Why does the initial information gathered from a new patient include the patients date of birth quizlet?

Obtain the appropriate information needed such as name, identifiers, who the call is for, date/time, and return number.
Use active listening skills and repeat information back to the caller for clarification.
Wait for the caller to hang up first before ending the call.
If the caller is a patient, document all information in their health record.
Deliver the message to the appropriate recipient.
Follow up on important messages.

After answering the phone according to the facility policies, obtain all pertinent information needed including name; return phone number, reason for the call, date/time of call, as well as the action to be taken. Use active listening skills and repeat the information back to the caller to reduce the chance of misunderstandings or confusion and to ensure accuracy of numbers. End the call politely and wait for the caller to hang up first in the event they need to add anything to their message. If the caller is a patient, document the call in their health record so it is kept up-to-date. Deliver the message promptly to the appropriate recipient and follow up on important messages. Keep all messages on file for documentation.

Identify the patient using the full name and date of birth.
Obtain the following information from the patient, which includes provider information and purpose of the appointment.
Ask the patient for any scheduling preferences.
Offer the patient a date and time for the appointment.
Repeat the information to the patient to confirm the appointment.
Document the patient's name, correct amount of time, and reason for the visit in the appointment schedule.

The first step when scheduling an established patient appointment is to identify the patient using the patient's full name and date of birth. Next, obtain the provider information and purpose of the appointment from the patient. Established patients are generally scheduled with their primary physician. However, if the appointment is urgent, then the patient may see another provider in the same practice. The next step is to ask the patient for any scheduling preferences, which may be based on work or school hours of the patient. Next, offer the patient a date and time for the appointment that is acceptable to the patient. Then, repeat the information back to the patient to confirm the appointment and to avoid any misunderstanding. The last step once the appointment date and time has been agreed upon is to document the patient's name, correct amount of time for the appointment, and reason for the visit in the appointment schedule.

Which term describes the type of information collected when a medical assistant asks a patient for his or her full name and date of birth for the patient registration form?


Demographic information includes the characteristics of human populations that are used to identify markets, such as name, date of birth, address, and occupation. A medical assistant uses a registration form to collect demographic information on all patients. Reprographic information is graphic information that is reproduced or copied by photography, electronic, or mechanical means. Micrographic information is information that is gathered by observing an object or substance under a microscope. Ethnographic information is information regarding the culture of a society or a population.

Test-Taking Tip:
If you are unable to answer a multiple-choice question immediately, eliminate the alternatives that you know are incorrect and proceed from that point.. The same goes for a multiple-response question that requires you to choose two or more of the given alternatives. If a fill-in-the-blank question poses a problem, read the situation and essential information carefully and then formulate your response.

Text Reference: p. 226

Which information should the patient provide on the sign-in sheet for use in updating the patient's record?

His or her name
Appointment time
Changes in insurance coverage

The sign-in sheet generally contains the patient's name, appointment time, and yes-or-no questions related to changes in the patient's insurance coverage. The sign-in sheet does not require a patient's address or telephone number. Asking the patient to provide the reason for visiting the medical office would breach the confidentiality of the patient's health information.

Test-Taking Tip:
Have confidence in your initial response to an item, because it is more than likely the correct answer.

Text Reference: p. 226

Which term is used to describe a person who fails to keep an appointment?


A person who fails to keep an appointment is sometimes referred to as a no-show. Not showing up for an appointment is a disruption to the schedule and inconsiderate, but these are not terms commonly used to describe the patient. The term failed appointment is used to describe the time slot in which no one showed up, not the term used to describe the patient.

Text Reference: p. 223

Which type of information is collected on a registration form?


On a patient's first visit to the provider's office, the staff performs certain registration procedures. Most providers use a patient information form to gather demographic information about the patient. A general health history questionnaire is used to collect information about family history and past medical history. The provider will collect the history and physical information from the patient's interview, examination, and completed health history form.

Test-Taking Tip:
Develop a realistic plan of study. Do not set rigid, unrealistic goals.

Text Reference: p. 226

Which patient information can be obtained from the registration form?

Full name
Social Security number
Place of employment

The registration form contains a patient's full name and date of birth, Social Security number, and place of employment. The form also contains other information such as address, telephone number, occupation, driver's license number, and nearest relative. The registration form does not contain any information regarding the patient's dietary habits or financial assets.

Test-Taking Tips:
Be alert for details about what you are being asked to do. In this question type, you are asked to select all options that apply to a given situation or patient, All options likely relate to the situation, but only some of the options may relate directly to the situation.

Text Reference: 226

Which time frame is useful in scheduling a chronically late patient?

At the end of the day

Chronically late patients can be booked as the last appointment if the day, Then, if closing time arrives before the patient does, the staff has no obligation to wait. Chronically late patients are not typically scheduled right or after lunch or the first thing in the morning because they will interfere with later appointments.

Text Reference: p. 222

Which groups are responsible for visiting the office and bringing in relevant information about new medications?

Pharmaceutical representatives

Pharmaceutical reps are frequent visitors to the physician's office. They bring valuable information about new drugs to the physician.Physicians are not representatives of pharmaceutical companies. Medical assistants work with physicians and do not represent pharmaceutical companies. Insurance carriers provide permission to the providers to perform certain procedures or refer a patient through preauthorization and do not represent pharmaceutical companies.

Text Reference: p. 222

Which statement describes an established patient?

A patient who is returning to the office and has previously been seen by the healthcare provider

The term established patient refers to a patient who has previously been seen by the healthcare provider and returns to the office for follow-up care. A patient who arrives at a medical office for the first time is known as a new patient, not an established patient. A patient who receives treatment through a self-scheduling process has limited access in scheduling his or her own appointments. The patient who walks into the office without an appointment and asks to be seen is a walk-in patient.

Test-Taking Tip:
Identifying the content and what is being asked about that content is critical to your choosing the correct response. Be alert for words in the stem of the item that are the same or similar in nature to those in one or two of the options.

Text Reference: p. 221

For patient scheduling purposes, which advanced preparation occurs when the medical assistant blocks out the times the provider is unavailable or the office is closed?

Matrix establishment

By blocking out the times the provider is unavailable or the office is closed, the medical assistant is establishing the matrix to design the appointment scheduling system. Screening is the process of determining the severity of illness in a patient and using that information to prioritize appointments. Intervals refer to the space of time between appointments. Grouping procedures refer to scheduling similar procedures at the same time of day and are often also referred to as categorizing.

Text Reference: p. 216

Which scheduling system is designed to have two patients arriving at the same time?

Double booking

Booking two patients to come in at the same time, both of whom are to be seen by the provider, is double booking. Stream scheduling involves giving a patient a specific time to arrive for the appointment. Wave scheduling has multiple patients arriving at the same time and being seen in the order of their arrival. Intervals are not a scheduling system but the length of time available for appointments.

Text Reference: p. 219

Dr. Jones refers a patient to Dr. Smith for an appointment on Monday at 2:30 p.m. When should additional patient information and medical records be released to Dr. Smith?

Before 2:30 p.m. on Monday

Dr. Smith's office should call the referring provider's office to obtain additional information before the appointment. After that, the information should be printed and released to Dr. Smith before the patient arrives. As the patient's appointment is scheduled on Monday at 2:30 p.m., the records should be received before 2:30 p.m. on Monday. The provider may require some time to assess the patient's information before the appointment. Therefore the prints of additional information cannot be sent after the scheduled time for the appointment (i.e., Monday at 2:30 p.m.).

Test-Taking Tips:
Start by reading each of the answer options carefully. Usually, at least one of them will be clearly wrong. Eliminate this one from consideration. Now you have reduced the number of response choices by one improved the odds. Continue to analyze the options. If you can eliminate one more choice in a four-option question, you have reduced the odds to 50/50. While you are eliminating the wrong choices, recall often occurs. One of the options may serve as a trigger that causes you to remember what a few seconds ago had seemed completely forgotten.

Text Reference: p. 221

Which action would a medical assistant take when a patient is having trouble filling out the registration form and asks for help?

Answer the patient's questions

When a new patient enters a provider's office, a medical assistant should give the registration form to the patient with instructions to complete the required fields and be available for any questions the patient may have. A medical assistant should never refer a patient to a provider or to others patients for any questions regarding the registration form, as they are not equipped, nor is it their responsibility, to provide the proper guidance. A medical assistant should not ask a patient to reread the instructions, as there is a possibility that a patient may misread the instructions and fill out the registration form incorrectly.

Text Reference: p. 226

A medical assistant explains medical necessity and gets permission from the insurance carrier for the provider to perform a certain procedure on a patient. Which describes what the medical assistant is doing?


Precertification is a process required by some insurance carriers in which the provider must prove medical necessity before performing a procedure. The medical assistant should get permission from the health insurance carrier to perform the required treatment on the before the implementation of a medical procedure or treatment. Expediency is a means of achieving a particular end, such as in a situation requiring haste or caution. Screening is the process of determining the severity of illness in a patient and using that information to prioritize appointments. Reimbursement is the payment of benefits for services provided according to the guidelines of the third-party payer.

Test-Taking Tip:
The most reliable way to ensure that you select the correct response to a multiple-choice question is to recall it. Depend on your learning and memory to furnish the answer to the question. To do this, read the stem, and then stop! Do not look at the response options yet. Try to recall what you know and, based on this, what you would give as the answer. After you have taken a few seconds to do this, look at all of the choices and select the one that most nearly matches the answer you recalled. It is important that you consider all the choices and not just choose the first option that seems to fit the answer you recall. Remember the distracters. The second choice may look okay, but the fourth choice not weigh all the choices, you are not maximizing your chances of correctly answering each question.

Text Reference: p. 221

Which action would be taken by the medical assistant when a patient fails to show for his or her appointment?

Make a notion in the patient's medical record.

When a patient fails to keep an appointment, a notation should be made in the patient's medical record and in the appointment book or database. Referring the patient to another provider or calling the patient and explaining that he or she has taken advantage of the provider's time or cannot return to the office are unprofessional actions and can create legal issues for the provider and medical office. Most clinics have policies on how to handle situations when the patient fails to make an appointment. The policies will also differ based on how many appointments the patient has missed.

Text Reference: p. 223

The patient signs his or her name on the register when arriving at the medical office. Why is the practice of having patients sign their names on a register allowed despite Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations?

HIPAA allows for limited or incidental disclosure

Although patients can read the names of others who are in the

in an office setting, a medical assistant provides appointments for three patients at the same time and the provider examines the patients according to their order of arrival to the facility. Which appointment management system does the office use?

Wave scheduling

Wave scheduling is use to create short-term flexibility, wherein multiple patients are given appointments at the same time and are then examined based upon the order of arrival to the facility. In the double booking method, two patients are asked to come in at the same time. Open office hours are used in facilities that are in which that arrive; there are not actual appointment times scheduled in this method. Grouping procedures involve scheduling identical procedures for specific times of day.

Test-Taking Tip:
Read carefully and answer the question asked; pay attention to specific details in the question.

Text Reference: p. 219

Which factors should be considered when developing a scheduling system for an individual practice?

Needs of patients
Habits of provider
Duration of office visit

When deciding on a scheduling system, several factors must be considered in scheduling: the patients' needs, the provider's preferences and habits, and the duration of office visits. The scheduling system must be individualized to the specific practice based on these factors. Habits of the patient and convenience of the staff are not factors when deciding on a scheduling system that best suits the needs of a particular practice.

Text Reference: p. 215

Which would the medical assistant expect to perform when making a phone call to schedule a new patient appointment?

Discussing payment options
Obtaining demographic information
Gathering information about the chief complaint

When making an appointment for a new patient, the medical assistant should expect to discuss payment options and obtain information about demographics and the chief complaint of the patient during the call. The patient's medical history and privacy practices would be reviewed in the office.

Text Reference: p. 220

Which information should be gathered from a new patient quizlet?

what information should be collected from the patient? The patient's name, address, phone number, date of birth, insurance information, and the employer's name and phone number.

Who are new patients quizlet?

New patients are those individuals who have not received services from the physician, or an associate physician of the same group within the same specialty, within the past three years.

When patients are seen on a first come first served basis it is called?

Open-hours scheduling. A system of scheduling in which patients arrive at the doctor's office at their convenience and are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Overbooking.

What information should you enter into the appointment book or electronic scheduler after scheduling an appointment?

What information should you enter into the appointment book or electronic scheduler after scheduling an appointment? Name, phone number, and reason for the appointment.


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