Which of the following refers to what individuals might become what they would like to become and what they are afraid of becoming quizlet?

Openness to experience: will have tolerance, superior cognitive functioning, achievement, and IQ

Consciousness: better health, less stress, better friendships, higher GPA, more law abiding

Extraversion: engage in social activities, more satisfied in relationships, less affect to stressors, positive sense of well-being

Agreeableness: generous, altruistic, more satisfying romantic relationships

Neuroticism: feel negative emotions more in life, more health complaints, more drug dependence, more heart diseas

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Terms in this set (95)

Which of the following is NOT one of the highly studied aspects of the self?


The developmental concept of self-_______ is defined as the child's cognitive representation of self, or the substance and content of the child's self-conceptions.


Being attentive and positive toward his or her image in a mirror is one way of an infant expressing


According to new research findings, young children are _______ psychologically aware of themselves and others than once believed.


Jax tells his grandma that he knows all of his ABCs, but he does not in fact know them. This is an example of a young child's ______ of personal attributes.


Which of the following, often considered a central aspect of an individual's personality, lends an integrative dimension to our understanding of different personality characteristics?


Children's cognitive representations of themselves make up their:


At what age do children develop the ability to use psychological traits to describe themselves and others?

4-5 years

Studying the self in infancy is difficult because infants cannot ______ express themselves.


According to research, Piaget's views on the egocentrism of infants are:


Compared with what was previously thought, research now shows that young children are:

more psychologically aware of themselves and others.

Which of the following are methods of helping a child develop social interaction and relationships? (Select all that apply)

-Applaud the child's accomplishments
-Talk with a child about emotions
-Acknowledge shared intentions

Which of the following are characteristics that children younger than 5 or 6 years old would use when describing the differences between themselves and a friend? (Select all that apply)

Hair color

Which of the following aspects of social understanding increases during middle and late childhood?

Taking the perspective of others

Which of the following is NOT one of the highly studied aspects of the self?



Select the key changes that characterize the increased complexity in children's self-understanding. (Choose every correct answer.)

-Using social descriptions
-Describing themselves in terms of psychological characteristics and traits
-Referencing social comparison
-Understanding of their real self and ideal self

At about 4 to 5 years, children begin to describe themselves using:

psychological traits.

Which statements are true about the social sensitivity and/or egocentrism of young children? (Choose every correct answer.)

-Talking about internal states can help young children understand them.
-Children are more socially sensitive and perceptive than previously envisioned.

When an adult fosters children's socioemotional growth and helps to refine their representations of who they are and what other people are like, the adult is serving as a relational:


As compared to younger children, children in middle to late childhood would be more likely to describe themselves as:


The tendency to compare oneself with others ______ in adolescence.


What two executive functions are most called on when children engage in perspective taking?

Cognitive inhibition
Cognitive flexibility

When adolescents compare themselves with others, it is a part of their:


The adolescent's self-understanding ______ across situations and across time.


Which aspects of understanding others are important in adolescent development? (Choose every correct answer.)

-Monitoring the social world
-Understanding multiple perspectives
-Perceiving others' traits

The global evaluation we make of ourselves is called


Perspective taking is thought to be important in determining whether children will

develop prosocial or antisocial attitudes and behaviors.

What were the findings of a New Zealand study that assessed individuals' self-esteem during adolescence and their adjustment in adulthood (at age 26)?

Adults who experienced adjustment difficulties had lower self-esteem in adolescence than their successful counterparts.

Ten-year-old Karla describes herself as a "cheerleader." Which of the following changes in self-understanding does this best reflect?

social descriptions

Most of the research on self-esteem is:


Which of the following is NOT a quality that differentiates an adolescent's self-understanding from that of a child?

Active description

Which action is NOT an important aspect of an adolescent's developing understanding of others?

Engaging in egocentrism

Self-______ is also referred to as self-worth, or self image.


As compared to the other answers, global self-esteem is most strongly correlated with:

physical appearance.

Which of the following is true of correlational research?

-It does not establish causation.
-It is experimental in nature.
-It can conclusively establish a relationship between variables.
-It should not be used.

It does not establish causation.

Which of the following refers to what individuals might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming?

Possible selves

Match the appropriate changes in self-esteem to the correct developmental stage.

Thirties and forties
Fifties and sixties
Seventies and eighties

Leveled off
Increased Slightly
Rose considerably
Dropped significantly

Twenties -- Increased Slightly

Thirties and forties -- Leveled off

Fifties and sixties -- Rose considerably

Seventies and eighties -- dropped significantly

Self-______ gives individuals the ability to control their behavior without having to rely on others' for help


Self-______ refers to domain-specific evaluations of the self.


Resisting temptation is an important aspect of a preschooler's:


One of the most important aspects of the self in middle and late childhood is:

an increased capacity for self-regulation.

In a 2002 cross-sectional study of self-esteem, self-esteem dropped significantly in the

seventies and eighties.

Emmanuel often monitors his thoughts and behaviors throughout the day to ensure that he is being respectful and appropriate. Emmanuel is demonstrating:


Louise is 70 years old and has permanently lost sight in her right eye. Louise is adapting well to this loss with application of the three key factors described in selective ______ with compensation theory.


By the age of 2 to 3 years old children are aware of limitations on self-________. For example, knowing what to play with and where to play.


Religious beliefs, political views, relationship status, personality, and sexual orientation are components of:


The increased capacity for self-regulation in adolescence is linked to developmental advances in what area of the brain?

prefrontal cortex

According to Erik Erikson, adolescents are faced with deciding who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life during the ______-______-_____-______ stage of development


According to contemporary identity theorists, decisions ______ during the process of identity development.

must be made again and again

Which theorist is most associated with selective optimization with compensation theory?


A person's identity is composed of all of the following EXCEPT their:

-genetic profile
-body image
-political views
-spiritual beliefs

genetic profile.

Adolescence is unique because for the first time, physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development advance to the point that individuals can do which three of the following things?

-Construct a viable path toward adult maturity
-Synthesize childhood identities and identifications
-Sort through childhood experiences and identities

Most researchers use ______ to refer to the period of identity development during which an adolescent chooses among meaningful alternatives


What is the term given by Erikson to the fifth stage of development, experienced during adolescence?

Identity versus identity confusion

According to contemporary identity theory, identity development:

is accomplished in bits and pieces.

According to selective optimization with compensation theory, ______ makes it possible to maintain performance in some areas through continued practice and the use of new technologies.


Identity ______ refers to an individual who experienced a crisis and made a commitment.


According to Erikson, at what point does identity become a key dimension in individuals' lives?


According to Marcia, the period in identity development when individuals are exploring alternatives is called

crisis, or exploration.

Match the dimensions of individuality and connectedness to their appropriate characteristic.


-Sensitivity and respect for other's views
-the ability to have and communicate a point of view
-the use of communication patterns to express how one is different from others
-openness to others' view

-Self-Assertion : the ability to have and communicate a point of view

-Separateness : the use of communication patterns to express how one is different from others

Mutuality : Sensitivity and respect for other's views

Permeability : openness to others' view

An enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with attitudes and feelings related to that membership, is called:

ethnic identity.

What defines identity achievement?

Presence of both a crisis and a commitment

How is commitment defined by Marcia?

personal investment in identity

Individuality consists of which two of the following dimensions?


Which of the following are among the major personality theories? (Choose every correct answer.)

Social cognitive theory
Psychoanalytic theories

A student identifies herself as Chinese American. She identifies with both Chinese culture and American culture. She has a ______ identity.


Having a positive outlook on the future and minimizing problems is a definition of the term:


Which of the following statuses describes an individual who has made a commitment without experiencing a crisis?

identity foreclosure

Who among the following is associated with The Seasons of a Man's Life?


Olivia is a 19-year-old college student who hopes to be a physician assistant in a large medical facility. She plans to be married and have two children by the time she turns 30. Levinson would call this

the dream.

The enduring personal characteristics of individuals is referred to as:


Teresa has always tried to look at the cup as half full. She has made ______ her personal style of thinking.


According to Levinson, which of the following ages most closely corresponds to the point in adulthood when a person enters the phase of Becoming One's Own Man (BOOM)?


What determines identity foreclosure?

Presence of a commitment but not a crisis

True or false: According to Levinson, adulthood has three main stages surrounded by transition periods.


According to Levinson, how long does the transition to middle adulthood last?

Five years

According to Levinson, the twenties is the ______ phase of adult development.


True or false: According to Levinson, his stages, transitions, and the crisis of middle age apply to both men and women.


According to Levinson, a person between the ages of 28 and 33 is faced with which of the following tasks?

determining life goals

At what age does Vaillant see an adult reassessing and recording the truth about the adolescent and adulthood years?


Based on Levinson's work, which of the following is NOT a major conflict that an adult male must come to grips with during the transition to middle adulthood?

Being ambitious versus being satisfied with life as it stands

The contemporary life-events approach claims that how a life event influences an individual's development depends not only on the event but also on which of the following?

the life-stage context
mediating factors
the individual's adaptation to the life event

Which of the following is a criticism of Levinson's Seasons of a Man's Life?

The original Levinson data included no females.

Jacob, who is 45, has amassed a lot of wealth but has not done anything to benefit the next generation. According to Erikson, he may be in a state of


As compared to Vaillant, Levinson views midlife as a


_____ characteristics such as introversion or extroversion are present in most individuals and are stable throughout the life span.


Which of the following is NOT a belief attributed to the contemporary life-events approach?

The stress of life events alone influences a person's development.

Which of the following Big Five factors have been shown to peak between 40 and 60 years of age and decrease in late adulthood?



According to Erikson, what causes people to feel stagnation in life?

when they believe they have done nothing for the next generation

According to recent research, the Big Five personality factors that predicted higher mortality risk included which two of the following?

Low conscientiousness

A common finding is that the _____ time between measurements of personality characteristics, the more stability they show.


Tony has recently experienced the death of his wife in a hit-and-run car accident. He has a very close network of friends and family who are there to support him. Tony is a yoga instructor and has a well-established coping strategy when he is stressed. What would the contemporary life-events approach say about Tony and his experience?

Tony will be affected by his wife's death but not as negatively as someone without a similar level of social support and coping strategies.

The research by Costa and McCrae assessed ______ in adulthood.


According to recent research, having a higher level of the Big Five personality factor ______ predicted greater longevity in older adults.


According to a recent meta-analysis of stability and change, which of the following Big Five factors of personality showed a continuous increase from early adulthood to late adulthood?


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Which of the following refers to what individuals might become what they would like to become and what they are afraid of becoming?

The concept of possible selves is introduced to complement current conceptions of self-knowledge. Possible selves represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming, and thus provide a conceptual link between cognition and motivation.

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What individuals might become, what they would like to become, and what they dread they will become constitutes the: possible self.

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Among the aspects of understanding others that are important in adolescent development are perceiving others' traits, understanding multiple perspectives, and monitoring their social world. Explain self-awareness, possible selves, and life review.


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