Which therapeutic approach relies most heavily on patients discovering their own ways of effectively dealing with their difficulties?

Psychological disorders that researches believe are learned, such as phobias, are most likely to be treated with...

Dr. Lin is a clinical psychologist who often uses operant conditioning techniques to treat her clients. She also encourages them to change their thinking, and on occasion she interprets their transference behaviors. Dr. Lin's therapeutic approach would be described as... 

When Molly told her therapist about her frightening car accident, the therapist instructed her to close her eyes and verbalize any thoughts about the experience, even if they were scary or embarrassing. The therapist was using a technique known as...

Psychoanalysts are most likely to view patient transference as...

a helpful aid to the process of therapy.

Psychodynamic therapies try to understand patients' current symptoms by focusing on...

themes across important relationships. 

Unlike psychoanalytic therapists, humanistic ,therapists tend to focus on the ___ more than the ___.

Which therapeutic approach relies most heavily on people discovering their own ways of effectively dealing with their difficulties. 

In one treatment for bed-wetting, the child sleeps on a liquid-sensitive pad. When the pad is wet, it triggers an alarm and awakens the child. This treatment is a form of...

Jonathan is afraid to ask a girl for a date. His therapist instructs him to relax and first imagine he is reaching for a telephone, then pretend he is calling a potential date. The therapist's technique best illustrates the process of...

systematic desensitization.

Therapists practice ____ by using positive reinforces to reward closer and closer approximations of a desired behavior. 

When she feels anxious, Melanie tells herself that her arousal results from abnormal brain activity. Then, she focuses on playing a game with her preschool child. Melanie learned this way of dealing with anxiety from as...

client-centered therapist. 

A national institute of mental health study compared three depression treatments: cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy, and a standard drug therapy. Patients in ___ improved more than those in a control group...

all the treatment groups.

Ron is a 22-year old mechanic who suffers from claustrophobia. The most effective way to treat Ron's problem would be to use ___ therapy. 

Melissa suffers from auditory hallucinations and falsely believes that her former high school teachers are trying to kill her. Melissa's symptoms are most likely to be relieved by ___ drugs. 

Prozac is an antidepressant drug that partially blocks the normal reuptake of excess ____ from synapses. 

One good alternative to antidepressant drugs is...

Inserting a medical instrument through each eye socket was part of a procedure known as...

1.      Connor is constantly chewing tobacco. To reduce his appetite for this product, a behavior therapist would most likely use?

1.      In a therapeutic setting, a client who wants to lose weight eats some favorite foods laced with a nausea-producing drug. Yet, outside the therapist’s office, the client knows he or she can eat those foods without fear of nausea. This awareness contributes to the limited effectiveness of?

1.      Therapist practice _____ by using positive reinforces to reward closer and closer approximations of a desired behavior?

1.      Reinforcing desired behaviors and withholding reinforcement for undesired behaviors is most central to the process of?

1.      Which of the following is the best description of behavior modification?

Patient’s actions are influenced by controlling the consequences of those actions.

1.      Praising socially withdrawn children when they have eye contact with others and ignoring them after a temper tantrum best illustrates an application of?

1.      A token economy represents an application of the principles of?

1.      In order to encourage Mrs. Coleman, a withdrawn schizophrenia patient, to be more socially active, institutional staff members give her small plastic cards whenever she talk to someone. She is allowed to exchange these cards for candy and cigarette. Staff members are making use of?

1.      A natural return to a state of psychological health following an extended period of depression illustrates?

Critics of ____ have express a concern that appropriate patient behaviors will disappear following the discontinuation of a token economy.

1.      Electroconvulsive therapy has proven to be effective in the treatment of?

1.      The assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions is most clearly central to

Adele’s feelings of unhappiness, low self-esteem, and hopelessness have become so extreme that she has attempted suicide. Which of the following treatments is likely to provide her with the quickest relief from her misery

Electroconvulsive therapy

1.      Which therapeutic approach emphasizes that people are often disturbed because of their negative interpretations of events?

1.      Psychological disorders that researchers believe are learned, such as phobias, are most likely to be treated with

1.      Mental health therapies that involve prescribes drugs or other procedures that act directly on a patient’s nervous system are

1.      Several years after his wife’s death, Mr. Sattler remains incapacitated by feeling of guilt and sadness. To reduce depression, a therapist is actively encouraging him to stop blaming himself for not being able to prevent his wife’s death. The therapist’s approach is most respective of

1.      A therapist who takes an eclectic approach is on who

Uses a variety of psychological theories and therapeutic approaches

1.      Although originally trained in Freudian techniques, Aaron Beck developed a _____ therapy for depression

1.      Dylan is a second year undergrad who feels so incompetent that he believes his life is worthless and hopeless, Dylan would profit the most from

1.      The first psychological therapy was introduced by

Which of the following therapists would most likely try to understand an adult’s psychological disorder by exploring that persons childhood experiences?

1.      Mr. Choi’s therapist wants to help him become aware of his conflicting childhood feeling of love and hate for his parents. The therapist’s goal best reflects a primary aim of

1.      Psychosurgery involves

removing or destroying brain tissue

1.      An integrated therapy that aims to modify both self-defeating thinking and maladaptive actions is known as

cognitive behavior therapy

1.      Which form of psychotherapy is least likely to occur in therapist led small groups?

1.      The least used biomedical intervention for changing behavior is?

1.      Group therapy is typically more effective than individual therapy for?

Enabling people to discover that others have problems similar to their own

1.      A central therapeutic technique of psychoanalysis is?

1.      Treating our mind and body as independent entities seems especially inappropriate to those who take ___ approach to therapy

1.      Which form of therapy is most likely to emphasize the importance of examining a person’s role within a social system?

1.      Professor Bensfield emphasized that recovery from bipolar involves continuous interplay among patient’s physical reactions to mood stabilizing drug, their positive expectations that their lives will improve and the supportive responses of patient’s families and friends. The professor emphasis best illustrates a ______ approach to therapy.

1.      According to psychoanalysis, resistance refers to the?

Blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material during therapy.

Most self help and support groups focus on ___ illnesses

1.      In promoting therapeutic lifestyle change, Stephen Ilardi and his colleagues note that human brains and bodies were designed for physical activity and ______

1.      A famous 12 step program associated with ____

1.      An important component of psychoanalysis is ____

1.      People often enter psychotherapy during a period of crisis in their lives this helps us understand why they _____

Tend to overestimate the effectiveness of their psychotherapy

1.      By overestimating the attempting to satisfy their psychotherapeutic treatment, clients are most likely attempting to satisfy their motivation for _____

1.      Lynn has begun to buy small gifts for her therapists and feels extremely jealous of the time he spends with other patients to a psychoanalyst, this is most indicative of ____

1.      Dr. Judd is convinced that psychological disorders result largely from stressful social situations rather than from disturbances within the individual personality. Dr. Judd’s belief is most consistent with the assumptions that underlie

prevenitive mental health

1.      Preventive mental health attempts to reduce the incidence of psychological disorders by

Establishing programs to alleviate poverty and other demoralizing situations


1.      Bolstering parent’s teachers’ skills at nurturing children’s achievement and resulting self-esteem best illustrates

prevenitive mental health

1.      Clients often stay in touch with their psychotherapist only if satisfied with the treatment they received. This helps us understand why therapist

typically take an electric approach to therapy

1.      The placebo effect refers to

The beneficial consequences of merely expecting that a treatment will be effective

1.      The placebo effect typically leads us to ___ the effectiveness of therapy, and regression toward the mean typically leads us to ____ the effectiveness of therapy.

Overestimate, overestimate

1.      Although Shawn felt terribly depressed when he began psychotherapy, he was much happier by the time he had completed therapy. It would be reasonable to attribute some of his improvements to

regression towards the mean

1.      Colette received a surprisingly high grade on her first biology test. She failed to perform as well on her second test, even though she studied equally for both tests. Which of the following best explains Colette’s deteriorating pattern performance?

regression toward the mean

1.      In the 1950’s Han Eysenck challenged the effectiveness of psychotherapy because it appeared to be

no more benificial then no treatment at all

1.      The best outcome studies for evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapy typically use

randomize clinical trials

1.      Which form of therapy would most likely help depressed patients by teaching them how to resolve disagreements with their friends?

interpersonal psychotherapy

1.      Meta-analysis refers to

A procedure for statically combining results of many different studies

1.      Humanistic therapies are likely to teach clients to

Take more responsibility for their own feelings and actions

1.      Research has shown that client’s level of satisfaction with psychotherapy

Is unrelated to the level of training and experience of their therapists

1.      Which form of psychotherapy is especially effective in coping with depression and reducing suicide risk?

1.      Ron is 22 year old mechanic who suffers from claustrophobia. The most effective way to treat Ron’s problems would involve ______ therapy.

1.      Clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and an understand of patient characteristic best illustrates

1.      Rapidly moving one’s eyes while recalling traumatic experiences is most descriptive of

1.      Light exposure therapy was developed to relieve symptoms of

1.      Instead of focusing on the cure of psychological disorders, ______ therapies seek to promote personal growth and self-fulfillment

Which therapeutic approach relies most heavily on patients’ discovering their own ways of effectively dealing with their difficulties?

1.      Carl Rogers encouraged client-centered therapists to ___ during the process of therapy.

genuinely express thier own true feeling

1.      Empathic understanding of the patient’s subjects experiences is a major goal of a

client-centered therapist

1.      An important feature of client-centered therapy is

During a marriage counseling session, the therapist suggests to Mr. and Mrs. Gallo that they each restate their spouse’s comments before making their own. The therapist was applying a technique most closely associated with

1.      Carl Rogers referred to a caring, nonjudgmental attitude as

unconditional positive regard

1.      A common ingredient underlying the success of diverse psychotherapies is the

Client’s expectation that psychotherapy will make things better

by earning a client’s trust, empathic and caring therapists promote

1.      Many professionals outside the field of psychology are prepared to offer psychotherapy in the process of completing a graduate program in

1.      Psychologists with expertise in research, the assessment of psychological disorders, and the practice of psychotherapy are typically

1.      Dr. Miller prescribes drugs for the treatment of chronic depression, and she encourages rest and relaxation training for clients suffering from excessive anxiety. It is most likely that Dr. Miller is a

1.      A procedure that trains people to make new response to stimuli that currently trigger unwanted responded is called c

Two counterconditioning techniques for replacing unwanted response include

Aversive conditioning and exposure therapy

1.      Systematic desensitization involves

Associating a pleasant relaxed state with anxiety-arousing stimuli

1.      Psychopharmacology involves the study of how

Drugs affect mind and behavior

What is the most effective therapeutic approach?

The most robustly studied, best-understood, and most-used is cognitive behavioral therapy. Other effective therapies include light therapy, hypnosis, and mindfulness-based treatments, among others.

Which type of therapy relies most heavily upon clients becoming conscious of their unconscious conflicts?

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on unconscious processes as they are manifested in the client's present behavior. The goals of psychodynamic therapy are client self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on present behavior.

What is the most common therapeutic approach?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is the “most common type of therapy, no doubt,” says Johnsen.

What are the types of therapeutic approaches?

Approaches to psychotherapy fall into five broad categories:.
Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies. ... .
Behavior therapy. ... .
Cognitive therapy. ... .
Humanistic therapy. ... .
Integrative or holistic therapy..


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