Which portion of the Space Race did the United States complete before the Soviet Union Quizlet

•Workers moved across borders north to south looking for work
•Labor floods in from less developed countries to devastated war countries (Germany, France)
•Guest worker programs: gov-run programs in western Europe designed to recruit labor for the booming postwar economy
W. Germany signed agreements w/italy, greece, spain, portugal, yugoslavia, turkey, tunisia, morocco
•Early 1970s, there were 2.8 m foreign workers in GE and 2.3m in FR
•Most guest workers were young, unskilled single men who labored for low wages in sent most pay to families at home
•According to gov, workers supposed to return to home countries after specified period
-Many built new lives and chose to live permanently in new countries

- President of Russia (1991-2000) - took over after Gorbachev fell from power
-radical reform Communist, embraced the democratic movement
- Strategy of "shock therapy" failed to make Russia transition to a market economy, resulted in massive inflation
-announced Russia would put itself first and declare independence from USSR
-broaded the anticommunism movement
-after Gorbachev kidnapped by rebels, Yeltsin denounced the rebels but was able to outlaw the Communist Party
-Russia left Soviet Union and went from Russian Soviet Republic to Russian Federation
- Succeeded by Vladimir Putin"
- Won the first free election and became president
- Passed many economic reforms, "Shock Therapy" (Copied Poland)
- Privatized 90% of Russia's economy, excluding bread, vodka, oil, and public transportation
-Unsuccessful in reviving economy because, unlike Poland, he didn't have the West's financial help

- The group of countries that formed when the Soviet Union collapsed: Turkmenistan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
- Its purpose was to keep cooperation in political, economic, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other fields among a number of former Soviet Republics.
- Created in 1991

-the unified currancy of all of the members of the European Union (EU)
-origional members included: France, Luxembourg, Italy, West germany, Belgium, Netherlands
-New members:
~1973:UK, Ireland, Demark
~1981: Greece
~1986: Portugal, Spain(german reunification 1990)
~1995: Austria, Seweden, Finland
~2004: Poland, Czech. rep. Slovakia, Hungary, SLovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
~2007: Romania, Bulgaria
~2013: Croatia

Long-term Causes
1. Costs of protecting and maintaining its empire in eastern Europe were too high
2. Call for reforms from the middle class became increasingly influential in the 1970s and 1980s.
3. General economic crisis in Europe during the 1970s
4. Nationalist resentment of the Soviet government grew among many of the Soviet republics, especially the Baltic republics of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia,
5. The economy continued to lag since the 1960s
· Although Gorbachev's perestroika policies sought to reform the economy, increased shortages of goods further frustrated the Russian people
6. The nine-year war in Afghanistan was a financial, military, psychological, and resource drain on an weak USSR
· The Soviets retreated in 1988 in the face of strong resistance by the mujahadeen
Coup in Moscow, 1991: Short-term cause of fall of the Soviet Union
1. Communist hard-liners, frustrated by loss of Soviet power and prestige after the Revolutions of 1989, attempted to overthrow Gorbachev
2. Coup failed when the military refused to crush popular resistance
3. Boris Yeltsin, the president of Russia (1991-2000), defied Soviet tanks and became a national hero.
4. Coup fatally weakened Gorbachev and spelled doom for the Soviet Union

-President of the US (1981-1989)
New Conservatism:
-Followed similar path as Thatcher, but success in cutting gov= more limited
-Campaign slogan= "government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem"
-1981: Pushed through cuts in income taxes (had popular support & agreement of most congressional Democrats & Republicans)
-Failed to limit gov spending, which ↑ as a % of national income in course of presidency
-Military buildup= partly responsible, but spending on social programs ↑
-Recession of 80s required gov to spend more on unemployment benefits, welfare benefits, medical treatment for poor
-Anti-welfare rhetoric mobilized liberal opposition, eventually turned moderates against him
-Under him: budget deficit ↑ & gov debt tripled
From Détente Back to Cold War: (Background: SU invaded Afghanistan- 1979)
-New administration acted as if military balance had tipped in favor of the SU
-Anathematized SU as ""evil empire""
-Response: ↑ defense spending, Reagan administration deployed short-range missiles in western Europe & built up navy to preserve American navy
-Got crucial allies in western Europe, worked well will Thatcher
-Advocate for revitalized Atlantic treaty
Reagan & Gorbachev:
-Gorbachev wanted to stop arms race w/ US, convinced Reagan of his sincerity
-Dec. 1987 Washington summit: 2 leaders agreed to eliminate all land-based intermediate-range missiles in Europe (set stage for more reduction of arms)
-Gorbachev also vows to respect political choices of EB countries (repudiated Brezhnev Doctrine/gave encouragement to reform movements)

The Dayton Agreements are the peace agreements reached at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, United States, in November 1995, and formally signed in Paris on 14 December 1995. These accords put an end to the 3 1⁄2-year-long Bosnian War, one of the Yugoslav Wars.
•Though basic elements of the Dayton Agreement were proposed in international talks as early as 1992,[2] these negotiations were initiated following the unsuccessful previous peace efforts and arrangements, the August 1995 Croatian military Operation Storm and its aftermath, the government military offensive against the Republika Srpska, conducted in parallel with NATO's Operation Deliberate Force.
•During September and October 1995, world powers (especially the United States and Russia), gathered in the Contact Group, applied intense pressure to the leaders of the three sides to attend the negotiations in Dayton, Ohio.
•The conference took place in November 1995. The main participants from the region were the President of the Republic of Serbia Slobodan Milošević, President of Croatia Franjo Tuđman, and President of Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegović.
•The agreement's main purpose is to promote peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to endorse regional balance in and around the former Yugoslavia, thus in a regional perspective
•The Court actually "established the ground for legal unity" of the entire peace agreement, which further implied that all the annexes are in the hierarchical equality.

"-1947: India and Pakistan gain independence from Great Britain
-1948: Josef Tito (Communist leader of Yugoslavia), proclaims political independence and wins against the CCCP
-1948: Israel is formed
-1949: Indonesia gains independence from France
-1949: Chinese civil war between authoritarian Jiang Jieshi & communist Mao Zedong ends
-Mao Zedong wins, forces Jiang Jieshi + supporters to go to Taiwan
-1950: North Korea invades South Korea
-1952: nationalist revolution in Egypt, led by Gamal Abdel Nasser
-Nasser becomes president of Egyptian republic in 1954
-1953: North Korea and South Korea agree to ceasefire
-1954: French defeated in Vietnam by Ho Chi Minh (communist)
-Communist N. Vietnam & capitalist S. Vietnam
-1955: American troops first enter Vietnam
-1956: Poland revolted, ""many roads to socialism""
-Gained greater autonomy, not destroyed by the CCCP
-1956: Imre Nagy (Hungary), proclaimed Hungary free form Warsaw Pact & instituted many reforms (basically democracy)
-11/4/1956: Russians cruised in & killed 2700 people (crushed the revolt)
-1957 -->: British African colonies gain independence
-1963: after decade long power struggle Kenya wins independence from Great Britain
-1960: Congo gains independence from Belgium
-After Patrice Lumamba (Congan president) follows nonalignment CIA overthrows him + instills Joseph Mobutu (corrupt tyrant)
-1962: after 8 years of war, Algeria gains independence from France
-1964: Lyndon B. Johnson sends 500,000 troops to South Vietnam
-1/1968: N. Vietnam launches failed Tet Offensive
-8/1968: ""Prague Spring"" in Czechoslovakia
-Alexander Dubcek, reformist Communist, elected as president
-Wanted relaxed state censorship, decisions made by unions + workers councils + consumers
-Scared Czech Communists, wrote to Soviets asking for military assistance
-Soviets gladly obliged, invaded Czechoslovakia
-1973: Nixon pulls U.S. troops out of Vietnam
-1974: Vietnam united under Communist dictator
-1977: Czechoslovak dissenters, including Vaclav Havel, sign Charter 77 (wanted Soviets to recognize human rights + freedoms)
-1979: radical Islamist revolution overthrows Western-backed Shah in Iran
-1979: Soviets invade Afghanistan
-1980: major strikes break out across Poland, esp. in Lenin Shipyards (Gdansk)
-After 18 days, Soviets gave in & accepted workers' demands in Gdansk Agreement
-Organized Solidarity (democratic trade union)
-1981: martial law proclaimed in Poland, Solidarity leaders arrested
-1988: widespread strikes rage across Poland
-5/1988: Hungarian Stalinist leader replaced with reformist Communist leader
-2/1989: Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan
-4/1989: in Poland, (a) Solidarity == equal, (b) minority of seats in Polish Parliament would be chosen by free elections
-(summer?) 1989: in Hungary, (a) free elections, (b) embracement of Western investment
-8/1989: Tadeusz Mazowiecki sworn in as Poland's non-communist prime minister
-11/1989: Berlin Wall falls
-12/1989: Czechoslovak Velvet Revolution overthrows Communists, freely elects Vaclav Havel as president
-12/1989: Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu orders military to crush mass protests
-2/1990: Lithuania declares independence from CCCP
-5/1990: Boris Yeltsin elected leader of Russian Soviet Republic
-6/1990 or 7/1990: Germany == reunited
-8/1991: Communists attempt failed military coup
-12/25/1991: Gorbachev resigns
-12/26/1991: CCCP dissolved"

Who won the Space Race quizlet?

By landing on the moon, the United States effectively "won" the space race that had begun with Sputnik's launch in 1957. What did he Soviets do? For their part, the Soviets made four failed attempts to launch a lunar landing craft between 1969 and 1972.

What was the arms race quizlet?

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea.

What was the Space Race quizlet?

What is the Space Race? -competition between the Soviet Union and the United States for supremacy. -Cold War rivalry between the two nations on attaining first in space exploration. -start of satellites, orbital and orbital human spaceflight around the Earth, and piloted voyages to the moon.

Which nation did the United States compete with during the Space Race quizlet?

After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in the Cold War. During this period, space exploration emerged as a major area of rivalry which became known as the space race. A full-scale crisis resulted when the Soviets launched Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite.

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