Which one of the following increases the competitive pressures associated with the threat of entry quizlet?

A. incumbent firms are unable or unwilling to strongly contest the entry of newcomers.

B . newcomers can expect to earn attractive profits and a number of outsiders have the expertise and resources to hurdle whatever entry barriers exist.

C. entry barriers are relatively low and buyer demand for the product is growing fairly rapidly.

D . existing industry members are looking to expand their market reach by entering product segments or geographic areas where they currently do not have a presence.

E. All of these conditions heighten the competitive pressures associated with fresh entry into the industry

Which one of the following conditions weakens the competitive pressures associated with the threat of entry?

Which one of the following conditions weakens the competitive pressures associated with the threat of entry? Buyer demand for the product is growing rapidly.

Which of the following conditions generally raise the barriers to entering an industry?

Which of the following conditions generally raise the barriers to entering an industry? key patents and/or possess significant proprietary technology not readily available to a newcomer.

In which of the following instances are industry members not subject to stronger competitive pressures from substitute products quizlet?

In which of the following instances are industry members not subject to stronger competitive pressures from substitute products? Buyers are dubious about using substitutes.

Which of the following are factors that tend to result in weak rivalry among competing sellers?

Factors that tend to result in weak rivalry among competing sellers include: B) rapid growth in buyer demand, high buyer costs to switch brands, and more strongly differentiated products.


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