Which of these statements by the nurse reflects the best use of therapeutic interaction techniques


Don’t let this 20-item quiz fool you. It may look short for 20 items but the questions are painstakingly challenging. Don’t forget to read the rationale at the end of the quiz.


Topics or concepts included in this exam are: Various questions about Psychiatric Nursing.


  • Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.
  • You are given one minute per question. Spend your time wisely!

The NCLEX Exam: Psychiatric Nursing includes 20 multiple choice questions in 1 sections.

A 34-year-old woman is admitted for treatment of depression. Which of these symptoms would the nurse be least likely to find in the initial assessment?

  • family history of depression.
  • inability to make decisions.
  • feelings of hopelessness.
  • increased interest in sex.

The nurse can BEST ensure the safety of a demented client who wanders from the room by

  • Using soft restraints
  • Attaching a wander-guard sensor band to the client’s wrist
  • Repeatedly reminding the client of time and place
  • Explaining the risks of becoming lost

A man is admitted to the nursing care unit with a diagnosis of cirrhosis. He has a long history of alcohol dependence. During the late evening following his admission, he becomes increasingly disoriented and agitated. Which of the following would the client be least likely to experience?

  • Illusions.
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Diaphoresis and tremors.
  • Delusions of grandeur.

The nurse is assessing a 17-year-old female who is admitted to the eating disorders unit with a history of weight fluctuation, abdominal pain, teeth erosion, receding gums, and bad breath. She states that her health has been a problem but there are no other concerns in her life. Which of the following assessments will be the least useful as the nurse develops the care plan?

  • Whether she has a sexual relationship with a boyfriend.
  • Information regarding recent mood changes.
  • Ability to socialize with peers.
  • Family functioning using a genogram.

Mr. Peterson, 35, is admitted for bipolar illness, manic phase, after assaulting his landlord in an argument over Mr. Peterson is staying up all night playing loud music. Mr. Peterson is hyperactive, intrusive, and has rapid, pressured speech. He has not slept in three days and appears thin and disheveled. Which of the following is the most essential nursing action at this time?

  • Providing for client safety by limiting his privileges.
  • Providing linens and toiletries for Mr. Peterson to attend to his hygiene.
  • Providing a meal and beverage for Mr. Peterson to eat in the dining room.
  • Consulting with the psychiatrist to order a hypnotic to promote sleep.

A client was admitted to the psychiatric unit for severe depression. After several days, the client continues to withdraw from other clients. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate statement by the nurse to promote interaction with other clients?

  • “Your doctor thinks its good for you to spend time with others.”
  • “Come play Chinese Checkers with Gerry and me.”
  • “Painting this picture will help you feel better.”
  • “It is important for you to participate in group activities.”

A nurse is teaching a stress-management program for client. Which of the following beliefs will the nurse advocate as a method of coping with stressful life events?

  • Significant others are important to provide care and concern.
  • Control over one’s response to stress is possible.
  • Most people have no control over their level of stress.
  • Avoidance of stress is an important goal for living.

An elderly man is admitted to the hospital. He was alert and oriented during the admission interview. However, his family states that he becomes disruptive and disoriented around dinnertime. One night he was shouting furiously and didn’t know where he was. He was sedated and the next morning he was fine. At dinnertime the disruptive behavior returned. The client is diagnosed as having sundown syndrome. The client’s son asks the nurse what causes sundown syndrome. The nurse’s best response is that it is attr

  • an underlying depression.
  • changes in the sensory environment.
  • inadequate cerebral flow.
  • fluctuating levels of oxygen exchange.

When a husband takes out his work frustrations and anger by abusing his wife at home, the nurse would identify this crisis as which type?

  • dispositional crisis
  • psychiatric emergency crisis
  • anticipated life transition
  • developmental crisis

A student nurse is caring for a 75-year-old client who is very confused. The student’s communication tools should include:

  • speaking very loudly.
  • written directions for bathing.
  • flat facial expression.
  • gentle touch while guiding ADLs (activities of daily living).

A client with paranoid thoughts refuses to eat because he believes the food is poisoned. The MOST appropriate initial action is to

  • Simply state the food is not poisoned
  • Suggest that food be brought from home
  • Inform the client he will be tube fed if he does not eat
  • Taste the food in the client’s presence

The nurse is caring for a severely depressed client who has just been admitted to the in-client psychiatric unit. Which of the following is a PRIORITY of care?

  • Rest
  • Safety
  • Elimination
  • Nutrition

Which of the following would best indicate to the nurse that a depressed client is improving?

  • Reduced levels of anxiety.
  • Requests to talk to the nurse.
  • Changes in vegetative signs.
  • Compliance with medications.

The nurse is discussing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) with a client who asks how long it will be before she feels better. The nurse explains that the beneficial effects of ECT usually occur within

  • six weeks.
  • one week.
  • three weeks.
  • four weeks.

Which of these statements by the nurse reflects the best use of therapeutic interaction techniques?

  • “I’d like to know more about your family. Tell me about them.”
  • “I understand that you lost your partner. I don’t think I could go on if that happened to me.”
  • “You look upset. Would you like to talk about it?”
  • “You look very sad. How long have you been this way?”

The nurse is planning care for a client who has a phobic disorder manifested by a fear of elevators. Which goal would need to be accomplished first? The client

  • verbalizes the underlying cause of the disorder.
  • demonstrates the relaxation response when asked.
  • role plays the use of an elevator.
  • rides the elevator in the company of the nurse.

Which statement by the client during the initial assessment in the the emergency department is most indicative for suspected domestic violence?

  • “I have only been married for 2 months.”
  • “I have tried leaving, but have always gone back.”
  • “No one else in the family has been treated like this.”
  • “I am determined to leave my house in a week.”

A mother with a Roman Catholic belief has given birth in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. The neonate is in very critical condition with little expectation of surviving the trip to the hospital. Which of these requests should the nurse in the ambulance anticipate and be prepared to do?

  • The placement of a rosary necklace around the neonate’s neck and not to remove it unless absolutely necessary.
  • Arrange for a church elder to be at the emergency department when the ambulance arrives so a “laying on hands” can be done.
  • Pour fluid over the forehead backwards towards the back of the head and say “I baptize you in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. Amen.”
  • The refusal of any treatment for self and the neonate until she talks to a reader.

A teenage female is admitted with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Upon admission, the nurse finds a bottle of assorted pills in the client’s drawer. The client tells the nurse that they are antacids for stomach pains. The best response by the nurse would be

  • “These pills aren’t antacids since they are all different.”
  • “Some teenagers use pills to lose weight.”
  • “Are you taking pills to change your weight?”
  • “Tell me about your week prior to being admitted.”

When planning the therapeutic milieu, it is MOST important to select group activities which

  • Achieve clients’ therapeutic goals
  • Build skills of group participation
  • Match the clients’ preferences
  • Are consistent with clients’ skills

What is therapeutic communication techniques used in healthcare?

What Is Therapeutic Communication? Therapeutic communication is a collection of techniques that prioritize the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of patients. Nurses provide patients with support and information while maintaining a level of professional distance and objectivity.

Which behavior of the nurse indicates that the nurse has a therapeutic relationship with the client *?

Explanation: Expressing empathy to a client is required for the client to make him feel more comfortable to express his feelings to the nurse. This indicates that the nurse has a therapeutic relationship with the client.

Which is the best response by the nurse to the client's statement quizlet?

"Do you feel that no one understands your feelings?" The nurse should put into words what the client has implied or said indirectly. This statement made by the nurse is the best response to the client. A client who separated from his or her spouse tells the nurse, "I don't know why I am living.

Which communication technique is a part of therapeutic communication?

Therapeutic communication techniques such as active listening, silence, focusing, using open ended questions, clarification, exploring, paraphrasing, reflecting, restating, providing leads, summarizing, acknowledgment, and the offering of self, will be described below.


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