Why the percentage of the population employed in the primary sector reduces as a country develops?

Employment structure means how the workforce is divided up between the three main employment sectors – primary, secondary and tertiary. Employment structures change over time.

Countries in the early stage of development usually have a high percentage of the population in primary employment. This is because most people are engaged in agricultural activities.

As a country begins to develop an industrial base there is an increase in the secondary sector. An increase in machinery on farms means fewer people are needed. People tend to migrate to urban areas to get jobs in factories.

When a country becomes more economically developed there is a greater demand for services such as education, healthcare and tourism. Therefore the tertiary sector undergoes growth. By this time computers, machinery and robots replace people in the secondary sector hence the decrease in secondary jobs.

Employment structures are usually displayed as pie charts:

Uk employment structure pie chart

The UK is a HIC or high-income country. It has a low proportion of people working in the primary industry. This is partly because of mechanisation. Machinery has taken over jobs in the primary sector. Also, as primary resources have become exhausted (e.g. coal) The UK now imports a considerable amount of its non-renewable resources. The number of people employed in the secondary sector is falling. This is because fewer people are needed to work in factories as robots are taking over jobs. The tertiary sector is the main growth area. Most people work in hospitals, schools, offices and financial services. Also, as people have more free time and become wealthier there is a greater demand for leisure services. Therefore more jobs become available in the tertiary sector.

Brazil employment structure pie chart

Brazil is a MIC (medium income country). While it is developing its economic base there are still a large number of people employed in primary industries such as farming. There is a large proportion of people employed in tertiary industries. One reason for this is because of the growth of Brazil as a tourist destination. Also, there have been significant improvements in the provision of health care, education and transport.

Ghana employment structure pie chart

Ghana is an LIC or low-income country. The majority of people work in the primary sector. This is due to the lack of machinery available in farming, forestry and mining. Farming is very important because people often grow the food they eat. Few people work in secondary industries due to the lack of factories – machinery is too expensive and multi-national companies rely on the raw materials available in Ghana to assist in manufacturing products.

Primary Industry

: industry concerned with extracting natural resources from the ground or the sea, e.g. agriculture, fishing, forestry, mining and quarrying. The output of such primary production often needs further processing.

Secondary Industry: the manufacturing of goods using the raw materials from primary industry.

Tertiary Industry: does not produce anything but involves work in the service sector of the economy. It includes activities associated with commerce and distribution (wholesaling and retailing) as well as banking, insurance, administration, transport, tourism, health, education and entertainment services.

• High primary (farming)

•  Little mechanisation on farms

• Little manufacturing

• In early stages of economic development

• Informal service sector in the cities is quite strong

• Strong manufacturing sector

• Many transnationals move to NICs to take advantage of cheap labour and land

• Farming mechanised

• Automation of manufacturing or transfer of manufacturing to NICs

• Very strong tertiary sector with large numbers employed in health, education and tourism

• Growth of jobs in the knowledge economy  based on the processing of knowledge and information using telecommunications

Primary: decreases Secondary: increases at first, then decreases Tertiary: increases
• Mechanisation of farms reduces need for farm workers. Rural workers migrate to the urban areas

• Raw materials become exhausted leading to loss of mining jobs

• Rural depopulation of farmers in MEDCs. Workers prefer the better paid and less physically demanding jobs in the tertiary sector

• Industrialisation initially requires a large secondary workforce

• Factory jobs eventually replaced by automation

• Manufacturing industries increasingly move from MEDCs to NICs where land and labour are cheaper

•  Large and growing informal service sector in urban areas of LEDCs as workers migrate from the countryside

• As a country develops, demand grows for services such as health, education and tourism

• Strong growth in MEDCs of jobs in the knowledge economy  based on the processing of knowledge and information using telecommunications

• Increase in producer services for manufacturing industry, e.g. market research

How does the primary sector contribute to the economy?

The primary sector of the economy includes any industry involved in the extraction and production of raw materials, such as farming, logging, fishing, forestry and mining. The primary sector tends to make up a larger portion of the economy in developing countries than it does in developed countries.

How are jobs in the service sector different geographically than jobs in the primary sector?

How are jobs in the service sector different geographically than jobs in the primary sector? Why? They are opposites of each other in distribution because services cluster where people are able to by them (developed countries).

Which of the following is the primary geographic effect of the globalization of the economy?

Which of the following is the primary geographic effect of the globalization of the economy? Production is shifted to low-cost locations in developing countries.

How does the rise of secondary sector employment affect population size?

Explain how the rise of secondary sector employment affects population size in urban communities. Secondary employment affects population size in urban communities, as people move from rural places, to cities for more job opportunities, where rural places only offer primary sector production.

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