Which of the following would lead the practical nurse to suspect that a postpartum woman was developing a complication?

Below are recent practice questions under UNIT V: MATERNAL AND NEWBORN CARE for Postpartal Period. You can view your scores and the answers to all the questions by clicking on the SHOW RESULT red button at the end of the questions.

1. With which conditions is a risk of postpartum hemorrhage associated? Select all that apply.

 Full urinary bladder.

 Pregnancy-induced hypertension.

 Advanced maternal age.

 The birth of a macrosomatic neonate.

 Retained placental fragments.

2. The nurse informs a graduate nurse on a postpartum unit that the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) would no longer be detected in the client’s blood at?

 2 days postpartum.

 4 weeks postpartum.

 1 week postpartum.

 12 hours postpartum.

3. A breastfeeding woman has been diagnosed with retained placental fragments 4 days postdelivery. Which of the following breastfeeding complications would the nurse expect to see?

 Blocked milk duct.


 Low milk supply.


4. To prevent infection, the nurse teaches the postpartum client to perform which of the following tasks?

 Change the peripad at each voiding.

 Apply antibiotic ointment to the perineum daily.

 Spray the perineum with a povidone-iodine solution after toileting.

 Void at least every two hours.

5. The nurse is caring for a client who had a cesarean section under spinal anesthesia less than 2 hours ago. Which of the following nursing actions is appropriate at this time?

 Assess for patellar hyperreflexia bilaterally.

 Report absence of bowel sounds to the physician.

 Have her turn and deep breathe every 2 hours.

 Elevate the head of the bed 60 degrees.

6. A nurse is performing a postpartum assessment on a newly delivered client. Which of the following actions will the nurse perform? Select all that apply.

 Inspect the perineum.

 Palpate the breasts.

 Auscultate the carotid.

 Assess the extremities.

 Check vaginal discharge.

7. During the 24-hour postpartum assessment, the nurse anticipates the uterine fundus to be in which of the following positions?




 Unable to palpate, too low in the pelvic cavity

8. A postpartum Hispanic client refuses the hospital food because it is “cold.” The BEST initial action by the nurse is to?

 Send the food to be reheated

 Tell her she must eat for strength

 Consult with the dietitian

 Ask the client what foods are acceptable

9. A postpartum nurse is caring for a client suspecting of having endometritis. What are the risk factors for developing endometritis? Select all that apply.

 Prolonged latent phase of labor.

 Internal fetal monitoring.

 Precipitous delivery.

 Prolonged rupture of membranes.

 Protracted active phase of labor.

10. Which symptom would the nurse expect to observe in a postpartum client with a vaginal hematoma?





11. Two hours after the normal spontaneous vaginal delivery of a woman who is gravida 4 para 4, the nurse notes that the fundus is boggy and displaced slightly above and to the left of the umbilicus. The appropriate INITIAL nursing action is to?

 Monitor pulse and blood pressure

 Assess lochia for color and amount

 Ask the woman to empty her bladder

 Call the physician immediately

12. The nurse is caring for a client postoperatively following a cesarean section. It is a priority for the nurse to monitor the client for

 postpartum depression.

 blood clots.



13. The nurse monitors his or her postpartum clients carefully because which of the following physiological changes occurs during the early postpartum period?

 Increased estrogen level.

 Increased blood pressure.

 Decreased urinary output.

 Decreased blood volume.

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Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a woman is developing a postpartum complication quizlet?

Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a woman is developing a postpartum complication? Women should have a lochia flow following birth. Absence of a flow is abnormal; it suggests dehydration from infection and fever.

Which of the following would indicate that a postpartum woman is experiencing postpartum blues?

Postpartum depression symptoms may include: Depressed mood or severe mood swings. Crying too much. Difficulty bonding with your baby.

Which factor in a postpartum woman's history would lead the nurse to monitor the woman closely for infection?

Which of the following factors in a postpartum woman's history would lead the nurse to monitor the woman closely for an infection? since manual removal of a placenta increases the risk for infection since the uterus was entered and traumatized during the procedure.

Which of the following findings would be expected when assessing the postpartum patient?

Which of the following findings would be expected when assessing the postpartum client? Fundus 1 cm above the umbilicus 1 hour postpartum. Within the first 12 hours postpartum, the fundus usually is approximately 1 cm above the umbilicus. The fundus should be below the umbilicus by PP day 3.


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