Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen PC Key

Harry Potter Archives II: An Extension of the Harry Potter Games Archive Project

June 8th, 2022 - This page is being revamped for clarity and accessibility. Check back soon.

These no-cd cracks were provided by various gaming and Harry Potter Modding community members. They mostly originate from the "crack scene" e.g., older communities that focused on cracking computer games. One exception is the updated crack for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's / Philosopher's Stone; this updated crack is open-source and courtesy of the Harry Potter Modding member, Metallicafan212.

It is important to note that this item contains only the necessary .exe crack for each game.

The end-user must source an individual copy of the corresponding game from the Internet Archive listings and overwrite the retail .exe with the crack .exe by placing it in the game's System folder directory.

Each crack is in a labeled folder. Click the "SHOW ALL" button in this listing to view the files.

The no cd cracks for the following games in this item:

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Q&A Section:

1. Do these cracks address both the issue of not having physical media *and* allow all games to be played on modern hardware?

Answer: They all address the issue of not having physical media, but they are not needed in all cases to run on modern hardware. Mainly HP1-HP3 (cracks) are needed due to copy protection on those discs not running on modern copies of Windows operating system. e.g., with or without the physical media, HP1-HP3 will not run on modern operating systems and hardware without the cracks.

2. There are two cracks in the wild for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's / Philosopher's Stone. Why is this?

Answer: The legacy or "scene crack" for HP1 SS PC game infers its use has been historical among most people online over the years. The updated crack is a new, open source replacement HP.exe, which renders the legacy scene crack obsolete. This updated HP.exe also allows for using new render devices; the original forced the game to only use Software or DirectX 7. The updated open source crack is the designated crack file to use for the end-user of the future to allow for improved stability and playback.

3. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix won't run even with the crack. What's going on? 

Answer: As of 2020, the game will not load unless the crack is used. Also, it is necessary to change your Windows System Date (the year your computer is set to) to 2007, or any year before 2020, and then run the Autorun. After which the users should change the System Date back to the present time, and continue the installation process. The no-cd crack must still be used after the installation process is complete.


This preservation and archiving project does not condone nefarious or illegal activity regarding the distribution of copyrighted materials. Nor does this project receive any profits from providing these invaluable resources for game preservationists and archivists to the archival community and professionals at large. The data provided here is 'as is'. Its sole purpose lies in the spirit of academic inquiry e.g., to allow future descendants the opportunity to run these games on future personal computing hardware as well as the dissemination (and by extension, the study) of said material from a particular moment in time and human culture.

This Project is open to a healthy discussion regarding data preservation while also respecting the rights holders and can have individual items removed from Archive.org in a prompt way vs. a swift attempt at shutting down one side of the copyright argument without being productive for society, human culture, as a whole. This project believes in working with - not against - individuals, independent entities, and intellectual property holders so that together, an informed citizenry, the epitome of any flourishing society, can take hold for a better tomorrow.

Harry Potter Games Archive Project



Reviewer: Harry Potter Games Archive Project - - January 23, 2022
Subject: RE: be careful of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.iso"

Hi there,
This is a false positive. We've confirmed this numerous times. However, the end-user can always set up a virtual machine out of precaution. Or, have a designated computer to run old games on. One that doesn't have any sensitive information and is not for primary use.

—HP_Archivist, Project Lead
Harry Potter Games Archive Project

Reviewer: gandalf_1 - - January 21, 2022
Subject: be careful of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.iso"

i played Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and it was a lot of fun. however, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.iso" seems to contain viruses. i used virustotal.com on the files in the crack folder and got multiple warnings. i'm running this on linux so there is probably not a lot of risk, but still i don't want to take a chance by installing it.

Reviewer: Archivist_Goals - - January 10, 2022
Subject: RE: Andy Sitz

Hi there,

The Discord links are definitely working and both the Archive Project and Modding servers are public. Please try joining again or email me directly for assistance:

—HP_Archivist, Project Lead
Harry Potter Games Archive Project

Reviewer: Andy Sitz - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - January 8, 2022
Subject: Im Earnestly excited, but running into some issues.

Hello, Im trying to download Sorcerer's stone and Im getting an error in the autorun.exe that I need to insert Disc 2 so that It can access some sound/music files. It is my understand that I shouldnt be getting that as there is no disc 2, and I should do a clean installation. I dont quite understand how to go about that. Pardon me if this is any trouble. I appreciate any assistance.

I tried joining the Discord but the link was expired or something.

Reviewer: curious_poodle - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 29, 2021
Subject: you can still install it @bungereattack

I assume you are on Win11. My wife had the same problem. If u press [win]+[x] you can open windows terminal as admin. If you run the installation that way it should work. At least i did the trick for me.

Reviewer: bungereattack - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - November 21, 2021
Subject: Mostly good

I was able to get the first four games downloaded and working, but Order of the Phoenix will not work. When I try to install it constantly gives an "administrator has blocked" even though I am the administrator and I cannot fix it no matter what I have done. But the other ones that I have been able to download have worked great.

Reviewer: ShredBraahh - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 10, 2020
Subject: Great!

This is an excellent collection. I haven't tested all of the games you provided, but the few that I have installed work well. I have a question. When I mounted the .iso file for Prizoner of Azkaban, the folder "DEViANCE" then the file, "Keygen.exe"... The keygen program is identified as a virus. Can you make the .iso file again but delete this Keygen.exe program since it literally isn't needed at all? You provide a working serial number so the keygen isn't necessary. I tried to create a new iso file after deleting the keygen but was unsuccessful. Would be greatly appreciated. Either way, thanks a bunch!


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