Which of the following is most common during the growth stage of the product life cycle Quizlet

According to industrial buyers and​ sellers, "components" include products such as​ ________.

semiconductors and fasteners
iron​ ore, lumber, and crude petroleum
landscaping and cleaning
​desks, computers, and factory robots
​pencils, nails, and light bulbs

New capacity could be created as sales grow:

- This would delay outflows of cash until they were needed.

- There would also be less risk that the new capacity would be greater than sales

- But, if the sales were higher than expected, the business may find it difficult to invest quickly enough to prevent shortages.

Alternatively, new capacity could be created before sales take place.

- But this carries the risk that the investment would be wasted if sales did not grow in line with expectations.

- The cash to pay for the investment would flow out of the business earlier.

- Average costs would be higher too, because the cost of creating and running spare capacity at launch would have to be paid for.

- However, it would be easier to deal with unexpectedly high sales than if invest took place when sales actually happened.

When a product is in the growth stage of its product life cycle quizlet?

During the growth stage of the product life cycle both sales and profits peak and begin to decline due to the growing numbers of competitors. During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, profits are negative or low because of low sales and heavy distribution and promotion expenses.

Which of the following occurs in the mature stage of the product life cycle?

4. Maturity. The maturity stage is when the sales begin to level off from the rapid growth period. At this point, companies begin to reduce their prices so they can stay competitive amongst growing competition.

Which of the following is a stage of a product's life cycle quizlet?

Four stages that product goes through in the market place: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

What happens to competition in the growth phase of product lifecycle quizlet?

What happens when Competition becomes severe in Stage of Product Life Cycle? As the competition becomes more severe, consumers are presented with competitive products, which cause a product's sales and profits to flatten out and eventually, if not addressed by a marketer, decline.


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