What significant changes took place to childbearing and childrearing in the late twentieth century quizlet?

typical flapper:
Short, bobbed hair
- Wore make-up, shorter skirts and bright clothes
- Flattened chests
- Smoked and drank
- Danced Charleston
- Had jobs, cars and motorbikes
Flappers, as they were called in the US, were young women in the 1920's who wore short skirts, bobbed hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted a lot which back then was considered unacceptable behavior.
Feminist statement: They were rebelling against the Victorian womanhood. Rejected the idea that women had to uphold society's morals.

impact womens role:
Some say that World War I was the reason because women became more respected due to the role they had played in the war. Consumerism during this period also played a part in changing the domestic life of a woman. Other say that society was finally coming around to the idea that women could be independent. Another reason for these many changes is the emergence of the Flapper. A flapper was a woman who defied the standards - wore short skirts, cut her hair to a short bob, wore makeup, and smoked in public. These were all very new ideas and flappers inspired many women to become more "modern".
Many of the ads during this time period were aimed at women because women were usually the ones out shopping for their families. Consumerism also helped women along because the new electric appliances made chores and daily work take a lot less time, so women had the chance to go out and live more exciting lives.

  1. Arts and Humanities
  2. Philosophy
  3. Social and Political Philosophy

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