Which of the following people best illustrates Sternbergs concept of practical intelligence quizlet?

35. The basic components of emotion are:

A. sympathetic arousal, parasympathetic inhibition, and cognitive labeling

B. physical gestures, facial expressions, and psychological drives

C. expressive behaviors, physiological arousal, and conscious experience

D. cognition, affect, and behavior

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Terms in this set (138)

Which of the following areas is NOT included in the definition of intelligence?

Ability to communicate

Intelligence was originally defined as

the ability to learn and adapt to meet the demands of the environment effectively

The ability to understand and control one's mental abilities is the definition of


Seema is "book smart," but can't seem to keep track of her finances. Seema's situation provides the best example of

Spearman's s factor.

Which of the following theorists proposed that intelligence is composed of a g factor and an s factor?


Which of the following best illustrates the two-factor theory of intelligence?

Intelligence has an overall general factor, and a series of specific factors.

Which of the following is/are included in Thurstone's 7 mental abilities?

All of the above

Which of the following lists is NOT consistent with Thurstone's seven primary mental abilities?

associative memory, creative intelligence, reasoning, and verbal comprehension

. Which of the following lists belongs with Thurstone's theory of primary mental abilities?

verbal comprehension, numerical ability, and reasoning

Georges is a "people person." He has a lot of self-insight, relates well to others, and is a natural leader. Which of the following people would be most interested in talking to Georges in order to measure his abilities in these areas?


Rebecca is a gifted elite gymnast who has possessed the ability to easily control her bodily movements in a precise fashion from a very early age. In which of Gardner's multiple intelligences would Rebecca likely exceed the average?


Gardner's theory lists ____ types of mental abilities.


Brigitte is an architect. She is likely to score high on Gardner's _______ intelligence.


Which of the following is NOT one of Gardner's eight types of intelligence?

associative memory

Which of the following people would Gardner be most interested in interviewing?

Jenny, who conducts a symphony orchestra

Cecilia is an upper-level manager at a large corporation. It is her job to plan projects and evaluate their outcomes. Cecilia probably scores high in Sternberg's _______ component of intelligence.


Which of the following people would be the best example of Sternberg's concept of practical intelligence?

Jason is in charge of finding parts for vintage cars from a variety of sources.

Which theorist is associated with the bioecological theory of intelligence?


Which of the following statements best describes Ceci's bioecological theory of intelligence?

It is characterized by an interaction between innate potential abilities, environmental context, and internal motivation.

Jasmine has shown a high degree of physical coordination and an interest in gymnastics. Her parents have found a trainer for her, and her skills are improving quickly. Jasmine is hoping to go to a gymnastics camp this summer. Which theory best explains the relationship between Jasmine, her parents, and her sport?

Ceci's bioecological theory

Which of the following best summarizes the current view of the nature of intelligence?

Most psychologists believe that there is an underlying g factor, but that specific abilities should also be considered.

Which ability does emotional intelligence refer to?

Regulate emotion in others

The ability to perceive, express, and assimilate emotion and to regulate emotion in the self and others is called

emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence includes

the ability to perceive others' emotions and our own.

Edward tries hard to be a good husband. He is creative and spontaneous. He is comfortable around friends and relatives. He is successful at work and earns a good living. However, he becomes confused if his wife accuses him of not understanding what she is feeling. If Edward wants to impress his wife, he should try to develop more _________ intelligence.


Mary is an empathetic person who knows how to comfort and encourage others. Mary is likely to score high in

emotional intelligence.

Giri has a lot of charisma. He instinctively knows how to get along with other people, and to "tune in" to what is important to other people. Giri is high in

social intelligence.

Patrice is a con artist. He is very good at manipulating other people and telling them what they want to hear, but he is entirely insensitive to the pain that his schemes cause people. Patrick is _____ in social intelligence, and ______ in emotional intelligence.

high; low

Where might social intelligence be an important attribute for daily functioning?

Working for a company that is organized in teams

A concern for the community at large and the ability to make sound and balanced judgments is characteristic of


Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of wisdom?

The ability to manage other people.

According to Sternberg, wisdom is closely related to

practical intelligence.

Which quality is believed to be of primary importance to creative development?

Intrinsic motivation

The Republic of Horsa and the Kingdom of Icaria are having a border dispute. Both sides want peace, but neither side wants the other to have an advantage. If the problem is not resolved, war could break out between them. Which type of intelligence would be of GREATEST value to the United Nations negotiator?


What is the relationship between creativity and intelligence?

They are related up to a point, and then the relationship diminishes.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic typical to creative people?

extrinsic motivation

The aspect of creativity that is characterized by a tolerance for ambiguity and initial failure is called

a game personality.

Which of the following parents are MOST likely to foster a sense of creativity in their children?

the Masumas, who give their children time to think and explore without criticism

In the West, what is the oldest and most enduring approach to understanding and assessing intelligence?

Psychometric approach

Bruce gave a quiz to five students in his small lab section. They obtained the following scores: 32, 65, 75, 85, and 100. What is the median score?


Which of the following statements is true about intelligence testing?

Intelligence is typically measured by comparing one person's test score with others' scores.

In a normal distribution,

the mean, median, and mode are all equal.

The mathematical average of a set of scores is called the


The process of obtaining meaningful test scores from a sample population is called


Dr. Singh is trying to construct a new test to measure motivation. A colleague looks at some of the questions and asks, "What do these have to do with motivation? They look more like they measure creativity." The colleague is complaining that the test lacks


Which of the following statements is true about validity?

a test is valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure

When high scores on an intelligence test successfully predict high grades later in life, the test has

predictive validity.

Francis Galton believed that

if evolutionary principles could be applied to human intelligence, the human species could be improved.

Which of the following researchers was tasked by the French government to develop a testing method to distinguish mentally retarded individuals from those who were "intellectually capable"?


Which of the following theorists believed that gifted people scored higher in psychic energy and a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli?


Galton's theory of psychophysical performance states that

gifted people scored higher in psychic energy and a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli

Binet and Simon's intelligence test was created with the intention of

identifying which school placement level was most appropriate for different children.

Which of the following is true about mental age?

It is the age at which a child is functioning.

All of the following are advantages of the Wechsler test as compared to the Binet test EXCEPT that

it largely focused on language abilities.

According to Binet, a child who is more intelligent than average would have

a mental age greater than his or her chronological age.

a mental age greater than his or her chronological age.


Terman's intention in developing intelligence testing was to

promote the genetics movement and discourage people who were "unfit" from reproducing.

The Intelligence Quotient is defined as

MA/CA x 100.

Sally is 10 years old, and she performs about as well as most 8 year olds. Sally's IQ is


Jeremy is 8 years old, and he performs about as well as most 10 year olds. Jeremy's IQ is


What degree of reliability is demonstrated by WAIS and Stanford-Binet intelligence tests?


How well do intelligence tests predict performance?

IQ scores have a correlation to school performance of +.50.

Jessica is ten years old and is given an IQ test. She scores above average on the test. This finding is most strongly predicted to indicate

whether Jessica will go on to college or university.

Which of the following is NOT one of the sections of Wechsler's performance scale?

digit span

Which of the following scales is part of Weschler's verbal scale?


On which of Weschler's scales would the following question appear: "What is the Westernmost Canadian province?"


Which of the following is not a concern raised by Scarr and Gunderson about the discrepancy definition of learning disabilities?

The Scarr and Gunderson effect often occurs.

_________ occurs when people in a particular group perform poorly on an IQ test because they fear that their performance will confirm a negative perception of their group.

Stereotype threat

Chow-Ming is completing the math section of an IQ test. According to studies, which of the following is most likely to NEGATIVELY affect Chow-Ming's performance?

Women are bad at math.

Which of the following tests attempts to reduce test bias by focusing on non-verbal rather than verbal problems?

Progressive Matrices Test

The Flynn effect refers to

the increase of intelligence test scores over time.

The way that researchers attempt to eliminate cultural and gender bias from IQ tests is to

identify and remove questions that show item bias.

The median IQ score is


Which of the following is NOT proposed as a likely explanation for the Flynn effect?

IQ tests are easier than they used to be

From time to time, IQ tests must be restandardized because of

the Flynn effect.

Which of the following controversial conclusions were published in The Bell Curve?

Higher IQ predicts the avoidance of welfare dependence.

The discussion in your textbook about The Bell Curve relates to

IQ and heredity.

Which of the following positions was proposed by Hernstein and Murray in their book The Bell Curve?

Which of the following positions was proposed by Hernstein and Murray in their book The Bell Curve?

All of the following are risks of exploring the issue of IQ and heredity except

raising issues about resource allocation to improve the intellectual achievements of children in impoverished areas.

Which of the following theorists would have the most in common with ideas about racial superiority in intelligence?


Which of the following was the rank order of races based on intelligence suggested by Phillipe Rushton from the University of Western Ontario?

Asians highest, followed by whites, blacks the lowest

Which term refers to the overall extent that differences in IQ among people are attributable to genes?


Which of the following statements is true?

Identical twins have a correlation of +.86 on IQ scores, and fraternal twins have a correlation of +.60.

Researchers who have examined the IQ scores of adopted children have found

modest correlations between the children's scores and the scores of adoptive parents, and modest correlations between the children's scores and the scores of birth parents.

Researchers have found that the scores of adopted children are moderately related to the scores of their adoptive parents (+.19) and moderately related to the scores of their biological parents. Based on these findings, your textbook suggests that the most appropriate interpretation would be that

the nature/nurture question is not a simple one to answer.

The overall extent to which differences among people are attributed to genes is called


Researchers believe that the heritability of intelligence is approximately


When researchers say that the heritability of intelligence is 50%, they mean that

50% of the variation in a population's IQ scores is due to genetics.

The Fergusons have two adopted children. The children are not biologically related to each other. Which of the following is most likely to be true about the correlation of IQ scores between the two children?

It will be higher than the correlation of biologically related siblings raised apart.

Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for how parents can improve their children's intelligence?

Set high goals and reward the child for meeting them

Which of the following best illustrates the effect of cultural influences on intellectual ability?

Abena moved to the United States from a small African village. Her new classmates are amazed at how well she can remember the details about her family history.

Compared to Western cultures, Eastern cultures are more likely to consider _________ to be an important intellectual ability.

intellectual self-assertion

Which of the following best describes the relationship between intelligence and job complexity?

There is probably a reciprocal (two-way) relationship between intelligence and job complexity.

Which factors may explain why the difference in IQ between urban and rural citizens has declined in recent years?

Internet access

Which of the following statements about school and intellectual development is true?

When children are moved from financially poor schools to more affluent schools, their IQ scores increase.

Which of the following is true about race and IQ scores?

Aboriginal Canadians have traditionally scored about 15 points lower than non-aboriginal Canadians on IQ tests.

In an analogy comparing human intelligence to plant growth, which of the following is true?

Differences in intelligence test scores between aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians can be the result of environmental differences between the groups.

With regard to the plant analogy of intelligence discussed in your text, which of the following statements is true?

Plants from the fertile soil group will be taller, on average, than plants from the poor soil group.

Mary is a white girl from a poor coal mining town in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Jason is a black boy from an affluent suburb of Toronto. Who will score higher on an IQ test, and why?

There is no way to predict how either child will score based on their backgrounds.

Which of the following statements is true?

Head Start programs have a strong effect on children in their early school years, and may continue to provide moderate advantages throughout the school years.

Approximately ____% of children on public assistance have alphabet books, and approximately ____% of children in wealthy homes have alphabet books.

50; 97

Which of the following is true about the Mozart effect?

Listening to classical music has minor and temporary effects on cognitive functioning.

Which of the following is the best way to encourage intellectual development in children?

Adding stimulating toys and books to their environment.

Which of the following is true about brain size and intelligence?

People with extremely large or small brains are more likely to exhibit mental deficiencies than are people with normal sized brains.

Which of the following is true about brain activity and intelligence, as revealed by PET scans?

Brain activity and sugar processing are greater in people who are performing poorly on intellectual tasks.

Which of the following statements is true about the development of the cortex across the life span?

Changes in cortical thickness are most pronounced in the prefrontal cortex.

Who is likely to have the thickest cortex?

Tyrone, who has just started kindergarten.

During a PET scan, active areas of the brain that are breaking down glucose are represented by which colour?


Which of the following is believed to be true about more intelligent people, compared to less intelligent people?

The process of cortical growth and pruning occurs over a longer developmental span

What IQ scores define mental retardation?

below 70

_________% of the population scores between 85 and 115 on IQ tests.


People are categorized as mentally retarded if their IQ score is below ____ and they have poor adaptive behaviour.


Joey has been classified as moderately to profoundly mentally retarded. His IQ score is lower than ____% of the population.


Approximately _______% of people who are classified as mentally retarded can benefit from schooling and support themselves as adults.


Which of the following is FALSE about Down syndrome?

Many of the people with mild mental retardation have Down syndrome.

Which option best describes the functioning of an individual with severe mental retardation?

Requires careful supervision

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of "giftedness."

Hard work, intensive training, practice, and perseverance often lead to giftedness.

Western thinkers as ancient as Plato commented on the nature of intelligence.


Thurstone argued that his theory fit with that of Spearman's g factor because his 7 primary mental abilities were not necessarily distinct.


Sternberg and Gardner both agree that intelligence is not a unitary mental function.


Ceci believed that one's innate abilities are derived from biological resource pools.


Someone with high emotional intelligence is very likely to experience failure in his or her career because of his or her high level of empathy.


Most theorists believe that intelligence and wisdom are entirely different entities.


The correlation between creativity and intelligence diminishes beyond the IQ score of 120.


Intelligence tests are carefully constructed psychological tests


The mean is the score in a distribution that occurs most frequently.


Validity is the extent to which scores on a test instrument accurately measure or predict what they intend to measure or predict


The psychophysical tests developed by Cattell were the first widely applied intelligence tests.


IQ tests were originally designed to assess school performance.


The conclusions of The Bell Curve were widely accepted by the scientific community


The heritability coefficient for Huntington's Disease is +1.00.


Students' IQ scores drop over the course of summer vacation.


The total number of neurons in a brain predicts intellectual functioning.


In a PET scan, brain areas that are less active are depicted as blue and green.


A higher number of neurons in the brain can accurately explain gender differences in intelligence.


Patterns of brain development are NOT related to intellectual development.


. The most consistent sign of mental retardation is failure to adapt to social situations.


Down syndrome is the least common chromosomal disorder leading to mental retardation.


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Which of the following best depicts Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence?

broad range of talents? Of the following, who best illustrates Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence? emotional intelligence.

What is practical intelligence quizlet?

Practical Intelligence. (Sternberg) Street Smarts; Abilities to adapt to the demands of one's environment, apply knowledge in practical situations.

What is intelligence according to Sternberg quizlet?

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. states that intelligence comes in three forms; analytical, creative, and practical.

Who is most closely aligned with a Triarchic theory of intelligence?

One advocate of the idea of multiple intelligences is the psychologist Robert Sternberg. Sternberg has proposed a triarchic (three-part) theory of intelligence that proposes that people may display more or less analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence.


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