Which one of the following is most likely a line function of the human resource manager quizlet?

Which of the following terms refers to the procedure used to determine the duties associated with job positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for those positions?

A) job description

B) job specification

C) job analysis

D) job context

E) job standard

The information resulting from a job analysis is used for writing ________.

A) job descriptions

B) corporate objectives

C) personnel questionnaires

D) training requirements

E) mission statements

All of the following types of information will most likely be collected by a human resources specialist through a job analysis EXCEPT ________.

A) work activities

B) human behaviors

C) performance standards

D) human requirements

E) employee benefits options

E) employee benefits options

A manager uses the information in a job analysis for all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) assessing training requirements

B) complying with FCC regulations

C) determining appropriate compensation

D) recruiting and selecting individuals for a job

E) providing accurate performance appraisals

B) complying with FCC regulations

Which of the following most likely depends on a job's required skills, education level, safety hazards, and degree of responsibility?

A) employee compensation

B) organizational culture

C) annual training requirements

D) OSHA and EEO compliance

E) telecommuting opportunities

In order for Hollis Construction to be in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the manager needs a ________ for each position to validate all human resource activities.

A) performance appraisal

B) compensation schedule

C) workflow system

D) quality control clerk

E) job analysis

Managers use ________ to uncover essential duties that have not been assigned to specific employees.

A) work activities

B) job specifications

C) job analysis

D) performance standards

E) job context

The ________ lists a job's specific duties as well as the skills and training needed to perform a particular job.

A) organization chart

B) job analysis

C) work aid

D) job context

E) job description

How many steps are involved in the job analysis process?

A) two

B) four

C) six

D) eight

E) ten

What is the first step in conducting a job analysis?

A) deciding how the gathered information will be used

B) collecting data on job activities and working conditions

C) selecting representative job positions to assess

D) reviewing relevant background information

E) writing job descriptions and job specifications

A) deciding how the gathered information will be used

Reviewing relevant background information such as organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions is the ________ step of performing a job analysis.

A) first

B) second

C) third

D) fourth

E) fifth

Which of the following data collection techniques would be most useful when writing a job description for a software engineer?

A) distributing position analysis questionnaires

B) interviewing employees

C) analyzing organization charts

D) observing employees

E) developing a job process chart

B) interviewing employees

Which of the following is a written statement that describes the activities, responsibilities, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities of a job?

A) job specification

B) job analysis

C) job report

D) job description

E) job context

Which of the following refers to the human requirements needed for a job, such as education, skills, and personality?

A) job specifications

B) job analysis

C) job placement

D) job context

E) job descriptions

All of the following requirements are typically addressed in job specifications EXCEPT ________.

A) desired personality traits

B) required education levels

C) essential skills

D) necessary experience

E) working conditions

Which of the following indicates the distribution of work within a firm and the lines of authority and communication?

A) job analysis

B) process chart

C) employee matrix

D) organization chart

E) corporate overview

A(n) ________ shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from a job being analyzed.

A) organization chart

B) process chart

C) value chain

D) job analysis

E) job description

During the job analysis process, it is important to ________ before collecting data about specific job duties and working conditions.

A) test job questionnaires on a small group of workers

B) confirm the job activity list with employees

C) select a sample of similar jobs to analyze

D) develop a job description outline

E) assemble the job specifications list

C) select a sample of similar jobs to analyze

The fourth step in conducting a job analysis most likely involves collecting data about all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) necessary employee behaviors

B) required employee abilities

C) typical working conditions

D) employee turnover rates

E) specific job activities

D) employee turnover rates

While performing the fifth step of a job analysis, it is essential to confirm the validity of collected data with the ________.

A) EEOC representative

B) HR manager

C) union leader

D) legal department

E) worker

During the job analysis process, the primary purpose of having workers review and modify data collected about their current positions is to ________.

A) confirm that the information is correct and complete

B) provide a legal benchmark for employer lawsuits

C) enable participants to understand their job strengths

D) encourage employees to seek additional job training

A) confirm that the information is correct and complete

What is the final step in conducting a job analysis?

A) conducting an exit interview of all participants

B) writing a job description and job specifications

C) validating all of the collected job data

D) collecting data on specific job activities

E) reviewing relevant background information

B) writing a job description and job specifications

Murray, Inc. emphasizes a desire for detail-oriented, motivated employees with strong social skills as indicated in the firm's job ________.

A) specifications

B) analysis

C) reports

D) descriptions

E) context

The primary drawback of performing a job analysis regards the ________.

A) unverifiable data a job analysis typically provides

B) certification required to conduct a job analysis

C) amount of time a job analysis takes to complete

D) redundant information gathered during a job analysis

E) costs associated with the technology needed for a job analysis

C) amount of time a job analysis takes to complete

Which of the following guidelines is recommended to managers conducting a job analysis?

A) Use one tool for gathering information to maintain the validity of the results.

B) Rely on the human resource manager to complete questionnaires and verify data.

C) Conduct group interviews without supervisors present to ensure accuracy.

D) Collect information from employees performing the same job in different departments.

D) Collect information from employees performing the same job in different departments.

Which method for collecting job analysis information is considered best for quantifying the relative worth of a job for compensation purposes?

A) electronic log

B) group interview

C) worker diary

D) observation

E) questionnaire

Which of the following will most likely be used by a manager gathering job analysis information when a large number of employees perform similar work?

A) individual employee interviews

B) direct observation of all employees

C) interview with the HR manager

D) group interview with a supervisor

E) telephone surveys of all employees

D) group interview with a supervisor

Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of using interviews to collect job analysis data?

A) Interviews are a complicated method for collecting information.

B) Employees may exaggerate or minimize some information.

C) Interviews provide only general information about a worker's duties.

D) Employees may reveal minimal information about their daily activities.

B) Employees may exaggerate or minimize some information.

Interviews for the purpose of collecting job analysis data will most likely address all of the following topics EXCEPT ________.

A) hazardous conditions

B) primary work duties

C) required education

D) necessary experience

E) personal hobbies

Job analysts collecting information through observations and interviews benefit from the use of a(n) ________ to guide the process and ensure consistency.

A) structured list

B) electronic diary

C) job description

D) organization chart

E) position analysis questionnaire

Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of using questionnaires to gather job analysis info?

A) Questionnaires are the most expensive method of collecting data.

B) Supervisors are required to verify all collected questionnaire data.

C) Firms lack the technology to generate electronic questionnaires.

D) Developing and testing questionnaires is time-consuming.

D) Developing and testing questionnaires is time-consuming.

For which of the following jobs is direct observation NOT a recommended method for collecting job analysis data?

A) assembly-line worker

B) accounting clerk

C) attorney

D) nurse

E) salesperson

One of the problems with direct observation is ________, which is when workers alter their normal activities because they are being watched.

A) flexibility

B) constancy

C) falsification

D) reactivity

E) diversion

A ________ is the time it takes to complete a job.

A) specification

B) work cycle

C) work week

D) shift

E) duty

Joaquin records every activity in which he participates at work along with the time it takes him to complete each activity. Which of the following approaches to job analysis data collection is most likely being used at Joaquin's workplace?

A) diaries

B) interviews

C) direct observations

D) questionnaires

E) supervisor verification

Pocket dictating machines and pagers have replaced traditional diary/log methods in many firms. Which of the following problems have the modern methods most likely eliminated?

A) poor penmanship skills among employees

B) work time required to fill out forms and surveys

C) employee forgetfulness regarding daily activities

D) costs associated with copying and filing paperwork

E) employee frustration towards bureaucratic requirements

C) employee forgetfulness regarding daily activities

What is the primary benefit of using a position analysis questionnaire to gather data for a job analysis?

A) providing the opportunity for employees to vent job frustrations

B) monitoring & improving workplace safety & health

C) sorting information for government statistics and records

D) classifying jobs for the purpose of assigning salaries

D) classifying jobs for the purpose of assigning salaries

A(n) ________ is used to collect quantifiable data concerning the duties and responsibilities of various jobs.

A) electronic diary/log

B) group interview

C) position analysis questionnaire

D) direct observation

E) Internet-based survey

C) position analysis questionnaire

Experts at the ________ performed the earliest form of job analysis and published the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.






What are the three main categories used in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to rate, classify, and compare different jobs?

A) reasoning, language, mathematics

B) skills, communication, education

C) tending, serving, data

D) data, people, things

E) people, skills, reasoning

The Department of Labor procedure uses a set of standard basic activities known as ________ to describe what a worker must do with respect to data, people, and things.

A) worker functions

B) employee duties

C) job procedures

D) worker purposes

E) job requirements

All of the following categories are assessed in a functional job analysis EXCEPT ________.

A) judgment

B) reasoning

C) verbal skills

D) mathematical skills

E) industry standards

What has been the most significant impact of modern technology on job analysis methods?

A) Extensive use of the Internet by HR managers enables more people to telecommute from locations far from corporate headquarters.

B) Corporate use of the Internet and intranet has enabled HR managers to distribute and collect job analysis surveys to employees in multiple geographic locations.

B) Corporate use of the Internet and intranet has enabled HR managers to distribute and collect job analysis surveys to employees in multiple geographic locations.

The most important consideration when developing an online job analysis is to ________.

A) require employees to be monitored by supervisors

B) make questions and the process as clear as possible

C) provide monetary rewards for timely completion

D) limit the number of questions to less than twenty

E) ask open-ended questions to ensure honest responses

B) make questions and the process as clear as possible

Most job descriptions contain sections that cover all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) job summary

B) performance standards

C) working conditions

D) responsibilities

E) required overtime

Which of the following is the primary source of information an employer uses to write a job specification?

A) job summary

B) work functions

C) job description

D) performance standards

E) personnel replacement charts

What type of information is contained in the job identification section of a job description?

A) job title

B) job summary

C) relationships statement

D) major functions or activities

E) standards of performance

Which of the following is identified by the FLSA status section of a job description?

A) whether the employer is a non-profit organization

B) whether a job is exempt or nonexempt

C) whether a job includes health benefits

D) whether the employer is a private or public firm

E) whether a job requires a college degree

B) whether a job is exempt or nonexempt

The ________ classifies all workers into one of 23 major groups of jobs that are subdivided into minor groups of jobs and detailed occupations.

A) Department of Labor Procedure

B) Position Analysis Questionnaire

C) Standard Occupational Classification

D) Federal Professions Classification System

E) Dictionary of Occupational Titles

C) Standard Occupational Classification

According to the ________, an individual must have the requisite skills, educational background, and experience to perform a job's essential functions.






An employer is required to make a "reasonable accommodation" for a disabled individual in which of the following situations?

A) if a disabled person has the necessary skills, education, and experience to perform the job but is prevented by the job's current structure

B) when an employer fails to provide a job description for a position that a disabled person would most likely be able to perform

A) if a disabled person has the necessary skills, education, and experience to perform the job but is prevented by the job's current structure

According to the ADA, job duties that employees must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation, are called ________.

A) primary job activities

B) job requirements

C) essential job functions

D) work activities

E) job specifications

C) essential job functions

Which of the following Web sites was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor and serves as a source for managers who need to write job descriptions?

A) bls.gov

B) opm.gov

C) usajobs.gov

D) onetcenter.org

E) job description.com

Janice, a department store manager, is in the process of writing job descriptions using O*NET. Janice has already reviewed the company's business plan, so what should she do next?

A) interview employees

B) compose a list of job duties

C) develop an organization chart

D) observe employees performing their duties

E) develop a list of human requirements for the job

C) develop an organization chart

When a sales job is being filled by an untrained individual, the job specifications list will most likely include ________ as a way to predict which candidate will perform the job well.

A) age and gender

B) length of previous service

C) past job performance

D) relevant certification

E) personality traits

According to research, each of the following work behaviors is considered important in all jobs EXCEPT ________.

A) thoroughness

B) attendance

C) experience

D) schedule flexibility

E) industriousness

Job ________ means assigning workers additional same-level activities.

A) shifting

B) enrichment

C) assignment

D) enlargement

E) rotation

Which of the following terms refers to systematically moving workers from one job to another?

A) Job rotation

B) Job enrichment

C) Job assignment

D) Job enlargement

E) Job adjustment

Which of the following terms refers to redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement, growth, and recognition?

A) Job rotation

B) Job enrichment

C) Job reengineering

D) Job enlargement

E) Job enhancement

Who argued that the best way to motivate workers is to build opportunities for challenge and achievement into their jobs via job enrichment?

A) Adam Smith

B) Frederick Taylor

C) Frederick Herzberg

D) Abraham Maslow

E) Milton Friedman

Jack is an employee at a Best Western Hotel. Some weeks he works with the catering group, and other weeks he assists the reservations clerk or the parking attendant. This is an example of ________.

A) job enlargement

B) job rotation

C) job enrichment

D) dejobbing

E) job specialization

The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in performance is called ________.

A) job redesign

B) reengineering

C) process engineering

D) job enlargement

E) outsourcing

Which of the following describes a job in terms of measurable and observable behaviors that an employee doing the job must exhibit to do the job well?

A) competency-based job analysis

B) Department of Labor procedure

C) functional job analysis

D) Standard Occupational Classification system

E) high-performance work matrix

A) competency-based job analysis

Which questions will most likely be addressed by a manager who is writing a job description based on a competency-based job analysis?

A) What are the typical duties associated w/ this job?

B) What are the working conditions and safety issues related to this job?

C) What opportunities for advancement are available to an employee in this job?

D) What should the employee be able to do in order to competently perform this job?

D) What should the employee be able to do in order to competently perform this job?

Which best supports argument that jobs should be described terms of competencies rather than duties?

A) New employees in high-performance work systems receive extensive job skills training for their specific positions.

B) Managers in global firms are empowered to implement job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment in order to maximize productivity.

C) In high-performance work systems, employees serve as team members rotating among various jobs.

C) In high-performance work systems, employees serve as team members rotating among various jobs.

True/False: Job analysis produces information used for writing job descriptions and job specifications.   

True/False: The information gathered during a job analysis is primarily used to ensure that firms are in compliance with the EEO, OSHA, and all state governments.

True/False: Organization charts show the division of work throughout the organization, how a job relates to others, and where a job fits in the organization.   

True/False: A process chart provides relevant background information during the job analysis process by indicating job titles and lines of communication.

True/False: Conducting the job analysis is the sole responsibility of the HR specialist.   

True/False: Informal interviews provide quantitative job analysis information, which is why they are frequently used by managers who need to determine the relative worth of a job for pay purposes.


The immediate supervisor of a group of workers being interviewed for job analysis purposes is not allowed to attend the session due to concerns about workers failing to provide honest responses to questions.

True/False: Studies suggest that employees are more likely to describe their job duties in the form of simple task statements instead of as ability statements during job analysis interviews.   


Questionnaires developed for the purpose of job analysis are always structured in the form of checklists so that the information can easily be entered into a database.


Observation as a job analysis data collection method is most appropriate for jobs that involve physical activities.


Some employers collecting job analysis information provide employees with pocket dictating machines and pagers to record activities at random times of the work day.

True/False: Quantitative approaches for collecting job analysis data are more appropriate than qualitative approaches when a manager seeks to compare jobs for pay purposes.   


No significant differences exist between the functional job analysis method and the Department of Labor method.

True/False: A standard format for writing a job description does not exist.   


The FLSA status section of a job description permits quick identification of a job as exempt or nonexempt from overtime and minimum wage provisions.


Experts advise the inclusion of statements such as "performs other assignments as required" in all job descriptions to ensure the flexibility of the job's duties and responsibilities.

True/False: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that organizations have job descriptions that list the essential functions of all jobs.   

True/False: O*NET has become an increasingly popular Web tool for creating and distributing position analysis questionnaires to employees who are located throughout the world.   


The statistical analysis method for developing job specifications is more defensible than the judgmental approach because equal rights legislation forbids using traits that a firm cannot prove distinguish between high and low job performers.


Job enlargement refers to redesigning jobs in a way that increases responsibility and achievement.


Job analysis plays a significant role at the Daimler plant in Alabama where employees are organized into work teams and job descriptions are written in broad terms.


In reengineered business processes, workers tend to become collectively responsible for overall results rather than individually responsible for just their own tasks.

True/False: Many job analysts and employers assert that in today's work environment, job descriptions based on lists of job-specific duties inhibit the worker flexibility that companies need.   

True/False: Competencies are observable and measurable behaviors, and organizations are required to define competencies based on quantifiable standards developed by the Department of Labor.   


Functional-based job analysis means describing the job in terms of the measurable, observable, behavioral competencies that an employee doing that job must exhibit to do the job well.

True/False: Competency-based job analysis is more worker-focused than traditional job analysis.   

True/False: Competency-based job analysis focuses on the knowledge, skills, and behavior of a worker rather than the tasks associated with a particular job.

True/False: Typical categories used in competency-based job analysis include general competencies, leadership competencies, and technical competencies.   


British Petroleum implemented a competency-based skills matrix for its employees. As a result, employee training, appraisals, and rewards relate to the skills and competencies a worker needs to accomplish the goals of the firm.

True/False: ABC Widgets, Inc. wants to develop a high-performance work system, so its HR department should develop traditional job descriptions rather than competency-based job descriptions.

Which of the following is most likely a line function of the human resource manager?

HR managers exert line authority within the HR department because they direct the activities of the people in that department. In the staff (assist and advise) function, HR managers assist in hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing employees.

Which of the following is most likely a line function of the human resource manager quizlet?

22) Which of the following is most likely a line function of the human resource manager? Explanation: D) HR managers carry out three primary functions--line, coordinative, and staff. Directing members of the HR staff is a line function.

What is line function in human resource management?

A "line function" is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. This always includes production and sales, and sometimes marketing. A "staff function" supports the organization with specialized advisory and support functions.

Which of the following functions of human resource management is the most important?

Recruiting really is the most important function of human resources.


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