Which of the following statements about group sales presentations is most likely true

the personal communication of information to persuade a prospective customer to buy something which satisfies that individual's needs

According to the text, a new and more appropriate definition of personal selling:

Includes the world "unselfish"

The ___ refers to the sales philosophy of unselfishly treating others as you would like to be treated

Golden Rule of Personal Selling

All of the following are reasons why a person may choose a sales career EXCEPT

the limited variety of jobs available

As a salesperson for a plumbing supply wholesaler, Titus is unlikely to sell products to:

a family through door-to-door selling

The "heart" of the eight work characteristics for sales success is:

As a modern, professional saleswoman, Hera Llewellyn does not want her prospects and clients to perceive her as an:

The three categories of skills needed by the successful salesperson can be summarized as:

conceptual, human and technical skills

During the ___ step of the selling process, salespeople would locate potential buyers:

Newton is in the ___ step of the selling process when he asks a prospect for her opinion about the product

According to the text, what are they two major functions of a business firm?

___ is defined as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives

Before the Great Depression of the 1930s, companies were typically:

Businesses that have a selling orientation:

emphasize the product over all other marketing mix elements

According to the text, the marketing concept is a philosophy of business that supports both:

the satisfaction of customers and the achievement of a profitable sales volume

The major thrust of the marketing concept is to:

satisfy customer wnats, while still making a profit

The elements of the marketing mix are

promotion, price, place and product

___ refers to benefits a customer recieves that are not included in the purchase price of the individual product.

During the late 19th century when peddlers and thier wagons were fairly common sights, it was not uncommon for a peddler to charge a very rural customer $.50 for a mirror and to charge another customer who lived nearer to town $.15 for the same mirror. This example describes how early salespeople dealt with the ___ element of the marketing mix

Customers fall into one of three groups. They are:

households, firms, and governments

means being a good corporate citizen

An organizational decision maker who acts with equity, fairness, and impartiality, and respects the rights of individuals is said to be:

Which of the following is an action a corporation can take to demonstrate social responsibility?

Work to establish industrywide standards and self-regulation

The two major influences on the ethical behavior of sales personnel are other employees and:

The text suggests businesses use ___ to serve as a universal, practical, and helpful standard for businesspeople.

___ are the codes of moral principles and values that govern the behaviors of a person or a group with respect to what is wrong.

Which of the following statements about ethical dilemmas is true?

Differences in business practices in different parts of the world may cause ethical dilemma

The two types of codes of ethics are:

principle-based and policy-based statements

The salesperson promised the radio station manager that the new $30,000 computer system would be compatible with the equipment already used by the station. When the new computer system proved not to be compatible even after an additional $10,000 worth of new reprogramming, the station manager sued the salesperson and his company for:

misrepresnation and breach of warranty

refers to following the rules and treating others fairly

People's ___ result from a lack of something desirable like food or drink

In ___ selling, the salesperson relates a product's benefit to the customer's needs using the product's features and advantages to support the claims made.

When a salesperson discusses a product's ___, he/she is answering the question, "What is it?"

"Important" buying needs cannot be uncovered by:

emphasizing the product features repeatedly

The acronym L-0-C-A-T-E is used to:

remeber techniques for uncovering important buying needs

The trial close allows the salesperson to determine whether:

the prospect likes the features, advantages, or benefits of the product

An appropriate time for a salesperson to use a trial close is:

after answering an objection

___ is the process by which a person selects, organizes, and interprets information.

___ is defined as acquiring knowledge or a behavior based on past experiences.

An ___ is defined as a learned predisposition toward something.

___ is the act of transmitting verbal and nonverbal information and understanding between seller and buyer.

The characteristics of your voice, such as inflection, pitch, and the pause that you make between words, are all a part of ___ communication

From a communication model perspective, the salesperson in a sales call is the:

In the sales context, the buyer is called a ___ in the communication process.

In terms of the communcation process, noise:

can distort communication between the buyer and seller

If you enter into  new prospect's ___ without his/her permission, the prospect may not only find your behavior socially unacceptable, but also possibly offensive.

Assume you are a male salesperson. What advice does the text give you about how you should wear your hair?

Consider the type of customer you will be calling on, and select your hairstyle accordingly

According to the text, which of the following statements is recommended as a good rule to follow regarding handshakes?

Grip the prospect's hand firmly

When the buyer is leaning forward or upright, she is projecting ___ signals.

___ signals should alert the salesperson that buyers are either neutral or skeptical toward the sales message.

___ is defined as the effort put forth by an employer to provide the opportunity for the salesperson to learn job-related culture, skills, knowledge, and attitudes tthat resulte in improved performance in the seling environment.

When you see the advertisments in your local newspaper for a locally-owned garden center in your area, you can say, with certainty, that the advertisements are examples of ___ advertising.

Advertising undertaken by manufacturers and directed towards wholesalers and/or retailers is ___ advertising.

Which of the following is an example of a consumer sales promotion?

The major obstacle a salesperson faces when trying to get retailers to place new products on store shelves is:

___ is the computerized listing of all the customer contacts that a salesperson makes in the course of conducting business:

Salespeople cnaa use global positioning systems to:

create more efficient routing patterns

reduction in price from the list price

ensure that price reduction is passed on to consumers

This is the dollar amount added to the cost of a product to determine its selling price.

___ is defined as the series of sequential actions by a salesperson that leads toward the customer taking a desired action and ends with a follow-up to ensure purchase satisfaction.

Which of the following statements about the selling process is true?

The selling process has 10 steps

If you learn about the sales process in the same order a salesperson goes through the process, the first thing you will study is:

After presentation, the next step in the selling process is the:

qualified buyer of your good or service

___ is the process of determining if a suspect is to become a prospect.

Which of the following is NOT true about prospecting?

It comes naturally to all

The most recent advancement in prospecting is:

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the cold canvassing method?

It is an easy prospecting method

To the salesperson, referrals are...

people recommended as someone who would benefit from your product

In Kingston, a group of salespeople get together for breakfast on the first and third Tuesday of each month. The purpose of their meeting is to share leads and prospecting tips. The group charges each members dues of $65 per quarter, and participants must sell noncompetitive products. This group is an example of:

Salespeople should correctly use trade shows as a way to:

Elias does home repairs. On Sunday afternoons, he often drives in the community in which he lives looking for homes that need minor repairs and/or painting. Monday morning he calls those homeowners and offers his services. Elias is using the ___ method of prospecting.

Pete recently installed computers at Kreeger Industries. He recommended the office manager call his friend Joy over at Computer Services to hire instructors to teach Kreeger's employees how to use the computers. This is an example of the ___ method of prospecting.

Which of the following is the right way to cultivate your network?

Focus on meeting center-of-influence people

Albert Bertram sells high tech mining equipment in Italy. Before calling on his prospects, he visited the Web sites of leading mining companies in the nation, and spoke to some internal contacts in his prospect's companies about their challenges with the current mining equipment. Albert was in the ___ stage.

Nordstrom, the fashion retailer, is installing software in its 137 stores that will help the company gather customer preferences and product information. The software will assist the store's salespeople to understand each customer as a person with unique needs and wants. Nordstrom is helping its salespeople create ___ with the store's customers.

strategic customer relationships

A ___ has the ability to develop and combine nontraditional alternatives to meet the specific needs of the customer

What should a salesperson do if he wants to develop an atmosphere of goodwill between himself and his buyers?

Engage in sales call planning

Which of the following is a reason why salespeople should plan their sales calls?

Planning a sales call helps increase sales

Aaron is going on his first sales call, and is very nervous. A professional salesperson would most likely tell Aaron that one of the keys to selling success is a salesperson's willingness to:

plan and rehearse the sales call

A salesperson engaged in sales call planning should:

develop a customer benefit plan

A ___ is the main purpose of a salesperson's contact with a prospect:

Jack sells photocopier machines. Which of the following would be a good question for Jack to ask that moves his prospect toward his objective of furthering the sales process?

If we meet your requirements, can you set up a date for a demo?

Tony is getting ready for a sales call. His objective in this sales call is to convince his retailer to display two leading products on the front shelf of the store in time for the Christmas sale which is due in two weeks. His objective is:

specific, measurable and timed

Sascha sells how-to-books. When she went on her sales call to a local bookstore, she knew the purchasing policies of the store, who made the buying decisions, and the financial terms the store needed. She found this information in her:

Before you can develop your customer benefit plan, you need:

a sales call objective and a customer profile

In whih of the prospect's mental stes would interruptions by a secretary, a long-distance phone call, and the prospect's need to leave the office in the next 15 minutes be most distracting a salesperson?

A salesperson's prospects go through several mental steps in deciding whether to buy or not to buy the product. Select these steps in their correct order.

attention, interest, desire, conviction, action

Belle is selling ski jackets and pants to the buyers for a large ski resort. When the prospect says, "I like what I've seen so far but I don't know if I can afford it," he has reached the mental step called:

By definition, the ___ clearly and completely explains all aspects of a salesperson's proposition as it relates to a buyer's needs.

A salesperson engaged in partnering would be most likely to use the ___ sales presentation method.

According to the text, the ___ approach is the most structured of the sales presentation approaches.

According to the text, the most customized of the sales presentation methods is the ___ method.

One advantage of the memorized sales presentation is the fact that it:

ensures the company's salespeople to provide the same information to all customers

Which of the following statements describes a disadvantage of the memorized sales presentation?

The memorized presentation presents features, advantages, and benefits that may not be important to the buyer.

An inexperienced salesperson is most likely comfortable with the ___ method.

The formula presentation is often referred to as the ___ presentation

Which of the following statements describes an advantage associated with the formula sales presentation?

It ensures that all sales information is presented logically.

The disadvantage of the formula sales presentation is that:

it cannot be used in some complex situations

The ___ presentation is the most challenging and creative form of selling because it is designed to be interactivee.

Which of the following is an advantage of the need-satisfaction sales presentation?

It is useful to quickly respond to objections, requests and asking for oders

During the typical first step of the problem-solution presentation, a salesperson should:

convice the prospect to allow the salesperson to conduct an analysis of the prospect's problem

Which sales presentation methods are most often used when presenting to groups?

need-satisfaction and problem-solution

The ___ sales presentation is most appropriate when information needs to be gathered from the prospect, as is often the case in selling industrial products.

For salespeople, the stage in the selling process during which the salesperson meets, greets and establishes rapport with the prospect is:

According to the text, as a salesperson, you earn the right to a prospect's time and serious attention by:

expressing a sincere desire to solve the buyer's problem

Successful salespeople have learned a relaxation and concentration technique called ___, which allows them to cope with stress.

In order to make a good first impression on a buyer, a salesperson should:

keep an erect posture to project confidence

The salesperson walked into the wholesale floral center and said, "Ms. Allyn, in my job I visit a lot of nurseries, and I believe you grow the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen." This is an example of the ___ approach.

Ami approached her prospect with the following words, "Hello, Dr. Vorhees, Rosa Forman over at County General Hospital suggested I contact you concerning our new MRI scanner." This approach will NOT be effective if:

Dr. Vorhees has no respect for Rosa Forman

A ___ approach is effective because everyone likes to recieve something free.

The product approach works best with:

products that are new, unique, and colorful

To illustrate the benefits of the Dixie Chopper brand lawn mowers to professional landscapers, the salesperson would ask prospects to race him to see who could finish mowing an equal-size area first. Even if the competing mower had a wider cutting area, the Dixie Chopper always won because it is the only lawn mowere that can travel 15mph. What approach did the Dixie Chopper salesperson use?

To illustrate how fire-retardant his company's children clothing was, the salesperson took a pair of toddler-sized pajamas, placed them in the department store buyer's trashcan, and set them on fire. Unfortunately, the buyer's plastic trashcan was not fire-resistant. The resulting fire damaged the buyer's carpeting and desk. This is an example of:

how the showmanship approach can backfire

The equipment salesperson asked the professional landscaper, "Did you know that the RedMax brand backpack blower can save you time and money because it is the most powerful blower on the market and because it features an extra large fuel tank?" What kind of approach was the salesperson using?

"Do you know why you should be using synthetic motor oil in your new Lexus?" the service manager asked Henri Wilton when he brought his new car to the Lexus dealership for a routine servicing. What type of approach is the service manager using?

Which of the following types of approaches is especially good for the inexperienced salesperson to use?

If a salesperson for a security company were to walk into a prospect's office and say, "According to a recent FBI study, 10% of your employees have stolen something tangible from your company," she would probably be using the ___ approach

Another name for the SPIN approach is the ___ approach

When a prospect shows resistance to a salesperson's attempt to close a sale, the customer is most likely:

When should the salesperson be prepared to handle the prospect's objections?

Anytime during the sales call

The salesperson has just used a trial close. If this prospect is typical, her reaction to a trial close will be to:

The two broad categories of objections are ___, which can never be solved and ___, which can be answered

An objection that is labeled as psychological can also be referred to as:

___ objections such as "I'll think it over," are simply a smoke screen designed to get ride of a salesperson.

Assume a salesperson asks a prospect to buy, and the prospect responds with a stalling objection. The salesperson should:

bring out the main selling benefits

Which of the following is the BEST example of a money objection?

"Give me a 10% discount and I'll give you an order today."

The prospect says, "I like your company's accounting software package, but our employees just don't have the time to learn a new system." This is an example of a ___ objection.

The prospect says, "Your price is two percent higher than your competitor's." The salesperson responds, "What you're saying is you want to get the best product for your money - right?" The salesperson is using which technique for meeting objections?

Rephrase objection to question

After dealing with a prospect's objection, the very next thing the professional salesperson should do is to:

According to the text, before you ask the prospect to buy, which of the following is an important question you should ask yourself?

Should the person buy this product?

___ is defined as the process of helping people make a decision that will benefit them.

should occur when the prospect is ready.

If your experience as a salesperson is typical, much of the time, your close will take place:

directly after the presentation

A ___ refers to anything prospects may say or do indicating they are ready to buy.

After you have asked for the order, the very next thing you should do is:

According to the text, the minimum number of times a salesperson should attempt to close is:

___ should be the easiest part of the sales presentation

"Which do you like best - the flexible goggles or the rubber frame goggles?" This is an example of an ___ close

The salesperson is trying to convice a buyer for a small college that he needs to purchase a Little Wonder Snow Blower. When the salesperson says, "This blower has a 13 HP engine for power, three large, ball-bearing pneumatic wheels so it won't get stuck in drifts, and an adjustable ergonomically-designed handle to reduce injuries," the salesperson is selling using a ___ close

According to the text, most sales negotiations focus on two major themes:

The salesperson says, "What if I throw in three replacement blades? Would you be willing to accept a limited two-year warranty that only covers parts and not labor?" what kind of close was this salesperson most likely using?

A wholesale distributor of cleaning producs is thinking about buying 200 more cases of a floor cleaning compound than she normally does. If Nilan used a laptop computer to show the distributor how much money she can save by using various payment schedules offered by Nilan's company, he would using a ___ close.

The salesperson was selling the couple a garden tub with water jets for their new bathroom. He said, "You'll be the envy of all your friends with this great tub. It will be the piece de resistance in your new bath." When his first close failed, he asked, "Will you want to use clear or white caulk to install your new tub?" When the couple failed to answer this question, the salesperson began making a two-column list with reasons for and against buying.. The salespersons used a

According to the text, there are six common mistakes that prevent successful sales calls. Which of the following is NOT one of those mistakes?

Asks too many questions, makes prospect do too much talking

What is the most important ingredient in building a long-term relationship?

A strong desire to help the customer

When the salesperson has done the best she can and still is unable to close the sale, she should:

not take the refusal personally

The most important activity for ensuring repeat sales is:

According to the text, many people do not make it in sales because:

they cannot place someone's interests before their own

Why should a salesperson first select a sales presentation method and then the approach group of answer choices?

The formula sales presentation is the best method to use when the prospect allows a few minutes for the presentation. Why should a salesperson first select a sales presentation method and then the approach? The sales presentation method determines how to open the presentation.

Which of the following is the first step in a sales presentation?

1. Prospecting. The first step in the sales process is prospecting. In this stage, you find potential customers and determine whether they have a need for your product or service—and whether they can afford what you offer.

Which type of sales presentation format is commonly used for door to door sales?

A sales pitch or elevator pitch is used to keep you organized and compelling in a conversation with a customer. You typically only have a few minutes when first knocking on someone's door to explain how your product or service can relieve their pain points.

What type of selling presentation method is best to use when the salesperson is inexperienced?

The most common use of memorized presentations today is door-to-door and telephone sales. The memorized presentation method has several advantages. It increases the confidence of inexperienced salespeople.


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