Why did President Theodore Roosevelt use the power of his office to advance Progressive reform quizlet Sophia?

Read the sentence from a Chicago newspaper account of a race riot during the Red Summer.

Some of the victims were chased, caught and dragged into alleys and lots, where they were left for dead. In all parts of the city, white mobs dragged from surface cars, black passengers wholly ignorant of any trouble, and set upon them.

The writer of this account was most likely sympathetic to which group?

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Choose the region where the United States acquired territory after the Spanish-American War of 1898.

Pacific Ocean


South America



The Creation of an American Empire


Choose the true statement about Progressives or the Progressive era.

Progressives favored government ownership of businesses to curb the excesses of capitalism.

What was the purpose of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal quizlet Sophia?

What was the purpose of Theodore Roosevelt's "Square Deal?" Use the government to create a level playing field for all hardworking Americans.

How did Theodore Roosevelt affect the Progressive movement quizlet?

How did Theodore Roosevelt support progressive reforms? Theodore Roosevelt supported the Pure Food and Drug Act that was created after the investigation of the meat packing industry. He also used the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up a monopoly.

Which event is considered a cause of the Red Scare Sophia?

The Red Scare was a period following World War I in which Americans suppressed radical dissent. Which event is considered a cause of the Red Scare? Laborers who had originally agreed not to strike in support of the war effort participated in nearly 3,000 strikes in 1919.

What was one of their main reasons for optimism quizlet?

What was one of their main reasons for optimism? They found it hypocritical to fight a war to defend freedom and democracy abroad and deny the vote to women at home. Which statement reflects President Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression?


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