Which of the following statements correctly distinguishes a primary group from a secondary group

Primary groups serve pragmatic functions; secondary groups serve expressive functions.

Primary groups have formal relationships; secondary groups have informal relationships.

Primary groups typically have short-term relationships; secondary groups have long-term relationships.

Primary groups share close emotional bonds; secondary groups have a more task-oriented relationship.

Answer & Explanation

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The answer is the fourth option which states that primary groups share close emotional bond whereas secondary groups have task-oriented relationship.

Step-by-step explanation

This is because primary groups are usually small in size or numbers but it emphasizes the importance of having close and emotional bond that lasted for a long time. Primary groups usually involves high-level of intimacy between members and it exhibits deeper connection, unity and understanding. Example of primary groups are family and close friends. Secondary groups typically involve task-oriented relationship to achieve the common goal of the group. The relationship between members are not permanent, often temporary and impersonal. It does not involve deeper intimacy and closeness between each members because secondary groups are usually large in size and that it emphasizes the skills or what a member can do for the group. Example of secondary groups are school clubs, political party and church. 

For further reference, you may want to read this: //socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Introduction_to_Sociology/Book%3A_Sociology_(Boundless)/06%3A_Social_Groups_and_Organization/6.01%3A_Types_of_Social_Groups/6.1C%3A_Secondary_Groups

What distinguishes a primary group from a secondary group?

A primary group is usually small which is characterized by personal and relatively long relationships while a secondary group is large with impersonal and goal-directed relationships.

How do primary and secondary groups differ quizlet?

A primary group is large and impersonal; a secondary group is small, consisting of emotional, face-to-face relationships.

Which of the following is an example of a primary group?

A primary group is a group in which one exchanges implicit items, such as love, caring, concern, support, etc. Examples of these would be family groups, love relationships, crisis support groups, and church groups.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a secondary group?

Main characteristics of secondary group are: (i) Formal and Impersonal Relations (ii) Large in Size (iii) Option of Membership (iv) Active and Inactive Members (v) Relations (vi) Formal Rules (vii) Status of Individual Depends on his Role (viii) Goal Oriented.


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