Why were late seventeenth century Puritan ministers such as Samuel Sewell so concerned about the clothes people wore?

Refer to the passage to answer the following question: "In general then I rise at five o'Clock in the morning, read till Seven, then take a walk in the garden or field, see that the Servants [slaves] are at their respective business, then to breakfast. The first hour after breakfast is spent at my musick, the next is constantly employed in recolecting something I have learned least . . . , such as French and short hand. . . . I devote the rest of the time till I dress for dinner to our little Polly and two black girls who I teach to read, and if I have my papa's approbation (my Mamas I have got) I intend [them] for school mistres's for the rest of the Negroe children. . . . [After dinner, musick and then] the rest of the afternoon in Needle work till candle light, and from that time to bed read or write. . . ." From Eliza Lucas's Letter to Miss Bartlett (c. 1742), it can be concluded that Lucas belongs to which social class?

Why was Puritan minister Samuel Sewell upset about the behavior of Boston's mercantile elites quizlet?

Why was Puritan minister Samuel Sewell upset about the behavior of Boston's mercantile elites? He believed that these merchants were robbing the poor of their hard-earned money. He feared that these merchants were more concerned with financial success than religious devotion.

Why did so many ministers originally support the Great Awakening quizlet?

Why did so many ministers originally support the Great Awakening? It invigorated religious fervor across the colonies.

How did changing marriage patterns influence accusations of witchcraft in 17th century New England?

How did changing marriage patterns influence accusations of witchcraft in seventeenth-century New England? With fewer men available as potential mates, young women began to resent older women, whom they accused of witchcraft.

What was an important effect of William Penn's death in 1718 quizlet?

What was an important effect of William Penn's death in 1718? There was little control over European settlement in Pennsylvania. When William Penn settled Pennsylvania, he purchased land from the local Indians and created a peace treaty to ensure good white-Indian relations in the colony.


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