Why is knowing how to teach others and yourself efficiently essential to meeting nursing outcomes

Unformatted text preview: 1. Why is knowing how to teach others and yourself efficiently essential to meeting nursing outcomes? If you know how to teach other and yourself, the patients and ither that you come into contact with will know that they are getting the most accurate and reliable information possible.it will make sure that the patient are also well taken care of. 2. When studying for a test why is it important to be sure you know the content without looking at your notes? It is important to know the content without looking at your notes because in test they will teak you if you know the content you will know what answer going to be. 3. Provide 3 test-taking strategies you will follow going forward. 1.Get organized and budget time like what you need to study, what your resource are and when and how you’ll prepare for test. 2.know the test plan like find out what type of question are going to be asked and what information is the most important to study. 3. Prepare with an attitude of “ I can do this- I just have to figure out how”. You are capable. Sometimes you need to remind yourself of this to gain the positive attitude that’s so important 4. What is a mnemonic and provide an example? A memory jog that makes an association between something that’s easy to remember and something that’s hard to remember for example TACIT helps you remember what to assess for medication (therapeutic effect, allergic or adverse reaction, contraindication, interactions, toxicity/overdose) 5. Define Health Literacy Health literacy is the degree to which individuals are capable of. 1. Obtaining, processing and understanding basic health information. 2. Accessing and navigating the services needed to make appropriate health decisions. ...
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