Which of these is a theory of motivation based on the idea that work effort is directed toward Behaviours that people believe will lead to desired outcomes?

What are some of the drivers of employee engagement discussed in the text?

A. goal setting, self-esteem, self-efficacy

B. organizational comprehension, sufficient resources, the company vision

C. organizational justice, punishment, rewards

D. an appealing company vision, employee involvement, employee development opportunities

E. affiliation, achievement, power

The core elements of Organizational Behavior Modification are depicted by the A-B-C model, in which A, B, and C stand for

A. attitude, bearing, conviction.

B. antecedents, behavior, consequences.

C. action, because, conformity.

D. able, baker, charlie.

E. step one, step two, step three.

McClelland examined three "learned" needs: achievement, power, and affiliation.

1. Need for achievement: People with a strong need for achievement (nAch) want to accomplish reasonably challenging goals through their own effort. They prefer working alone rather than in teams, and they choose tasks with a moderate degree of risk. High-nAch people also desire unambiguous feedback and recognition for their success. Money is a weak motivator, except when it provides feedback and recognition. In contrast, employees with a low nAch perform their work better when money is used as an incentive.
2. Need for affiliation: This need refers to a desire to seek approval from others, conform to their wishes and expectations, and avoid conflict and confrontation. People with a strong nAff try to project a favorable image of themselves. They tend to actively support others and try to smooth out workplace conflicts. However, they tend to be less effective at allocating scarce resources and making other decisions that potentially generate conflict. People in decision-making positions must have a relatively low need for affiliation so that their choices and actions are not biased by a personal need for approval.
3. Need for power: People with a high need for power (nPow) want to exercise control over others and are concerned about maintaining their leadership position. They frequently rely on persuasive communication, make more suggestions in meetings, and tend to publicly evaluate situations more frequently. McClelland pointed out that there are two types of nPow. Individuals who enjoy their power for its own sake use it to advance personal interests, and wear their power as a status symbol have personalized power. Others mainly have a high need for socialized power because they desire power as a means to help others.

Four-drive theory states that everyone has the drive to acquire, bond, learn, and defend. The four drives are:

1. Drive to acquire: This is the drive to seek, take, control, and retain objects and personal experiences.
2. Drive to bond: This is the drive to form social relationships and develop mutual caring commitments with others.
3. Drive to learn: This is the drive to satisfy our curiosity, to know and understand ourselves and the environment around us.
4. Drive to defend: This drive creates a fight-or-flight response in the face of personal danger.

Every bit of information we receive is quickly and nonconsciously tagged with emotional markers that subsequently shape our logical analysis of the situation. According to four-drive theory, these four drives determine which emotions are tagged to incoming stimuli. Four-drive theory states that competing drives (i.e., conflicting emotions) demand our attention, which causes us to choose a course of action based on our social norms, past experience, and personal values. In other words, our conscious analysis of competing demands from the four drives generates needs that energize us to act in ways acceptable to society and our own moral compass.

Which motivation theory considers the individual's perceived probability that his or her effort will result in a particular level of performance?

Expectancy Theory The theory focuses on three relationships: Effort-performance relationship or the probability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance.

What theory suggests that employee motivation is influenced by perceptions of what other people contribute to and receive from the organization?

Equity Theory states that the employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) about what they put into it( inputs) and then compare their inputs- outcomes ratio with the inputs- outcomes ratios of others.

Which theory of motivation asserts that the strongest source of motivation is the lowest unsatisfied need at the time?

Feedback: Maslow suggested that we are motivated simultaneously by several primary needs (drives), but the strongest source of motivation is the lowest unsatisfied need at the time.

What is the four drive theory?

The Four Drive theory is based on research that shows four underlying drives – the drive to Acquire & Achieve, to Bond & Belong, to be Challenged & Comprehend and to Define & Defend. Each of these drives are important if we are to understand employee motivation.


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