Which stakeholders have a claim on and a stake in a company because of the productive resources they provide quizlet?

Various groups of people who may benefit or be harmed by how managers make decisions. (Employees, Stockholders, Managers, Customers, Community, society, and nation-state, Suppliers and distributors.

The people and groups that supply a company with its productive resources and so have a claim on and a stake in the company.

Stakeholders have a claim on a company because when they buy its stock or shares they become its owners.

Managers are a vital stakeholder group because they are responsible for using a company's financial, capital, and human resources to increase its performance and thus its stock price. Managers have a claim on an organization because they bring to it their skills, expertise, and experience.

Which stakeholders have a claim on a stake in a company because of the productive resources they provide quizlet?

The people and groups that supply a company with its productive resources and so have a claim on and a stake in the company are called stakeholders.

Who are the stakeholders of a company quizlet?

- main stakeholders: the owners of the business (shareholders), managers, employees, customers, suppliers, investors, competitors, the local community and the government.

What is the most critical stakeholder group?

Research reveals the most important stakeholder group of organizations are employees – who come ahead of customers, suppliers, community groups, and especially far ahead of shareholders.

Are the stakeholder group with the most responsibility for deciding the goals of the organization?

The correct answer is C managers. The managers have the most responsibility for deciding the goals of the organization.


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