When selecting text in a Word document you can press this key to turn on the extend mode?

Most Microsoft Word users use the mouse when it comes to text selection, probably. It is easy enough to make fine-grained text selections or quick selections using the mouse only.

A double-click on any word selects it right away, and a triple-click selects an entire paragraph instead. Another option that Word users have is to use the keyboard to select text.

Just hold down the Shift-key on the keyboard and use the arrow keys to start selecting text. You may also use Ctrl-A to select all at once.

Extend Mode in Word

What many users of Microsoft Word don't know is that it is also possible to use the F8 key on the keyboard for text selection.

The F8 key is mapped to what Microsoft's Office team calls Extend Mode.

The entire process works similarly to using mouse clicks to select text. Double-tap on the F8-key on the keyboard to select a word, triple-tap on the F8-key to select a sentence, activate the F8-key four times to select the paragraph, and a fifth time to select the entire document.

  • F8: enter Extend Mode
  • 2x F8: highlight word
  • 3x F8: highlight sentence
  • 4x F8: highlight paragraph
  • 5x F8: highlight entire document
  • Esc: exit Extend Mode
  • Adding Shift: reverses the operation

One difference to using the mouse to highlight text in Microsoft Word is that Word remembers how many times you tapped on F8. It is no longer necessary to perform the operation in a limited period for it to register with the program.

You can tap three times first, and five seconds later once more to select an entire paragraph.

Other Extend Mode features

Extend Mode supports additional text related shortcuts that you may find useful. Take the following example:

  • With the cursor positioned somewhere in a document, press F8 to enter Extend Mode.
  • Now press another character or multiple characters quickly to extend the text selection to the first matching instance.

Another option that you have is to combine Extend Mode with mouse clicks. Enter Extend Mode and click anywhere to highlight anything between the initial cursor position and the mouse selection.

Last but not least, use Ctrl-Shift-F8 and mouse or keyboard to select text blocks.

Remember the press the Esc-key to exit Extend Mode once you are done.

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Use F8 in Microsoft Word to select text quickly


Find out how to use Microsoft Word's Extended Mode feature, triggered with the F8 key, to use text highlighting and selection alternatives.


Martin Brinkmann


Ghacks Technology News



The Extend mode in Microsoft Word helps you select blocks of text quickly and easily. Here is a tutorial to show you how it works.

We will use the sample text generated by Microsoft Word to demonstrate this feature.

Generate Sample Text

  1. Create a new document.
  2. On a new line, type =rand().
  3. Press ENTER.
    Microsoft Word generates three paragraphs of random text.

Click here to learn more about generating text in Microsoft Word.

Enable the Extend Mode Indicator

  1. Right-click anywhere the status bar.
  2. Select Selection Mode.

Enable the Extend Mode

  1. Press F8.
    The Extend mode is enabled and the Extend Selection indicator is displayed in the status bar.

Working in the Extend Mode

With the Extend mode, you can select a word, the sentence to which the word belongs, the paragraph to which the word belongs, and the whole document with a press of the F8 key.

  1. Click at the start of the word from where the selection must begin. For example, in the second line of the second paragraph, click just before the Q of the phrase Quick Styles gallery.
  2. Press F8.
    The word Quick is selected.
  3. Press F8.
  4. The sentence to which the word Quick belongs is selected.
  5. Press F8.
    The paragraph to which the word Quick belongs is selected.
  6. Press F8 again.
    The entire document content is selected.

To deselect the highlighted text:

  • Press SHIFT + F8 repeatedly.
    The text is deselected in the reverse order; whole document>paragraph>sentence>word.

Some Extend Mode Shortcuts for Selecting Text

Other shortcuts to select text from the current position of the text cursor are:

End Point Key
Start of the sentence HOME
End of the sentence . (period or full stop)
End of the paragraph ENTER
Start of a line HOME
End of a line END
Start of the document CTRL+HOME
End of the document CTRL+END

Select Text from the Cursor Position to a Particular Word

  1. Click at position where the selection must begin. For example, in the second line of the second paragraph, click just before the word formatting.
  2. Under the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to Find and then click Advanced Find.
    The Find and Replace dialog box is displayed.

    Do not directly click on Find or use CTRL+F to invoke the Navigation Pane. Extend mode gets disabled when you display or use the Navigation Pane.

  3. In the Find what box, type the word. For example, quick.
  4. Click Find.
    The selection extends from the cursor location to the first instance of the word you searched for.

Disable the Extend Mode

  • Press ESC+Any Arrow Key.

How do you turn on Extend mode in word?

If you press on the F8 key, you enable what Word refers to as extend mode. This is the keyboard method of anchoring the cursor in preparation for making a selection.

Which shortcut key is used to extend a selection?

Keyboard shortcuts for making selections and performing actions.

How do you extend a word document?

How to Enlarge Pages in Microsoft Word.
Click "Page Layout" in the Word ribbon..
Click "Size" in the Page Setup group..
Click "More Paper Sizes" to open the Page Setup dialog box..
Select a size from the "Paper Size" dialog box or enter your own size in the "Width" and "Height" boxes..
Click "OK.".

How do you turn on select text in word?

Press F8 to turn on selection mode, and then press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW; press ESC to turn off the selection mode. Press F8 to turn on selection mode, and then press F8 once to select a word, twice to select a sentence, three times to select a paragraph, or four times to select the document.


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