What signs symptoms would the nurse expect to find in a client diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis?

RATIONALE: 4) To reduce the formation of oxalate calculi, urge the client to avoid foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, and asparagus. Other oxalate- rich foods to avoid include tomatoes, beets, chocolate, cocoa, celery, and parsley.
Citrus fruits, molasses, dried apricots, milk, cheese, ice cream, sardines and organ meats do NOT produce oxalate and do NOT need to be omitted from the client's diet.

Renal System- INSPECTION:
SKIN: pallor, yellow-gray cast, excoriations, changes in turgor, bruises, texture (e.g., rough, dry skin)
MOUTH: stomatitis, ammonia breath odor
FACE & EXTREMITIES: generalized edema, peripheral edema, bladder distention, masses, enlarged kidneys
ABDOMEN: striae, abdominal contour for midline mass in lower abdomen (may indicate urinary retention) or unilateral mass (occasionally seen in adult, indicating enlargement of one or both kidneys from large tumor or polycystic kidney)
WEIGHT: weight gain secondary to edema; weight loss and muscle wasting in renal failure
GENERAL STATE OF HEALTH: fatigue, lethargy, and diminished alertness

dark roughage, spinach, rhubarb, asparagus, cabbage, tomatoes, beets, nuts, celery, parsley, runner beans, chocolate, instant coffee, Ovaltine, tea, worcestershire sauce

2. The client with uric acid stones should avoid foods containing high amounts of purines. This includes limiting or avoiding organ meats such as liver, brain, heart, kidney, and sweetbreads. Other foods to avoid include herring, sardines, anchovies, meat extracts, consommés, and gravies. Foods that are low in purines include all fruits, many vegetables, milk, cheese, eggs, refined cereals, sugars and sweets, coffee, tea, chocolate, and carbonated beverages.

Sets with similar terms

What are the symptoms of acute pyelonephritis?

Symptoms & Causes of Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis).
pain in your back, side, or groin..
cloudy, dark, bloody, or foul-smelling urine..
frequent, painful urination..

What is acute pyelonephritis?

By definition, acute pyelonephritis is an infection of the renal pelvis and kidney that usually results from ascent of a bacterial pathogen up the ureters from the bladder to the kidneys.

What causes acute pyelonephritis?

Bacteria such as E. coli often cause the infection. However, any serious infection in the bloodstream can also spread to the kidneys and cause acute pyelonephritis.

When should you suspect pyelonephritis?

Acute pyelonephritis should be suspected in people with signs or symptoms of a urinary tract infection (for example, dysuria, frequency, urgency) accompanied by any new signs or symptoms of pyelonephritis (including fever, nausea, vomiting, or flank pain).


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