Dr. xiong is comparing aspects of uganda and denmark. her research is best described as

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PSY 210 - Chapter 1 LearnSmart

Which of the following is included in studying lifespan development where we will learn information about ourselves?

-How we will age
-How we came to be this way
-Who we are

Lifespan development is considered to be a __________ Process that does not end at any particular age.

True or false: Lifespan development focuses mostly on the rapid growth and development that occurs during childhood.

Life _________ Is the number of years a person Born in a particular year can expect to live.

Developmentalist believe that life span development is _________ because it consists of interactions of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional factors

Which of the following aspects is related to the lifespan perspective of development?

-It is multidirectional
-It is multidimensional
-It is lifelong

As adolescents develop romantic relationships, their time with friends may decrease. This is an example of the _________.

Lifespan development is defined as the pattern of change that begins _________ and continues __________.

At conception; through the human life span

In the life-span perspective, no age. Dominates development, which highlights the view that development is considered to be ___________.

A central focus in developmental research is plasticity, which refers to:

A person's capacity for change

Which of the following correctly describes the life-span the study of human development?

-It involves growth and change
-It occurs throughout life

True or false: Developmental science is multidisciplinary because researchers from different disciplines are interested in studying development across the lifespan.

Development involves the interaction of age, body, mind, emotion, and relationships. These are continually changing and affecting each other. The best way to characterize this is that
development is ___________.

Both individuals and contexts are always changing and are influenced by which of the following

-Nonnormative life events influences
-Normative age-graded influences
-Normative history-graded influences

Because development is _______, The capacity of most individuals to acquire second or third languages as they age decreases.

Most children in the United States start when they are five or six years old. This occurrence would best be described as a ____________.

Normative age-graded influence

Life-span ________ Is the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the human life span.

Which of the following is an example of a normative history-graded influence?

Integration of the Internet into everyday life

The term _________ in development refers to the capacity for change.

A ______ life event is an unusual occurrence that has a major influence on a person's life.

Developmental science is ____________ Because researchers from many fields including psychologist, sociologists, and anthropologist are interested in studying development through the lifespan.

As people enter into middle and late adulthood, development tends to involve ______ and regulation of ______.

A(n) _________ Is a setting where development occurs, such as in the family, peer group, or place of employment.

A person creates a unique developmental path by actively choosing from the environment the things that optimize his or her life. Which of the following statements describes this process?

Development as a co-construction of biology, culture, and the individual.

A ______ age-graded influence is one that is similar for people of a particular age group.

Select all of the following that are a focus of lifespan development:

-Social policy

Adele and Bettina shared the experience of the Cuban missile crisis during their senior year of high school. This is an example of __________.

Normative history-graded influence

Current health professionals recognize the power of lifestyles and psychological states and individual _________.

Patrick's mother died when he was seven years old. This major impact on his life is best described as a ____________.

Which of the following developmental issues are related to parenting and education?

-Effects of divorce
-Early childhood education
-Child care

According to Baltes, the three goals of human development (which correspond to the three broad stages of life) often conflict and compete with each other for which of the following?

-Regulation of loss

Culture, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status are ____________ components of life-span development.

The brain plays a role in shaping culture and culture plays a role in shaping the brain. This is pointed to as an example of house lifespan development is __________.

___________ encompasses the behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a particular group of people that are passed from generation to generation.

True or false: Research using the last man prospective is not relevant to social policy issues.

True or false: Health and well-being is heavily influenced by lifestyle and psychological state.

The term ___________ comes from the Greek word for "nation".

True or false: Malnutrition and chronic illness or not developmental issues relating to parenting and education.

Which of the following is the fastest growing, percentage-wise, ethnic group of children in the United States?

Which four of the following concepts are particularly useful when studying the sociocultural context?

-Socioeconomic status

____________ status refers to a persons position within society, based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.

Dr. Xiong is comparing aspects of the populations of Uganda and Denmark. Her research is best described as ______.

Which of the following refers to an individual who adopts a gender that is different from the one assigned to them at birth?

Marian Wright Edelman, a children's rights activist, believes that __________ is our society's most important function and needs to be taken most seriously than it has in the past.

Parenting and nurturing the next generation of children

Which of the following statements about ethnicity is false?

Level of education is an aspect of ethnicity
These are true:
-There can be diversity within ethnic groups
-Cultural heritage and language are aspects of ethnicity
-Ethnicity can include race and religion

In 2017, _________ of children under 18 years of age were living in families with incomes below the poverty line.

True or false: The sociocultural context of the United States has become less diverse in recent years.

Which of the following socio-cultural components of the life-span development involves a person's position within society based on occupational, educational, -'d economic characteristics?

Which two of the following facts heighten the concerns over the well-being of older U.S. adults?

-The number of older adults in the United States is growing dramatically
-Many of America's older population are going to need society's help.

_________ refers to the nonbiological characteristics that lead people to identify as males or females.

Infant mortality rate and the percentage of children living in __________ provide information for evaluating how well children are doing in a particular society.

Which of the following contemporary topics is the most recent and has had a dramatic influence at all points in human development.

Currently _________ children in the United States reside in a higher rate of poverty.

African American and Latino

True or false: development is a pattern of change that is the product biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes.

____________ processes produce changes in an individual's physical nature.

Older adults are in need of social support systems such as social ___________.


___________ processes are changes in an individual's thinking, intelligence, and language.

True or false: Technology influences human development and is used at all points and human development

__________ processes involve changes in an individuals relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.

Select the three areas of development:


Biological processes can influence cognitive processes and vice versa, which is a reflection of the fact that they are ________.

Which of the following are examples of biological processes that affect development?

-Weight gain
-Brain development
-Cardiovascular decline
-Hormonal changes of puberty
-Genes inherited from parents

Seven-year-old Amanda is imagining what it would be like to be a police officer. This is an example of a _________ process.

The developmental periods are approximate __________ Ranges, and there are also variations in individuals' capabilities

When does the prenatal period of development begin?

Jeremy is 14. Which of the following are examples of Socio emotional processes that he might be experiencing?

-He is nervous and excited about asking Amanda to go to the dance with him
-His relationship with his parents is changing

What developmental period lasts from birth to approximately 18 to 24 months?

Developmental cognitive _________ Explores the connection of cognitive processes and brain development.

Sharon is becoming more self-sufficient and can follow instructions. She is even learning to identify letters. She is in the _________ period of development.

The __________ period refers to a time frame in a person's life that is characterized by certain features.

The _________ period Is the developmental. From about 6 to 11 years of age, approximately corresponding to the elementary school years.

Middle and late childhood

The __________ period I've development is the time from conception to birth.

The __________ period Of development is the period of transition from childhood to early adulthood. It begins at approximately 10 to 12 years of age and ends at 18 to 21 years of age.

Waylon is extremely dependent on his parents and is just beginning to develop language and symbolic thought. Waylon is in which developmental period?

The transition from adolescence to adult hood, lasting from about 18 to 25 years of age and characterized by exploration and experimentation, is referred to as __________ adulthood.

Which developmental period in childhood involves learning to be self-sufficient, caring for the self, developing school readiness skills, and playing with peers?

According to Jeffrey Arnett, in which of the following areas instability may be seen during emerging adulthood?

David is establishing economic independence, is pursuing a career, and is considering getting married in the near future. David is very likely in ___________ adulthood.

Julie is mastering the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. She has recently developed more self-control and is very motivated to do well in school. Julie is most likely to be in which of the following developmental periods?

Madeline is a 50-year-old woman who has become very active in a number of political and social organizations. She's very passionate about mentoring young people. Madeline is probably in the development period of __________ adulthood.

Amanda is Engaging in much more logical and abstract thought then she used to, and she has become quite idealistic. She is far more interested in spending time with her friends and her family. Amanda is most likely in which of the following developmental

Which of the following are characteristics or components of the late adulthood period of development?

-It begins when people are aging into their 60s and 70s
-It may involve new social roles and decreasing strength and health.
-It lasts until death.

Joey is 21 years old. He is looking at his career options and who and what he wants to be. These choices are typical of an individual in the stage of __________ adulthood.

In general, research on happiness has found that older people in the United States are:

Happier than younger people

Emerging adults are ___________ in the sense that they have few social obligations and duties or commitments to other people.

According to a recent 150-country study, in those aged 58 and older, which is the best predictor of life satisfaction?

The _________ period of development is typically a time of establishing personal and economic independence, career development, and, for many, selecting a mate.

True or false: Maria is 67 years old and does not take any medication on a regular basis. She takes yoga several times a week and runs 2 miles every day. Maria is considered to be psychologically young.

False - she is biologically young

Which of the following characterizes the middle adulthood period of development?

It is the period of expanding personal and social involvement, career achievement, and responsibility

Which of the following developmental periods is typically the longest, based on today's population trends?

___________ age refers to connectedness with others in the roles that individuals adopt.

Which of the following are possible reasons for the finding that happiness increases as people age?

-Older people have years of experience in problem-solving
-There is less pressure to achieve for older people
-Older people have better relationships

Venita is extremely active and, despite some previous health scares, is in relatively good health; she likes to swim, go out with friends, and attend concerts, among other things. She adapt easily to new situations and can generally find something positiv

-Psychological age
-Social age

True or false: some studies have indicated that the lowest levels of life satisfaction may occur in middle age.

___________ age refers to the number of years that one has lived since birth.

According to K. Warner Schaie, ___________ aging characterizes individuals who show greater than average declines as they age through the adult years, while ___________ Aging characterizes those whose positive physical, cognitive, and social emotional dev

The roles that each of the following play in development are debated except:

Are debated:

Paul is 28 and married, but he and his wife are not planning to have children yet. Every time he talks to his mother, she asks him, "when are you going to give me grandchildren? Your younger brother and his wife already have two kids!" Paul's mothers expe

A researcher who supports the __________ Perspective of human development good point to influences such as family, schools, nutrition, accidents, and medium, among others.

Match the various conceptualizations of age with their descriptions:

Biological age � involves knowing the functional capacity of a persons vital organs
Psychological age � Involves adaptive capacities (such as flexibility and motivation) as compared with others of the same chronological age
Social age � involves connected

Normal aging is characterized by which of the following?

Individuals whose psychological functioning remains relatively stable up until their early 60s and then begins to show a modest decline.

Select the issues of development among the following:

-Continuity and discontinuity
-Nature and nurture
-Stability and change

Which of the following are views of developmentalists who emphasize stability in human development?

-Positive experiences in adulthood typically cannot override the negative experiences from childhood
-Heredity plays an important role in development
-Early childhood experiences are most important for development

The "nature" part of the nature versus nurture controversy is best described as:

The degree to which development involves either gradual change or distinct stages is described as a debate between:

Continuity and discontinuity

True or false: According to most developmentalist, development is characterized only by the influences of nature and nurture.

False (most acknowledged the influences of nature and nurture, stability and change, and continuity and discontinuity)

The __________ method consists of the following steps: conceptualize a process or problem to be studied, collect research data, analyze the data, and draw conclusions.

Some developmentalist believe that biological inheritance in early childhood experiences are crucial to the development and that early traits and characteristics persist throughout life. The developmentalist have a ____________ perspective on development.

A(n) ________ is an inter-related, coherent set of ideas that helps to explain phenomena and make predictions.

In terms of development, which of the following is an example of discontinuity?

A specific assertion and prediction that can be tested is referred to as a __________.

Which of the following statements best reflects the position of most developmentalists?

Development is influenced by nature, nurture, stability, change, continuity, and discontinuity.

Rank, in order from first to last, the steps of the scientific method.

1. Conceptualize a problem
2. Collect research data
3. Analyze data
4. Draw conclusions

In general, the ideas of the five theoretical orientations of development are ___________.

Which type of theory emphasizes work in the areas of unconscious thoughts and past experiences?

Jessica has formed an interrelated set of ideas to explain the phenomenon of social anxiety. Jessica has formed a(n)

According to Freud, what are the five stages of psychosexual development?


Kyle believes that exposure to violence, even pretend violence, contributes to increased aggression in children. Specifically, he thinks that children who play a lot of violent video games will tend to be more aggressive than children who do not play viol

According to today's psychoanalytic theory, Freud's theory overemphasized:

Freud believed that the primary motivation for human behavior is ________ in nature, whereas Erikson believed that it was _______.

Which of the following are theoretical orientations to development?

-Behavioral and social cognitive

The father of psychoanalytic theory is _________.

Which psychoanalytic theorist proposed the eight-stage psychosocial theory of development?

Seven year old Alfredo focuses on his social and intellectual skills without any conscious thoughts of sexual interest. Freud would say that Alfredo is in the _________ stage of development.

Which of Ericksons stages of development occurs during the first year of life?

As compared to Freud, today's psychoanalytic theorist place more emphasis on _________ as determinants of an individual's development

During Erickson stage of autonomy versus shame and doubt, what do infants begin to do?

Assert their independence

Who are the two main psychoanalytic theorist?

-Sigmund Freud
-Erik Erikson

According to Ericsson, at which stage do children encounter a wider social world and face new challenges that require active, purposeful behavior?

During Erickson's psychosocial stage of _________ versus ___________, usually corresponding with the elementary school years, children's energy should be directed towards acquiring knowledge and intellectual skills.

Which of the following best describes Erickson's theory of development?

A multi stage theory in which a developmental task in each stage confronts individuals with a crisis that must be resolved.

Which of the following best describes Erickson's developmental stage that involves adolescents finding out who they are and what they want to do in their lives?

Identity versus identity confusion

Erickson's first stage of psychosocial development is the stage of _________ versus _______.

Which is Erickson's sixth developmental stage when individuals form close and healthy relationships?

Intimacy versus isolation

Which of Erickson's stages occurs in late infancy and toddler hood and involves infants realizing there will?

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Erikson's seventh developmental stage is _________ versus _________, which involves people in middle adulthood either exhibiting concern for helping the next generation to develop and lead useful lives, or feeling as if they have not done anything to help

As preschoolers encounter a wider social world and new challenges that requires a responsible, active, purposeful behavior, which of Ericksons stages occurs?

In Ericksons final stage of development, ____________, adults assess their life's value.

During which developmental stage of Ericksons theory do children, usually in the elementary school years direct their energy towards knowledge and intellectual skills?

Industry versus inferiority

Which of the following are criticisms of psychoanalytic theories?

-A lack of scientific support
-Overemphasis on sexual underpinnings
-An image of people that is too negative

In the adolescent years, children discover who they are, what they are about, and where they are going in their lives. This occurs during the stage of development that Erik Erikson described as identity versus identity _________.

Unlike psychoanalytic theories, what do cognitive theories of development emphasize?

Erickson's stage of ________ is a crucial stage in which young adults form or fail to form healthy relationships.

Intimacy versus isolation

What two processes underlie Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Organization and adaptation

In Erickson's seventh developmental stage, what time does he use for the feeling of having done nothing to help with the next generation?

When does the first Piagetian stage occur?

Madeline is in her early 90s and is in a nursing home. She has been reflecting on her life and reviewing it as a life well spent. According to Ericsson's developmental theory, she is in which stage of development?

Which of the following are abilities of a child in the preoperational stage, according to Piaget?

-Make a drawing to represent a car
-Engage in symbolic thought
-Represent the world with speech

Which of the following are contributions of psychoanalytic theories?

-Focus on family relationships
-A developmentally oriented framework
-An emphasis on the unconscious

The third stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory is called _______.

Which of the following are cognitive theories of development?

-Information-processing theory
-Piaget's developmental theory
-Vygotsky's sociocultural theory

Which is Piaget's fourth and final stage of cognitive development?

Age of Piaget's age-related stages consists of __________.

A distinct way of thinking

Which of the following are key characteristics of Vygotsky's theory?

-Social interactions

One and a half year-old Isaac is enjoying banging pots with a wooden spoon. He is learning about the world through sight, sound, and motor activities. Which Piagetian stage is he in?

Which theory of development emphasizes individuals manipulating, monitoring, and strategizing about information?

Information-processing theory

At about 2 to 7 years of age children reach which stage of Piaget's cognitive development?

Robert Siegler emphasizes the importance of using the ___________ method to discover not just what children know, but the cognitive processes involved in how they acquired knowledge.

Marcos can reason logically about real or specific examples, but he cannot yet reason logically about hypothetical or abstract ideas. Which Piagetian stage is he in?

Which of the following is considered to be a contribution of the cognitive perspective?

It places an emphasis on the construction of understanding

Thelma is capable of abstract thinking and has become quite idealistic. According to Piaget, she is in the ____________ stage.

What do both the behavioral and the social cognitive theories emphasize?

Continuity in development

Vygotsky maintained that development is inseparable from:

Social and cultural activities

Who is the behaviorist best known for his theory of operant conditioning?

Which theoretical approach states that individuals develop a gradually increasing capacity for sensing, storing, and remembering data that allows them to acquire increasingly complex knowledge and skills?

Which three of the following are key factors in social cognitive theory?


According to Robert Siegler, an important aspect of development is:

Learning good strategies for processing information

Who of the following is the leading architect of social cognitive theory?

Which of the following is a criticism of cognitive theories of development?

There's too little attention paid to individual variations.

A key cognitive factor in Bandura's social cognitive theory is _________, in which individuals guide and motivate themselves by creating action plans, formulating goals, and visualizing positive outcomes of their actions.

What do both of the behavioral and social cognitive theories of development assume?

Development does not occur in a stage-like fashion

What are behavioral and social cognitive theories evaluated positively for?

Emphasis on scientific research

True or false: through operant conditioning, I behavior followed by a reward is more likely to recur.

According to _________, The presence or absence of certain experiences is especially important during specific time frames called critical periods.

Which theoretical view holds that behavior, environment, and cognition are the key factors in development?

The term ________ was coined by Lorenz to describe the rapid, innate learning that involves attachment to the first moving object that is seen.

Social cognitive theory stresses that people acquire a wide range of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings through:

Observing others' behavior

___________ stressed that a human infant's attachment to a caregiver over the first year of life has consequences throughout life.

Which of the following are components of Bandura's social cognitive model


What have behavioral and social cognitive theories been criticized for?

And insufficient attention to developmental changes

Which theorist believed that development reflects the influence of five environmental systems?

___________ theory states that behavior is tied to evolution, is strongly affected by biological influence, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods.

According to Bronfenbrenner, the __________ is the environmental system in which the most direct interaction with social agents takes place.

Ducklings will follow the first moving object that they see, usually their mother. This process is called _______.

According to Bronfenbrenner, parents who are involved in their children's education and attend parent-teacher conferences are engaged in which environmental system?

John _________ What is an attachment theorist who stressed that attachment to a caregiver over the first year of life as important consequences throughout the life span.

Jason's mother was promoted at work and this requires her to travel more extensively. Her new work responsibilities have affected the amount of time she can spend with Jason. According to Bronfenbrenner's theory, what is this an example of?

According to Bronfenbrenner's theory, The culture in which adolescents live is known as the _________.

Ethological theory stresses _________ factors, and ecological theory emphasizes _________ factors.

Biological; environmental

In Bronfenbrenner's theory, what is the patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course, as well as sociohistorical circumstances?

According to Bronfenbrenner, home, school, and neighborhood are examples of an adolescent's __________.

One criticism of Bronfenbrenner's theory is that it:

Gives inadequate attention to the influence of biological and cognitive factors

In Bronfenbrenner's theory, The relation of family experiences to school experiences forms part of which system?

The ethological theories have highlighted the role of _________ in development.

In Bronfenbrenner's theory, what consists of links between a social setting in which the person does not have an active role and the persons immediate environment?

Relying on a single theory to explain adolescent development would probably be ___________.

According to Bronfenbrenner's theory, the macrosystem involves:

Behavior patterns and beliefs

Which of the following are examples of chronosystem?

-Changes in family interaction every time after parents get divorced
-Increased opportunities for women to pursue a career since the 1960s

Which of the following are contributions of ecological theory to our understanding of life-span development?

-Attention to connections between environmental systems
-Emphasis on a range of social contexts beyond the family
-Systematic examination of micro and macro dimensions of environmental systems

Which of the following is not a reason for conducting research in lifespan development?

To determine whether development is important

The environmental determinants of development are best examined by the:

Social cognitive and ecological theories

Observation, surveys, interviews, standardized testing, physiological measures, and case studies are all methods of _________ collection.

The perspective that does not rigidly believe in anyone theoretical perspective but considers multiple theories and select the best features from each is known as a(n)

In Dr. Crawford's research study, he and his colleagues spend time in a sixth grade classroom watching teacher student interactions. The type of research that Dr. Crawford's team is doing is most likely _________.

According to Bronfenbrenner's theory, the culture in which adolescents live is known as the ____________.

Which framework outlines how research in life-span development should be conducted?

A(n) ____________ is a controlled setting for scientific observation in which many of the complex factors of the "real world" are absent.

Which of the following are some of the methods of data collection used by developmental researchers?

-Standardized testing

Which of the following are criticisms of research performed in the laboratory?

-It may lack participants from diverse culture backgrounds
-It's participants know they are being studied

Dr. Barry is studying attachment of infants by watching events and mothers together. Which of the following methods of data collection is Dr. Berry using?

Melinda is at a museum, watching how parents interact with their children. She can't see the number of times scientific explanations are given to girls versus boys this is an example of ___________.

Naturalistic observations

________ is one technique of research that is useful when information from many people is needed, where as a(n) _________ is used to get information by asking participants directly.

What is one criticism of standardized tests?

They assume a person's behavior is consistent

Two year old Stacy and her mom Patricia have gone to the university to participate in a study. While they play together with some puppet researcher watches them from behind a one-way mirror. The researcher is utilizing:

A(n) __________ study is an in-depth look at a single individual.

True or false: A major drawback to laboratory research is that it is not conducted in a natural or real-life setting.

Which of the following are psychological measures used to study development?

-Checking blood levels of hormones
-Heart rate
-Functional magnetic resonance imaging
-Eye movement

In what form of observation do researchers observed behavior in real world settings while making no effort to manipulate or control the situation?

Match the three major types of research design with its correct description.

Descriptive � aims to observe and record behavior
Experimental � aims to understand causality
Correlational � aims to provide information that helps to predict how people will behave

One problem with surveys and interviews is the tendency of participants to answer in the way they think is ________.

Which of the following types of research designs aim to observe and record behavior?

What is the method of data collection that has uniform procedures for administration and scoring?

What happens if two events are strongly correlated?

We can make more effective predictions

Dr. Phillips, a clinical psychologist, has a client who exhibit some very unusual behaviors. She wraps her report on this so that her colleagues can benefit from her observations. What type of research is Dr. Phillips conducting?

What type of measure is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)? I'm

Which of the following is not one of the three main types of research designs?

Standardized research
Three main types:
-Descriptive studies
-Correlation designs

________ (one word) research aims to observe and record behavior.

What does a higher correlation coefficient (whether positive or negative) mean?

The association between the two variables is stronger

__________ research is used to detect if a relationship exist between two or more variables.

A(n) ______________ Is it carefully regulated procedure in which one or more factors believed to influence the behavior being studied or manipulated while all other factors are held constant, thereby demonstrating cause-and-effect.

What is a common critique of using a single case study?

The limitations for generalizing

Which of the following are types of variables that are part of an experimental research design?

Which of the following are true for the correlation coefficient?

-It ranges from -1.00 to +1.00
-A correlation of 0 means there is no relationship between variables
-Whether a correlation is simply positive or negative does not indicate strength

How do researchers manipulate the independent variable in an experiment?

They give different experiences to experimental and control groups.

Which of the following is the only type of research where a researcher can establish cause and effect

Why must one be careful about generalizing from case studies?

The case study subject is unique

Which of the following studies involves random assignment?

Tom flipped a coin to decide who was in the control group and who was in the experimental group.

What important principle of experimental research is used for each participant's placement in the experimental or the control group?

What type of measure is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)?

What are two approaches that researchers in lifespan development use when studying the relationship of age to some other variable?

-Cross-sectional approach
-Longitudinal approach

In an experiment, the ____________ variable is manipulated by the experimenter, whereas a(n) _____________ variable is measured for change in response to the manipulation.

Which of the following groups experiment is not manipulated in the research study?

Which is one of the most important factors the research must take into account while deciding to conduct a cross-sectional research study or a longitudinal study?

Which of the following approaches can provide information about what causes a phenomenon?

What is a major disadvantage of a cross-sectional research design?

It gives no information about how individuals change

A strategy in which one group of the same individuals is studied overtime, usually over several years or more, is known as the ________ approach to developmental research.

Researchers in lifespan development have a special concern with studies that focus on a relation of ____________ to some other variable.

Which of the following are advantages of a longitudinal approach?

-It can provide information about the importance of early experience in late development
-It provides a great deal of information
-It provides information about stability and change in development

Which of the following are types of variables that are part of an experimental research design?

Dr. Booker is a researching friendship patterns across childhood. She has included four groups in her studies: 4-year-olds, 6-year-olds, 8-year-olds, and 10-year-olds. This is an example of __________.

Teenagers during World War II are bound to differ from teenagers of the 1990s. This fact could produce _____________ effects in a research study.

What are the advantages of a cross-sectional approach to life span research?

-It is not necessary to wait for people to grow older
-It is efficient and can be completed in a period of several months

Tamara is one of 30 participants in a study of language development. She was tested when she was 2-years-old, again when she was 5, and will be tested every three years until she is 14. Tamara is participating in a __________.

Cohort effects are important in studies concerned with age because they

Can powerfully affect the dependent measures.

What is a major disadvantage of a longitudinal approach?

Which of the following describes the Z/post millennial generation?

-Best educated
-Most ethnically diverse
-Technologically immersed

_____________ takes place after a study has been completed, and participants are informed about the researchers purpose and methods used.

In conducting research on historical variations of adolescents, the term cohort effects refers to which of the following influences on a person?

-Year of birth

I researcher draws conclusions about females attitudes and behaviors from research conducted with males as the only participants this is an example of ___________ bias.

What is a major disadvantage of cross-sectional research design?

It gives no information about how individuals change.

Which of the following types of studies are effective in studying age changes but only with one cohort?

What effect does gender bias have on individuals?

-It keeps them from achieving their potential
-It prevents them from pursuing their own interests

Those born in 1997 or later are part of which generation?

Generation Z/post-millennial

What can happen when researchers overgeneralize ethnic groups?

-Researchers obtain samples that are not representative of a group's diversity
-Groups are portrayed as being more homogeneous.

True or false: do use of deception in research is strictly prohibited by the American psychological Association's (APA) ethical guidelines.

Which of the following is not a type of bias that is of special concern in studies of lifespan development?

A preconceive notion about abilities of females and males

A research assistant refers to his participants as Latinos. A number of them object to the term, saying that they or their ancestors are from Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Puerto Rico, or Venezuela. This is an example of ________.

What can the nurture portion of the nature vs nurture controversy be described as?

The "nurture" portion of the nature vs. nurture controversy is best described as: an environmental perspective on how people develop.

Which theorist believed that development reflects the influence of five environmental systems?

Bronfenbrenner believed that a person's development was affected by everything in their surrounding environment. He divided the person's environment into five different levels: the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, the macrosystem, and the chronosystem.

What term describes the beliefs customs and general behavior patterns of a group of people?

Culture – A social system of customs, behaviors and norms that a group of people develops to ensure its survival and adaptation. It is also a system of values, habits, skills, ideologies and beliefs.

Which of the following types of research designs aims to observe and record behavior multiple choice questions?

The term observational research is used to refer to several different types of non-experimental studies in which behavior is systematically observed and recorded. The goal of observational research is to describe a variable or set of variables.


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