Which of the following is true regarding media placement cost on social media?

The cost of all impressions, clicks, and activities during the specified date range, based on the schedule and pricing information that was entered for each placement. If you view data for only part of the placement's date range, reports will show media cost information for those dates, based on the cost structure and delivery information. Any impressions, clicks, or activities that occur outside the run dates of the placement are not included in media cost calculations.

The cost structure is used to determine how the cost is calculated:

Cost structureFormula
CPM (cost per thousand impressions) (Impressions ÷ 1000) × Rate
The advertiser is charged for every thousand impressions served.
vCPM - Active View (cost per thousand viewable impressions - Active View) (Active View: Viewable Impressions ÷ 1000) × Rate
The advertiser is charged for every thousand impressions measured as viewable by Active View.
CPC (cost per click) Clicks × Rate
The advertiser is charged every time a creative is clicked on.
CPA (cost per activity) Activities × Rate
The advertiser is charged every time a user performs the selected activity.
Flat Rate - Impressions

(Impressions ÷ 1000) × Rate

Once the booked number of impressions is reached, no additional cost accrues.

Flat Rate - Clicks

Clicks × Rate

Once the booked number of clicks is reached, no additional cost accrues.

Flat rate

Flat rate cost structures enable you to specify the cost of a placement instead of a rate. You can specify whether the cost is based on a specific number of impressions or clicks.

Selecting a flat rate does not grant you an unlimited number of impressions served at your selected cost. However, you can set up a capped cost placement with a single click or impression, where the entire cost is for the first day of the flight.

vCPM - Active View

We recommend including all Active View and viewability-related metrics when pulling reports related to vCPM - Active View media cost, especially Active View: Viewable Impressions and Booked Viewable Impressions.

Capped placements

If you cap costs for a placement, reports will not reflect any additional cost for impressions, clicks, or activities once the maximum cost has been reached. However, ad serving fees will still apply, and the actual media charges will depend on your agreements with your publishers. Learn more about capping placement costs

For example, if you create a placement with 1,000 impressions with a $1 CPM, and 2,000 impressions are served instead, the media cost will be $1, not $2 (as it would be for an uncapped placement).

If you’ve used flighting to create separate pricing periods and your placement has a cumulatively capped cost, the cap will be the sum of the caps on all of the flights within the placement.

Packages and roadblocks

If you selected a cost structure based on impressions (such as CPM) and report on media cost for a roadblock, the value will only reflect impressions on the primary placement in the roadblock. Non-primary placement impressions are free. For all other cost structures, Campaign Manager 360 treats each placement in the roadblock as a regular placement and handles media cost as if there were no roadblock at all.

If your package or roadblock has a capped cost, events on any placement within the group will count toward the cap.

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How rich media works

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Rich media is a digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content.

While text ads sell with words, and display ads sell with pictures, rich media ads offer more ways to involve an audience with an ad. The ad can expand, float, etc. You can access aggregated metrics on your audience's behavior, including number of expansions, multiple exits, and video completions to get granular data on the success of your campaign.

Rich media lets agencies create complex ads that can elicit strong user response. Using HTML5 technology, the ads can include multiple levels of content in one placement: videos, games, tweets from an ad, etc. If you have a simple objective to generate clicks or a more ambitious goal to create brand awareness, rich media is the format to go with.

Standard display creative vs. rich media creative

The key advantages of rich media creatives include:

  • An engaging user experience leading to higher interaction rate
  • Increased conversions, click-throughs, and view rates
  • Better metrics than traditional ads

The differences between standard and rich media creatives are detailed below:

Standard creativeRich media creative
  • A single .html, .gif, .png, or .jpg file format of 200K or less 
  • Contains no video or expansion
  • Usually only tracks a single click-through link
  • Usually exceeds 200K
  • May use multiple files
  • May contain video
  • May expand to a larger size
  • May include detailed tracking metrics on user interactivity
  • May track multiple click-through links
  • May contain other special features (polling, send-to-a-friend, gallery, etc.)
  • Some publishers may require a polite load

Rich media creative types

Studio supports different creative types to display rich media ads in different ways on a target website. Creative types (also called formats) are assigned when a designer makes a new creative in Studio.

Visit the Rich Media Gallery to see real creatives of each type.


A creative with a fixed size and position on a web page or in a mobile app. A banner is the most basic rich media ad format. Rich media banner creatives can include videos and polite download technology, which waits for the web page to completely load before loading the creative.

View sample banner creatives

Dynamic creatives

Banner, expanding, interstitial, or VPAID creative types can also be dynamic. Dynamic creatives use a linked management profile that can change creative content on the fly, either manually or based on content rules.


A creative that expands beyond its initial dimensions over the top of other page or app content. Expansion can take place after a user interacts (for example, by click, tap, or mouse-over) or automatically when the page loads (auto-expand). Creatives can expand in any direction, shape, or with fading effects and can collapse on user interaction, automatically on mouse-out, or based on a timer.

Expanding creatives expand over page or in-app content by default, but you can also enable them to push content down on a page (see push-down, below).


View sample expanding creatives


A creative that either floats on top of a page's content or appears as a fullscreen ad during natural transition points in mobile apps, such as during launch, loading, and video pre-roll. Interstitial creatives served on web pages can move with content or maintain a locked position as a user scrolls. The "Locked" option is enabled at the trafficking stage.

View sample interstitial creatives


An expanding creative that pushes down the content of a webpage when the creative expands, moving the web page out of the way to display the ad. If the push-down is frequency capped (a user can only see it auto-expand a certain number of times during a given period), then you must build both a user-initiated expanding version and an auto-expanding version. You must also select a setting for this option in the trafficking stage.

View sample push-down creatives


Videos can be included in all other formats. See VPAID below to learn about ads that are displayed within or alongside publisher video content instead.


VPAID stands for Video Player-Ad Interface Definition. A VPAID creative is displayed in an a publisher's in-stream video player (like the YouTube player), and typically includes video content. Studio supports VPAID linear creatives, which appear before, between or after the publisher's video, and fill the entire video player.

View sample VPAID creatives

Availability of creative types may vary, depending on your level of support.

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