Which of the following would best describe the psychological orientation of an individual making a Maximax type of choice a optimist?


1. Organizational efficiency is improved by the use of _________________.a) Programmed decisionsb) Nonprogrammed decisionsc) Less planningd) Lower expectations and lower demands by top manager

2. Which of the following would best describe the psychological orientation of an individual making a maximax type of choice?a) Optimistb) Realistc) Pessimistd) Satisficer

3. If companies value teamwork, then promotions, pay raises, and other forms of recognition should be given to individuals for how effectively the work as:a) Managersb) Team membersc) Leadersd) Individualse) Group members

4. Which of the following decision procedures would be characterized by a manager who asks other people for their opinion and ideas, then makes the decision alone?a) Autocraticb) Consultationc) Joint decisiond) Delegation

5. Under which of the following decision procedures would other people have the greatest influence?a) Autocraticb) Consultationc) Joint decisiond) Delegation

6. Behavioral theories of leadership focused on_____.a) Who effective leadersb) What characteristics effective leaders hadc) How to identify effective leadersd) What effective leaders did

7. Which leadership style tends to centralize authority and make unilateral decisions?a) Cultural styleb) Autocratic stylec) Democratic styled) Laissez-faire

8. A democratic consultative leader.a) Seeks input and shares the final decisionb) Makes the final decision without inputc) Seeks input but makes the final decision by oneselfd) Shares the final decision without input

9. A democratic participate leader ____.a) Seeks input and shares the final decisionb) Shares the final decision without inputc) Makes the final decision without inputd) Seeks input but makes the final decision by oneself

10. According to the normative decision making model, the decision procedure directly affects which of the following?a) Unit/team performanceb) The amount of disagreement among subordinates with respect to their preferred alternativesc) Whether the decision is important or triviald) Decision acceptance

11. When designing reward systems for teams, it is best to encourage cooperative efforts rather than ____________ ones.a) Collectivistb) Cooperativec) Pluralisticd) Competitivee) Individualistic

12. The challenge of creating teams is less demanding for management when teams are introduced where employees have strong _________ values.a) Pluralisticb) Collectivistc) Individualisticd) Cooperativee) Competitive

13. When managing a diverse team, it is important to keep in mind that:a) Diverse groups are generally less creative.b) Communication should be easier because the group is diverse.c) It will be easier to reach agreement on specific actions.d) The lack of a common perspective means that more time is spent on discussing issues.e) The group may be less open to new ideas because of its diversity.

14. Communication starts with :a) Messageb) Senderc) Channeld) Feedback

15. The number of key elements in the communication process is :a) Fiveb) Sixc) Sevend) Four

16. Successful teams translate their _______ into specific, measurable, and realistic performance goals.a) Common purposeb) Knowledgec) Normsd) Rolese) Skills

17. Which one of the following characteristics is part of the definition of a group?a) Interdependent effortb) Individual goalsc) Independent behaviourd) Personal accountabilitye) Unstable relationship

18. You are a member of a work team whose goal is to improve the efficiency of the production process. Your team is best described as:a) Cross-functionalb) Problem-solvingc) Goal-orientedd) Production-orientede) Self-managed

19. Work groups of employees and supervisors that meet regularly to discuss their quality problems and recommend solutions is a form of participative management called:a) Goal-oriented teamsb) Department teamsc) Evaluation teamsd) Cooperative groupse) Quality circles

20. Self-managed work teams are generally:a) Groups of employees who take on the responsibilities of their former supervisorsb) Those who meet weekly to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and work environmentc) From different work areas, but at similar hierarchical levels, who work together to accomplish tasksd) Comprised of people from different levels of the organizatione) Employees who take on responsibilities for other employees unable to make decisions

21. ____________ teams are employees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work areas, who come together to accomplish a task.a) Work-relatedb) Self-managedc) Re-engineeringd) Problem-solvinge) Cross-functional

22. If a manager is dependent on the subordinate and the subordinate makes a mistake, the manager is more likely to attribute the poor performance to which of the following?a) Internal effortb) Internal abilityc) External problemsd) Resistance

23. The two broad areas of communication are:a) Oral and written communicationb) Verbal and written communicationc) Verbal and non-verbal communicationd) Oral and non-verbal communication

24. Which of the following are examples of oral communication?a) Meetings, memos and presentationsb) Meetings, memos and performance reviewsc) Meetings, presentations and performance reviewsd) Reports, presentations and performance reviews

25. The University of Iowa studies discussed all of the following leadership styles except.a) Laissez-faireb) Democraticc) Benevolentd) Autocratic

26. Which of the following is a cognitive strategy for self-management?a) Self-rewardb) Self-monitoringc) Cue modificationd) Mental rehearsal

27. ______________________ teams are an effective way to allow people from diverse areas within an organization to exchange information, develop new ideas and solve problems, and coordinate complex projects.a) Multifacetedb) Cross-functionalc) Quality circled) Problem-solvinge) Self-managed

28. Which of the following are examples of written communication?a) Letters and voicemailb) Reports and emailc) Circulars and voicemaild) Presentations and email

29. Virtual teams are characterized by:a) Employees who are given the authority to implement any of their suggested actionsb) Groups of employees who take on the added responsibilities of their former managersc) Individuals from different work areas who come together to accomplish a taskd) Employees who meet regularly to take corrective actions to problems being experiencede) Use of computer technology to communicate with individuals at different worksites

30. Virtual teams generally can perform the same functions and do the same things that other teams have traditionally accomplished. Many times, they can even be more efficient at tasks due to the establishment of systems and procedures, and acceptance of these by team members. Before this can happen, however, virtual teams must set the stage for effective interaction through all of the following except:a) Be aware of any pessimists who may exist among themb) Ensure that the tone of introductory messages facilitates trustc) Share some personal information about themd) Assign clear roles for their memberse) Recognize that eagerness and enthusiasm has no impact on team function

31. Social loafing refers toa) Baking bread in groupsb) Working harder when in a group due to accountabilityc) Enjoying oneself in the midst of a group performanced) Slacking off when in a group due to unaccountability

32. What is the term used to describe when a person's identity and self-awareness are diffused by being in the presence of a group, and a person might act in an unrestrained manners?a) Deinstitutionalizationb) Deindividuationc) Decinerationd) Declination

33. Group polarization occurs whena) Members in a group interact, but, instead of changing their minds about a topic, they keep their original ideas and strengthen those ideasb) The group members do not interact, and the members reverse their decisions to the opposite point of viewc) Social loafing is strong and deindividuation is weakd) The members in a group interact, and based upon what they hear, they discard their original ideas in favor of the other group members' ideas

34. Which researcher coined the term "groupthink"?a) Leon Festingerb) Norman Triplettc) Irving Janisd) Irwin Yalom

35. Groupthink is used to describe.a) The positive aspects that occur when a group works togetherb) Group dynamics that can interfere with group decision-making processes and can produce disastrous resultsc) When group members have in-jokes and give each other knowing glancesd) When group members are on the same wavelength and complete each others' sentences

36. What is social loafing?a) A process where individuals in teams work less hard than they would individuallyb) A process where individuals work harder when they are in teamsc) When someone hangs around with others and enjoys the camaraderie of being part of a teamd) Team building activities

37. Which of these is not a key feature of a team?a) Mutual independenceb) Mutual purposec) Shared responsibilityd) Working in the same department that is called a team

38. Which of the following is a particular benefit of teamwork to the organization as a whole, rather than the individual?a) Transfer of skills and technical expertiseb) Learning skills from othersc) Job enrichmentd) Increased motivation

39. Tuckman's stages of team formation go in what order?a) Norming, storming, forming, performing, adjourningb) Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourningc) Founding, storming, norming, performing, adjourningd) Forming, staining, norming, performing, adjourning

40. What is groupthink?a) Negotiation a solution as part of the groupb) Learning to compromise to fit within the groupc) A meeting where everyone shares their ideasd) Social pressure put on individuals to think in a particular way

41. Which of the following numbers of participants would be considered a small group?a) 15b) 8c) All of these would be considered a small groupd) 4

42. The stage in a small group interaction in which someone might say, "Does anyone want coffee," is generally the _____ stage.a) Openingb) Feed forwardc) Sociald) Business

43. In order to qualify as a group, the people must be related in which of the following ways?a) Members have a common purposeb) Each member has some role or taskc) Members are motivatedd) Members must make an impression on one anothere) All of the above

44. Which kind of power comes from the fact that people like you?a) Referentb) Legitimatec) Expertd) Reward

45. A ____ group exists to associate with others.a) Focusb) Therapyc) Primaryd) Study

46. Small-group communication is defined asa) Face-to-face communication among any three or more peopleb) Face-to-face communication among a small number of people who share a common goal or objectivec) Virtual or electronic communication among people who share a common goal or objectived) Intrapersonal, as opposed to interpersonal, communication

47. The person who manipulates a group in the interests of some other group is called aa) Dominatorb) Recognition seekerc) Help seekerd) Special-interest pleader

48. Any group member can improve the quality of group interaction bya) Calling for a vote without further discussionb) Asking questions of othersc) Encouraging groupthinkd) Refusing to participate in the conflict phase

49. In which of the following cases will a decision be best done by a group rather than by an individual?a) Time pressures are greatb) When there is substantial agreement within the groupc) When the decision is simple and its rationale is apparent to all membersd) A good solution is risky

50. The need to prove one's worth and competence by making effective decisions is calleda) Control needb) Provisionals needc) Inclusion needd) Affection need

51. The transformational leadership stylea) Encourages group members to transform themselves into better peopleb) Strives to change the group members' opinions by showing them a better way to thinkc) Changes opinions and attitudes without changing behaviorsd) Encourages and inspires group members to go above and beyond selfish interests and do what is best for the common good of the group as a whole

52. Which style of leadership focuses on goals, standards, and organization?a) Task leadershipb) Social leadershipc) Semantic leadershipd) Transformational leadership

53. Communication with superiors involves:a) Problem solvingb) Disciplinary mattersc) Welfare aspectsd) Public relations

54. Listening has been identified as one of the seven habits of highly effective people by:a) Lundsteen b) Stephen coveyc) Lee lacoccad) Tom peters

55. Which of the following statements describes a highly cohesive group?a) Members spend less time interactingb) They report more satisfaction with the group and its workc) There is less control over the behaviour of group membersd) Members do not share a collective sense of identity

56. The difference between nominal group technique and brainstorming is thata) Nominal groups allow members to work alone firstb) Brainstorming allows criticism, nominal group doesnt c) Nominal groups seek quantity, brainstorming seeks quality d) Brainstorming involves ranking ideas; nominal groups dont rank

57. Which is true of the reinforcement stage of group problem solving?a) Members take strong positions and defend themb) Members are reluctant to take a stand c) Members approach consensus and back off dogmatic positionsd) Members find reasons to endorse and support the decision

58. Brainstorming guidelines include all of the following EXCEPT.a) No criticism b) Encourage freewheeling c) State your opposition clearly d) Seek quantity

59. A group in the conflict stage.a) Is likely to form coalitionsb) Will be characterized by polarized discussions c) Ill have members take and defend strong positionsd) All of these are true

60. Which of the following would NOT be considered a guideline for becoming an effective follower?a) Resist upward coaching and counselingb) Support leader efforts to make necessary changesc) Keep the boss informed about your decisionsd) Take the initiative to deal with problems

61. __________ contains data about each employees skills abilities work preferences etc. a) CVb) Recordsc) Skills inventoryd) Appraisal form

62. This method is generally used to collect employee opinions about the factors which affect morale and their effect on personnel objectives. a) Interview methodb) The questionnaire methodc) Brainstormingd) Focus group

63. The essence of decision making is:a) Problem solvingb) Choosing between alternativesc) Developing alternative courses of actiond) Monitoring

64. A process in which a group of individuals generate and state ideas, but in which the rules prohibit questioning, evaluating, or rejecting any ideas, even if they seem ridiculous is called:a) Delphi techniqueb) Brainstormingc) Nominal group techniqued) Bounded rationality

65. Several studies have examined the effect of selected personality variables on the decision making process. These studies generally have focused on _____________ variables.a) Personalityb) Situationalc) Interactionald) All of the above

66. __________ decision making is an organized, exacting, data-driven process.a) Systematicb) Programmedc) Non programmedd) Intuitive

67. A decision made before the occurrence of an external or internal change is called a _________ decision.a) Reactiveb) Proactivec) Intuitived) Systematic

68. Hersey and Blanchard present a form of situational leadership based on the ___________ of the people the leader is attempting to influence.a) Personalityb) Intelligencec) Readinessd) Motivation

69. What is post-heroic leadership theory?a) A theory which states that there is too much emphasis on leaders and more attention should be placed on followersb) A theory looking beyond current leadership styles to new, more creative ways of leadingc) A theory which tries to create new organizations which do not need leadersd) A theory which tries to find the ideal form of leadership

70. What is a transformational leader?a) Someone who is involved in organizational changeb) A leader, like Taylor, who provided new ways of carrying out managementc) A leader who inspires the workers to new levels by offering them a vision of a better futured) A leader who tries to transform their staff by giving them rewards for what they do

Answer1.a, 2.a, 3.b, 4.b, 5.d, 6.d, 7.b, 8.c, 9.a, 10.d, 11.d, 12.b, 13.d, 14.b, 15.c, 16.a, 17.a, 18.b, 19.e, 20.a, 21.e, 22.c, 23.b, 24.c, 25.c, 26.d, 27.b, 28.b, 29.e, 30.e, 31.d, 32.b, 33.a, 34.c, 35.b, 36.a, 37.d, 38.a, 39.b, 40.d, 41.c, 42.a, 43.e, 44.a, 45.c, 46.b, 47.d, 48.b, 49.d, 50.a, 51.d, 52.a, 53.a, 54.b, 55.b, 56.a, 57.d, 58.c, 59.d, 60.a, 61.c, 62.b, 63.b, 64.b, 65.d, 66.a, 67.b, 68.c, 69.a, 70.c

What best describes the psychological orientation of an individual making a Maximax choice?

The correct option is A) Pessimist A person who takes a maximax decision is optimistic.

What are the psychological orientations?

Psychological orientations are composed of the following component orientations: cognitive, motivational, moral, and action. It is hypothesized that there is a strong tendency for a fit between the type of social relation and type of psychological orientation.


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