The organizational structure for the project team, including policies and procedures, is the

The organizational structure for the project team, including policies and procedures, is the

Work breakdown structure.

Rules statement.

Management plan.

Scope statement

Answer & Explanation

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What is project team organizational structure?

A project management organizational structure is used to determine the hierarchy and authority of people involved in a specific project. The structure defines each team member's function and the reporting lines on a chart for team members to reference during a project.

Which Organisational structure is best for project management?

A balanced matrix organizational structure recognizes the need for a Project Manager. However, the Project Manager does not have full authority over the project, project staff or project budget. Strong Matrix: A strong matrix organizational structure has many of the features of the projectized organizational structure.

What is functional organizational structure in project management?

A functional organizational structure is composed by project team members allocated according to the different functional units of an organization. A typical organization has different functional units, such as the Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Operations, IT, Administration, etc.

What is the structure of a project?

A project structure provides the framework within which the development effort will be accomplished. While simple and high level, it provides guidelines and flow that cover the topography of the local development landscape.


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