : The corresponding author is normally responsible for sharing reprints of a publication with readers.

Which of the following is the clearest example of a Macroethical issue quizlet?

Which of the following is the clearest example of a macroethical issue? Balancing risks and benefits from nanotechnology research. The anthropocentric viewpoint implies that: Engineers should consider how much pollution their devices create because of how human health is affected.


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