Wo ist der unterschied zwischen majup und

  • Englisch (US)

Makeup = cosmetics like eye shadow, lipstick, mascara, etc.

Make up = forgive each other after an argument

Antwortender mit hoher Bewertung

  • Englisch (US)

Also, makeup can mean composition, like the chemical makeup of a rock

Antwortender mit hoher Bewertung

  • Arabisch
  • Englisch (US)

  • Englisch (US)

Makeup = I put on makeup and a dress for the party. OR. The chemical makeup of this drug is interesting.
Make up = You and your brother need to stop fighting and make up. OR. I was sick on exam day, so I have to make up the exam.

We don't usually say make-up.

  • Arabisch
  • Englisch (US) Fast fließend

makeup is the beauty product and make up is to solve a problem between two persons and deal in other way to bear down

  • Englisch (US)

makeup is what people wear, such as eye shadow or lipstick.
Make up can mean multiple things depending on the context, such as make up after a fight or make up a lie

  • Portugiesisch (Portugal)

qual e a diferença de makeup para make-up?

  • Portugiesisch (Portugal)

maquiagem e a mesma coisa de makeup e make-up
makeup is always the same thing as makeup and make-up

  • Englisch (US)
  • Vereinfachtes Chinesisch (China)


  • Englisch (US)

"Women usually wear makeup" "I had to make up a story" "we were arguing but then we had to make up"

  • Englisch (US)

@StoryMonster make up can also mean to finish something (“I need to make up a test I missed”) or to make a way to have something (“I need to make up some money for the concert”)

  • Englisch (US)

makeup is ..like cosmetic (that a woman wears) , make up , is to make up for something..
I have made up my mind to do it.
I will take this make up exam

  • Englisch (US)

Makeup is people put on their face.

"I don't like to wear makeup."

Make-up can mean two things.
1. Two people forgive each other after an argument.

"I fought with my husband yesterday, but we were able to make-up afterwards."

2. When a student fails a test and are given the option to retake it.

"My math teacher let me take a make-up exam."

  • Englisch (US)

makeup is cosmetics, the stuff you put on, a noun, and make-up is an adjective used as in make-up test

  • Englisch (US)

I don't usually comment on here, but I feel the need to clarify. There is no space needed between "make up" when it is used as a verb. I think people have gotten confused.

  • Englisch (US)

I should further clarity that using a hyphen turns "make-up" into an adjective, as in, taking a "make-up" exam. "I had to make up the exam because I missed the original exam day, therefore I took a make-up exam." Typically if you are using it as a noun you would write "makeup" as in, "I wear makeup on my face." Hope this helps!

  • Englisch (US)

@aelbus90 Oh, sorry, I didn't see your comment! I just commented a similar example hahaha

  • Niederländisch
  • Französisch (Frankreich)

@radwanadan13 er is wel een verschil. het ene is je gezicht opmaken en het andere is het weer goed maken.

  • Spanisch (Spanien)

@StoryMonster according to me, they're almost the same, only depending when you want to say them. to make up means the action you do with beauty cosmetics or make-up the beauty cosmetics per se. but to make up also means to create something.

  • Englisch (US)
  • Englisch (UK)

makeup means using cosmetics and make up means solving the argument between 2 people

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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Ashkali und Magjup?

Ashkali und Roma werden von den Albanern Magjup (sprich Madschup), d.i. „Zigeuner" genannt. Daneben ist auch der Ausdruck „Shqiptar i dorës së dyte", „Albaner zweiter Hand (d. i. zweiter Klasse)" seit alters her üblich. Beide Ausdrücke besitzen eine herabsetzende Bedeutung.

Was ist ein Majub?

Im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland wird aus dem Kolonialsoldaten des Ersten Weltkriegs ein vielbeschäftigter Statist und Kleindarsteller im deutschen Kino. Fast immer, wenn es in den Filmen der Nazizeit einen Schwarzen brauchte, war es Majub, der diese Rolle spielte.

Was sind Gabel Zigeuner?

Beide Ausdrücke besitzen eine herabsetzende Bedeutung. Im Westen des Kosovo werden sie von Albanern auch Gabel genannt. Beide Bevölkerungsgruppen sind in der Regel an ihrer dunklen Hautfarbe zu erkennen.


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