During the later years of middle childhood, the key element of childrens friendships becomes

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7) Which of the following is a major influence in a child's self- esteem?
A) The general support the child feels from her parents, peers, and others
B) The evaluations of teachers and whether they match the child's self-evaluation
C) Internal characteristics transmitted genetically from the parents
D) The child's perceived popularity by others

A) The general support the child feels from her parents, peers, and others

1) Which of the following accurately reflects Freud's view of development in middle childhood?
A) To develop friendships with members of the opposite sex.
B) To form emotional bonds with peers and to move beyond those developed with parents.
C) To develop a sense of competence by achieving culturally defined learning goals.
D) To expand the process of identification to include their opposite sex parent.

B- To form emotional bonds with peers and to move beyond those

2) What is the crisis of middle childhood according to Erikson?
A) Competency versus risk-taking
B) Basic trust versus mistrust
C) Industry versus inferiority
D) Latency versus sexual development

C- Industry versus inferiority

3) Rudolf is struggling with his math and reading skills but excels at soccer. What would Erikson say about Rudolf's sense of competence?
A) Rudolf will successfully resolve the conflict of this stage through his competence at soccer.
B) Rudolf will not successfully resolve this stage because his peers are likely to make fun of him.
C) Since his teachers are likely to treat Rudolf badly, he will disregard the sense of competence that he feels at soccer.
D) Since soccer is a European sport, Rudolf will not develop a sense of confidence.

A- Rudolf will successfully resolve the conflict of this stage through his competence at soccer.

4) According to trait theorists, what is the nature of temperament in middle childhood?
A) It is still developing.
B) The inborn characteristics of temperament will have disappeared.
C) The effects of a child's temperament are negligible at this point.
D) It is relatively stable in terms of traits.

D-It is relatively stable in terms of traits.

5) Leticia failed to ride her bike up the hill with her friends. She later asked her father to remove the training wheels from her bike so that she would no longer feel embarrassed. This is an example of which part of Social-Cognitive theory?
A) The person component
B) Residual traits
C) Extroversion
D) Reciprocal determinism

D- Reciprocal Determination

6) Which of the following best defines self-efficacy?

A) The belief in one's influence over events which have nothing to do with them.
B) The belief that one is responsible for their own internal behaviors.
C) The belief that the environment influences one's internal thoughts.
D) The belief in one's ability to cause an intended event to happen.

D) The belief in one's ability to cause an intended event to happen.

8) Bobby is a ten-year-old who is uncoordinated and awkward, and as a consequence, he has little athletic ability. How will this circumstance influence Bobby's self-esteem?

A) The absence of athletic ability will cause Bobby to have low self-esteem.
B) If Bobby does not value athletic skill, his lack of talent will have less impact on his self-esteem than if he highly values athleticism.
C) The absence of athletic skill will affect his self-esteem only if his parents also value athleticism.
D) As long as his friends tell Bobby that they don't mind if he is clumsy, his self-esteem will be unaffected.

B) If Bobby does not value athletic skill, his lack of talent will have less impact on his self-esteem than if he highly values athleticism.

9) Which of the following is Piaget's stage of moral development in which children understand that sometimes rules can be changed by social agreement?

A) Moral realism
B) Contemporary moralism
C) Post-conventional morality
D) Moral relativism

D) Moral relativism

10) Which of the following is the child's ability to conform to parental standards of behavior without direct supervision?

A) Independence
B) Interdependence
C) Self-evaluation
D) Self-regulation

D) Self-regulation

11) Which of the following is a parenting variable that is related to children's development of the capacity for self-regulation?

A) The parents' age
B) The parents' own ability to self-regulate
C) The parents' socioeconomic status
D) Authoritarian parenting

B) The parents' own ability to self-regulate

12) Which of the following is an implication of the resource dilution hypothesis?

A) That later-born children in a family will not perform as well as first-born children on achievement tests.
B) That a family's socio-economic status diminishes with the birth of multiple children.
C) That only children have fewer social skills than children with siblings.
D) That first-born children in a family will not perform as well as later-born children on achievement tests.

A) That later-born children in a family will not perform as well as first-born children on achievement tests.

13) Developmentalists have suggested that differences in the expectations parents have for boys and girls may be responsible for

A) weaker standards of behavior for boys in later developmental periods.

B) stronger standards of behavior for girls in later developmental periods.

C) stronger standards of behavior for boys in later developmental periods.

D) weaker standards of behavior for girls in later developmental periods.

B) stronger standards of behavior for girls in later developmental periods.

14) During the later years of middle childhood, the key element of children's friendships becomes

A) having a good time together.
B) similar social and cultural backgrounds.
C) reciprocal trust.
D) complementary abilities.

C) reciprocal trust.

15) Which of the following seems to be the most important factor in selection of friends among 6 - 12 year olds?

A) Age
B) Socio-economic similarity
C) Race
D) Gender

D) Gender

16) Psychologists have begun to believe that girls may not be less aggressive than boys, but rather that girls may express themselves by using which form of aggression?

A) Relational aggression
B) Parallel aggression
C) Verbal hostility
D) Covert hostility

A) Relational aggression

17) Which of the following seems to be the most important element in a child's acceptance by her peers?

A) Intelligence
B) Physical appearance
C) Socioeconomic status
D) Social behavior

D) Social behavior

18) At what age do most developmentalists agree that a child might begin self-care?

A) Seven years
B) Nine or ten
C) Twelve years old
D) Fourteen years old

C) Twelve years old

19) How has the number of children living in poverty changed from 1980 to now?

A) It has declined significantly.
B) It has remained approximately the same.
C) It is impossible to know because of the number of homeless families in the U.S.
D) It has increased significantly.

B) It has remained approximately the same.

20) Which of the following is one of the factors listed in your text which can help protect a child from the effects of a stressful environment?

A) Average IQ
B) Passive parenting
C) Strong sense of ethnic identity
D) Authoritarian parenting

C) Strong sense of ethnic identity

1) At what ages do the two major brain growth spurts occur?
A) 11 - 12 and 13 - 15
B) 12 - 14 and 17 - 18
C) 13 - 15 and 17 - 18
D) 13 - 15 and 18 - 20

C) 13 - 15 and 17 - 18

2) Which group of hormones is responsible for the development of the sex organs?

A) Testosterone in females and estradiol in males
B) General growth hormones
C) Estradiol in females and testosterone in males
D) Thyroid gland hormones

C) Estradiol in females and testosterone in males

3) Which gland prompts the release of hormones from the other endocrine glands?

A) Pituitary
B) Thyroid
C) Adrenal
D) Hypothalamus

A) Pituitary

4) The changes in the patterns of physical growth and development that are known as the secular trend are most likely caused by which of the following?

A) An increasingly sexualized society
B) Increased levels of demand and stress placed upon children and adolescents
C) Improvements in nutrition and health care
D) Cultural values that favor a thin, angular body image

C) Improvements in nutrition and health care

5) Dawn has just turned thirteen years old, and she recently experienced menarche. If Dawn becomes sexually active, will she be at risk for pregnancy?

A) Possibly. Although irregular menstrual cycles are the norm for some time, pregnancy is still possible.
B) Not likely, as irregular menstrual cycles signal the absence of ovulation.
C) No. The irregularity of menstrual cycles after menarche means that it would be impossible to have intercourse during an ovulatory cycle.
D) Probably not. She would be too young to get pregnant.

A) Possibly. Although irregular menstrual cycles are the norm for some time, pregnancy is still possible.

6) Of the following events in boys' puberty, which typically occurs earliest?

A) Growth of the genitals
B) Peak of the growth spurt
C) Growth of a beard
D) Lowering of the voice

A) Growth of the genitals

7) Which of the following groups is more likely to occupy leadership roles but also be at increased risk for alcohol or drug use?

A) Late maturing girls
B) Early maturing boys
C) Late maturing boys
D) Early maturing girls

B) Early maturing boys

8) Which of the following factors is most likely to influence whether or not teens become sexually active across cultures?

A) Social factors
B) Hormones
C) Nutritional levels
D) Levels of sex education

A) Social factors

9) What is the concordance rate of homosexuality in fraternal twins?

A) 20%
B) 30%
C) 50%
D) 60%

A) 20%

10) Most people probably begin to have some awareness of their sexual orientation at what point in their lives?

A) Adolescence
B) Early Childhood
C) Middle Childhood
D) Young Adulthood

C) Middle Childhood

11) Thomas has been transgendered for as long as he can remember. He has begun living full-time as Trina and has started taking hormone supplements. Trina plans to have gender reassignment surgery next year. Which of the following terms best describes Trina?

A) Transgendered
B) Homosexual
C) Queer
D) Transsexual

D) Transsexual

12) Among teenagers, what is the most commonly used illicit drug?

A) Alcohol
B) Cocaine
C) Marijuana
D) Diet pills

A) Alcohol

13) Which of the following is a characteristic of anorexia nervosa?

A) Eating large amounts of food and then purging
B) Extreme dieting
C) Excessive menstruation
D) Impulsivity

B) Extreme dieting

14) Which of the following factors is likely to contribute to the development of depression among adolescents?

A) Genetic factors
B) Large family size
C) Average self-esteem
D) Family responsibilities and chores

A) Genetic factors

15) What is Piaget's fourth stage of cognitive development?
A) Concrete operations
B) Preoperational
C) Post-operational
D) Formal operations

D) Formal operations

16) Fourteen-year-old Muhammed won a contest sponsored by the local newspaper to celebrate a championship basketball game. The object of the contest was to determine how many words could be made from the word "score." Which newly developed ability of formal operational thought would have been most helpful to Muhammed?

A) The ability to reason about objects or situations not previously seen or experienced
B) The ability to search systematically and methodologically for the solutions to a problem
C) The ability to use ethical principles for decision-making
D) The ability to start with a theory and a prediction and arrive at a conclusion

B) The ability to search systematically and methodologically for the solutions to a problem

17) Charlene has achieved formal operational thought and is about to attempt Piaget's pendulum task. What can she do that she was UNABLE to do when she was still in the concrete operations stage?

A) Formulate an approach to the task
B) Try out varying combinations of height, weight, force, and length
C) Measure the length of the string, the height of the pendulum, and the weight of the object
D) Evaluate the effects of multiple factors in systematic, methodical fashion

D) Evaluate the effects of multiple factors in systematic, methodical fashion

18) Which of the following is a component of adolescent egocentrism, according to Elkind?

A) Hypothetical-inductive reasoning
B) Self-biography
C) Concrete thinking
D) The personal fable

D) The personal fable

19) Whenever Jean walks by a mirror or any reflective surface he stops to make sure that his hair looks good and that his clothes look acceptable to his peers. Which principle is at work here?

A) Piaget's theory of centration
B) Elkind's theory of the imaginary audience
C) Elkind's theory of formal operations
D) Piaget's theory of deductive logic

B) Elkind's theory of the imaginary audience

20) According to your text, high school students perform better than elementary school students in memory task experiments because they

A) can apply previously learned memory strategies to the new task.
B) pay closer attention to the task.
C) are more motivated.
D) are more mature and therefore more goal-oriented.

A) can apply previously learned memory strategies to the new task.

21) During a growth spurt, which is (are) likely to grow first?
A) The torso
B) Arms and legs
C) Hands and feet
D) The brain

C) Hands and feet

22) Which hormone is responsible for normal brain development and overall rate of growth?

A) Adrenal androgen
B) Thyroxine
C) Testosterone
D) Estrogen

B) Thyroxine

23) What is the concordance rate of homosexuality in identical twins?
A) 10-20%
B) 30-40%
C) 50-60%
D) 70-80%

C) 50-60%

24) According to your textbook, among teenagers, sensation seeking appears to be LEAST associated with which of the following?

A) Automobile accidents and injuries
B) Tobacco use
C) Drug use
D) Alcohol use

B) Tobacco use

1) Which theorist saw the issues of identity and role confusion as critical to adolescent development?

A) Sigmund Freud
B) Erik Erikson
C) Albert Bandura
D) Jean Piaget

B) Erik Erikson

2) Which of Freud's psychosexual stages is reached in the post-pubertal years?

A) Latency
B) Genital
C) Libidinous
D) Phallic

B) Genital

3) Marcia's theory of adolescent identity achievement suggests that adolescent identity formation has two key parts. What are they?

A) Confusion and resolution
B) Extrusion and inclusion
C) Crisis and commitment
D) A physical transformation; a psychosocial transition

C) Crisis and commitment

4) According to James Marcia, a person who has examined her values and choices, and who has committed to a specific role, value, or ideology is in which stage of identity status?

A) Achievement
B) Diffusion
C) Foreclosure
D) Moratorium

A) Achievement

5) Juanita is planning to go to nursing school because her parents work at the local clinic. She has never even considered other options. Juanita is in which stage of identity development, according to James Marcia?

A) Achievement
B) Foreclosure
C) Moratorium
D) Diffusion

B) Foreclosure

6) Lionel thinks he wants to be a fireman, but he is not sure. He is working with his high school career counselor to get information about careers and college majors before he makes a decision. According to Marcia, Lionel is in which stage of identity development?

A) Achievement
B) Foreclosure
C) Moratorium
D) Diffusion

C) Moratorium

7) Ahmed does not know what he wants to do when he graduates from high school, and he is not worried about it. He says, "That decision will take care of itself." Marcia would say that Ahmed is in which stage of identity status?

A) Achievement
B) Foreclosure
C) Moratorium
D) Diffusion

D) Diffusion

8) A person who has not made a commitment to an occupation or ideology even though she has reexamined her values and choices is which stage of identity status, according to Marcia?
A) Diffusion
B) Achievement
C) Foreclosure
D) Moratorium

D) Moratorium

9) Which of the following differentiates teenagers' descriptions of themselves from older children's self-descriptions?

A) Children aren't likely to be able to describe themselves.
B) Teenagers describe themselves more in terms of physical characteristics.
C) Children describe themselves in emotional terms.
D) Teens are more likely to describe themselves in terms of what they believe or feel.

D) Teens are more likely to describe themselves in terms of what they believe or feel.

10) Which of the following is one of the four basic sex-role types identified by researchers?
A) Incomplete
B) Defined
C) Masculine
D) Confused

C) Masculine

11) Katie is often perceived by others to be a boy because of her style of clothing, her facial characteristics, and mannerisms. Based on this information, which of the following might be applied to Katie?

A) She is transgendered
B) She is a lesbian
C) She is androgynous
D) She is a tomboy

C) She is androgynous

12) Which of the following terms would be applied to someone who is low in masculinity and femininity?
A) Androgynous
B) Undifferentiated
C) Transgendered
D) Animistic

B) Undifferentiated

13) Which of the following is one of the factors identified by Maria Root which shape a biracial ethnic identity?
A) Cultural archetypes
B) Neighborhood
C) Television
D) Religion

B) Neighborhood

14) At which stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning are the standards the child uses to judge right and wrong based on external superior sources of authority and determined by the outcome or consequences?

A) Normative reasoning
B) Preconventional morality
C) Conventional morality
D) Principled morality

B) Preconventional morality

15) Mr. Smith pays his income taxes and obeys the posted speed limits because "that is the law," he says. Mr. Smith is most likely reasoning at which stage of moral development?

A) Punishment and obedience orientation
B) Preconventional morality
C) Post-conventional morality
D) Social system and conscience

D) Social system and conscience

16) According to Kohlberg, the highest stage of moral reasoning is

A) individual rights.
B) social contract.
C) universal ethical principles.
D) mutual interpersonal expectations.

C) universal ethical principles.

17) Which of the following refers to the ability to look at a situation from another person's perspective?

A) Role-taking
B) Perspective assumptions
C) Role reversal
D) Egocentrism

A) Role-taking

18) Carol Gilligan argues that there are two distinct moral orientations. What are they?

A) Fairness and ethics
B) Intimacy and legality
C) Judgement and nurture
D) Justice and care

D) Justice and care

19) Which of the following best defines the term antisocial in psychological theories?

A) Having a moral stance which disregards the norms of society
B) Choosing to live away from other people
C) Going against the rules of one's parents
D) Deciding for oneself what is right and wrong

A) Having a moral stance which disregards the norms of society

20) Which of the following typically helps to prepare adolescents for romantic relationships?

A) Comparing notes with their friends of the same sex
B) Sex education courses
C) Discussions with parents
D) Participation in mixed-gender groups of friends

D) Participation in mixed-gender groups of friends

1) The basic underlying, inevitable aging process called senescence is also known as ____________.

A) Basic aging
B) Primary aging
C) Secondary aging
D) Tertiary aging

B) Primary aging

2) Researchers have identified two different types of aging. What are they?

A) Aerobic and anaerobic
B) Primary and secondary
C) Individual and cohort comparative
D) Decline and compensation

B) Primary and secondary

3) Neuropsychologists believe that the brain development of early adulthood leads to increased capacities for which of the following?

A) Sexual expression; procreation
B) Abstract reasoning; response inhibition
C) Intelligence; emotional expression
D) Egocentrism; perception-bound reasoning

B) Abstract reasoning; response inhibition

4) Diana kept failing her exams even though she found that she knew all the correct answers when she went back and checked to see what she missed. Her teacher suggested that she needs to slow down and read each choice before she makes a selection. Diana started do much better on her exams. Her ability to resist writing down the first answer she thought of is what your text refers to as

A) choice-regulation.
B) response inhibition.
C) prudence.
D) wisdom.

B) response inhibition.

5) Which part of the brain is responsible for controlling the limbic system to provide response inhibition?

A) Frontal lobes
B) Temporal lobes
C) Hippocampus
D) Hypothalamus

A) Frontal lobes

6) Which of the following is the most common measure of overall aerobic fitness of the heart and lungs?

A) VCO2 max
B) Systolic blood pressure
C) Maximum oxygen uptake
D) Carbon dioxide production

C) Maximum oxygen uptake

7) When is a woman's fertility at its peak?

A) Late teens and early twenties
B) In her mid-twenties
C) In her 30s
D) In her early 40s

A) Late teens and early twenties

8) Which of the following are key components of the human immune system?

A) The liver and kidneys
B) The thymus gland and the bone marrow
C) Neurotransmitters and hormones
D) The pancreas and the liver

B) The thymus gland and the bone marrow

9) Which of the following is unlikely to affect your longevity?
A) Drinking alcohol
B) Snacking
C) Sleeping
D) Exercising

B) Snacking

10) Which of the following terms is used to describe an individual's belief in her capacity to cause an intended event to occur, or to perform a task successfully?

A) Self-expression
B) Self-efficacy
C) Self-esteem
D) Self-worth

B) Self-efficacy

11) Marcus has a flat tire on the way to work. He curses and says, "This always happens to me!" Marcus has known for several months that he needs to buy new tires for his car. This is an example of which of the following?

A) Self-efficacy
B) Self-denial
C) An external locus of control
D) An internal locus of control

C) An external locus of control

12) What is the most commonly occurring bacterial STD in the United States?

A) Gonorrhea
B) Syphilis
C) Chlamydia

C) Chlamydia

13) According to the World Health Organization, which country has the lowest rate of physical abuse among women?

A) Switzerland
B) The United States
C) Canada
D) Mexico

A) Switzerland

14) Most of the sexual violence in the United States takes place in which of the following contexts?

A) Marriage
B) Stalking of the victim by an unknown person
C) Social or romantic relationships
D) A nonpremeditated attack by a stranger

C) Social or romantic relationships

15) What (is) are the most common mental disorder(s) affecting young adults?

A) Schizophrenia
B) Dementia
C) Anxiety and mood disorders
D) Personality disorders

C) Anxiety and mood disorders

16) Gregory experiences irrational fear when he is in high places, such as an elevator or on a bridge. Most likely, Gregory is suffering from which of the following?

A) Bi-polar disorder
B) A phobia
C) A mood disorder
D) Depression

B) A phobia

17) Marta behaves dramatically, always attracting attention with her sexualized manner and style of dress. If you had to label her with a personality disorder, which of the five discussed in this chapter would you suspect she BEST fits?

A) Narcissistic
B) Histrionic
C) Borderline
D) Antisocial

B) Histrionic

18) Which type of personality disorder is characterized by difficulty forming emotional attachments, lack of empathy, and little regard for the rights of others?

A) Antisocial personality disorder
B) Borderline personality disorder
C) Histrionic personality disorder
D) Narcissistic personality disorder

A) Antisocial personality disorder

19) Marcy is known for her strong critical thinking skills. She is able to look at a problem from many sides and identify the underlying assumptions of the different perspectives. Marcy's thinking represents which of the following?

A) Reflective judgment
B) Dialectical thought
C) Formal operational thought
D) Relativism

A) Reflective judgment

20) Which of the following would you utilize as you quickly and accurately work a cross-word puzzle?

A) Crystallized intelligence
B) Dialectical thought
C) Encoding skills
D) Fluid intelligence

A) Crystallized intelligence

1) According to Erikson, what is the central crisis of early adulthood?

A) Autonomy versus dependence
B) Identity versus role confusion
C) Intimacy versus isolation
D) Generativity versus stagnation

C) Intimacy versus isolation

2) Jeri's only child has married, signaling a change in Jeri's life structure. It will take Jeri a while to adjust to her new "empty nest." According to Levinson, which of the following terms applies to this adjustment period?

A) Transitional phase
B) Culmination phase
C) Novice phase
D) Late-era phase

C) Novice phase

3) Jack has settled into his new life as a retiree. He has friends and activities and feels a happy sense of stability in his new life. According to Levinson, in which phase is Jack?

A) Post-transition era
B) Period of stabilization
C) Mid-era phase
D) Culmination phase

D) Culmination phase

4) Which of the following terms does Jeffrey Arnett use to refer to the developmental period between 17 and 22 years of age?
A) Emerging adulthood
B) Transition-to-adulthood
C) Post adolescence
D) Postformal adulthood

A) Emerging adulthood

5) Which of the following is an element of evolutionary theories of mate selection?

A) Men prefer mates who are older and physically attractive.
B) Minimum parental investment is higher for women than men.
C) Both women and men are likely to select mates who are opposite to themselves in key characteristics such as ethnicity, religion, and age.
D) Women and men both choose mates slowly.

B) Minimum parental investment is higher for women than men.

6) John is looking for a wife. He wants a partner who has a similar background in matters like education and religious upbringing. Which of the following mate selection strategies is John using?

A) Trait sorting
B) Heterogeneity
C) Homogamy
D) Exchange theory

C) Homogamy

7) When marital relationships have negative effects on physical health, what is the physiological mechanism at work?

A) Increased blood pressure
B) Increased VO2 max
C) Production of the neurotransmitter serotonin
D) Production of the stress-related hormone cortisol

D) Production of the stress-related hormone cortisol

8) Arlis and Anthony are committed to each other and even treat each other with respect when they argue. They listen to one another and keep working until they find a solution. Which of the following terms would Gottman use to describe them as a couple?

A) Volatile
B) Avoidant
C) Agreeing
D) Validating

D) Validating

9) Quang and Nguyen are a married couple. They argue frequently and neither of them listens very well. Still, most of the time they get along well and neither has any thoughts of getting divorced. What term would John Gottman use to describe Quang and Nguyen?

A) Volatile couple
B) Disengaged couple
C) Validating couple
D) Fatuous couple

A) Volatile couple

10) Which of the following is one of the most crucial issues in the interactions that affect the success of a marriage?

A) Whether the use of power is overt or covert
B) The relative proportion of negative and positive everyday encounters
C) The sexual compatibility of the couple
D) Whether disagreements are resolved or ignored.

B) The relative proportion of negative and positive everyday encounters

11) According to Sternberg, in romantic love relationships, which component is missing?

A) Intimacy
B) Infatuation
C) Commitment
D) Passion

C) Commitment

12) What percentage of U.S. adults between the ages of 20 and 34 have never been married?

A) 26%
B) 34%
C) 45%
D) 58%

D) 58%

13) High levels of which of the following in the bodies of pregnant women in late pregnancy has been linked to postpartum depression?

A) Adrenaline
B) Steroid hormones
C) Dopamine
D) Seratonin

B) Steroid hormones

14) According to research, what happens to marital satisfaction after the birth of a child?

A) It tends to decrease.
B) It increases.
C) It is enhanced if both partners assume traditional gender roles.
D) It stabilizes after about 2 weeks.

A) It tends to decrease.

15) Which of the following couples would most likely report the highest level of marital satisfaction?

A) Elliot and Edwina have been married 20 years and have a daughter who is a junior in college.
B) Ling and Guan have been married eight years and have two children in elementary school.
C) Lenora, a lawyer, and Deion, a banker, have been married two years and have no children.
D) Aaron and Mary own and manage a small grocery store with assistance from their 16-year-old sons.

C) Lenora, a lawyer, and Deion, a banker, have been married two years and have no children.

16) When comparing women's jobs with men's jobs, which of the following statements is most accurate?

A) The job stereotypes of the past have pretty much been eliminated.
B) Women's jobs are concentrated in service occupations that are typically lower in status and lower paid.
C) Men's jobs tend to be less varied, but higher in both status and income.
D) Seventy-five percent of all working women hold clerical jobs.

B) Women's jobs are concentrated in service occupations that are typically lower in status and lower paid.

17) Darius rarely makes mistakes as the accountant for the Round-Tuit Corporation. He always follows the correct guidelines when he calculates production costs and profit margins. According to Holland, what is Darius' personality type?

A) Conventional
B) Enterprising
C) Investigative
D) Social

A) Conventional

18) Which personality type tends to be extroverted, people-oriented, and sociable?

A) Social
B) Enterprising
C) Conventional
D) Realistic

A) Social

19) Which type of person prefers professional activities that are structured, have clear guidelines, and consider themselves accurate and precise?

A) Realistic
B) Investigative
C) Conventional
D) Artistic

C) Conventional

20) During which of Super's stages does the young person search for a job or career that fits with his interests and personality?

A) Growth
B) Exploratory
C) Establishment
D) Maintenance

B) Exploratory

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How might a psychologist doing basic science and a psychologist practicing applied science differ in their approach to the issue of Internet addiction?

Verified answer


What are the problems with defining the start and end of adolescence? Why do these problems exist?

Verified answer


The desire to join with others and to be part of a larger whole is called _____.

Verified answer


Do you think it’s better to maintain or to change one’s routine in response to tragedy? Explain.

Verified answer

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What function do friendships serve during middle childhood years quizlet?

Friendship plays an increasingly important role in middle childhood. Friendships teach children how to communicate and interact with others, and they provide emotional support.

In what ways do friendships change from the beginning to the end of middle childhood?

In what ways do friendships change from the beginning to the end of middle childhood? in beginning of middle childhood, friendships want to have friends and be liked by their peers. towards the end of middle childhood, they demand more from of one another including loyalty.

Which of the following is the typical pattern of childrens descriptions of others during middle childhood?

Which of the following is the typical pattern of children's descriptions of others during middle childhood? During middle childhood, children talk more about internal characteristics or qualities that the individual seems to have.

What is suggested to play a key role in children's self esteem during middle childhood?

A major influence on children's self-esteem is the quality of their relationships with others who play an important role in their lives (e.g., parents and other family members, peers, coaches, teach- ers).


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