Which is the best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving the developmental task?

D)Seizures typically occur with fever; temper tantrums do not.20.The nurse had instructed the family of a toddler on home safety during a previous visit.During this current visit, what observation indicates that instruction has been effective?

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21.The parents of a toddler plan to begin toilet training. Which instruction should the nurseprovide to the parents at this time?

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22.The nurse is determining a toddler's language development. What is an expected finding forlanguage development in a 2-year-old?A)Able to count out loud to 20B)Speaks 20 nouns and 4 pronounsC)Speaks two words plus “ma-ma” and “da-da”D)Speaks in two-word sentences using a noun and a verb

23.The nurse observes a toddler riding a tricycle and decides that the parents need additionalsafety education. What did the nurse observe?

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24.The mother of a toddler is frustrated because no matter what she asks of the child, theresponse is “no.” What can the nurse suggest to the mother to assist with this problem?

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The parents of a newborn say that their toddler "hates the baby...he suggested that we put him in the trash truck to be taken away." The nurse's best response? A. Lets if we can figure out why he hates the baby. B. That's a strong statement to come from such a small boy. C. Lets refer him to counseling to work this hatred out. Its not a normal response. D. That is a normal response to the birth of a sibling. Lets look at ways to deal with this.

D. That is a normal response to the birth of a sibling. Let's look at ways to deal with this.

The mother of a 2 year old tells you she is constantly scolding him for having wet pants.  She says her son was trained at 12 months but since he started to walk, he wets all the time.  Nursing diagnosis?A. Parental knowledge deficit related to inappropriate method for toilet training. B. Fluid volume excess related to inability to control urination. C. Ineffective coping related to lack of self control of 2 year old. D. Altered elimination r/t delayed toilet training

A. Parental knowledge deficit related to inappropriate method for toilet training.

The nurse is observing a 3-year old in the office.  Which of the following would indicate the child is developmentally on task? A ties shoelaces. B. Uses scissors or a pencil very well. C. Draws a person with 7-9 body parts. D. Is able to copy (draw) a circle

D. Is able to copy (draw) a circle

The mother of a preschooler expresses disappointment when her child's weight has increased only 4lbs since the child's last physical one year ago. The nurse should advise this mother that:

A wt gain of 4-6 pounds per year is normal for a preschooler

In terms of cognitive development a 4 year old child would be expected to do what?

Follow directional commands

Imaginary playmates are beneficial to the preschooler because they do which of the following?

Become friends in times of lonliness

Which of the following characteristics best describes the language skills of a 3year old?

Talks incessantly regardless of whether anyone is listening

The nurse is caring for a hospitalized 4 year old his parents tell the nurse that they will be back to visit at 6pm. When Ryan asks the nurse when his parents are coming, the nurse's best response is?

They will come after you eat dinner

Four year old Mark is hospitalized with a serious infection. He tells the nurse that he is sick because he was "bad". What is the nurse's best interpretation of this comment?

Three year old Samantha cries out that the CT machine is going to eat her. This is an example of?

Four year old Michael tells the nurse that he doesn't want another blood sample drawn because "I need all of my insides and I don't want anyone taking them out" Which of the following is the nurse's best interpretation of this?

Preschoolers have poorly defined body boundaries

Which of the following is descriptive of the nutritional requirements of preschool children?

Quality of the food consumed is more important than the quantity.

Which of the following dysfunctional speech patterns is a normal characteristic of language development of preschool age child?

Ashley, age 4 1/2, is afraid of dogs. The nurse should recommend which of the following to her parents to help her with this fear.

Let her watch other children play with the dog.

The parents of a 4 year old boy tell the nurse that the child believes there are "monsters and boogeymen" in his bedroom at night. The nurse's best suggestion for coping with this problem is which of the following?

Keep a night light on in the child's room.

Stephanie, age 4 1/2, sometimes wakes her parents up at night screaming, thrashing, sweating, and apparently frightened. She is unaware of her parents presence when they check on her. She lays down and sleeps without any parental intervention. This most likely what?

During the preschool years, the emphasis of injury prevention should be placed on what?

Education for potential hazards

When preparing parents to teach their children about human sexuality, the nurse should emphasize what?

Parents should determine exactly what the child wants to know before answering a question about sex.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones tell you that they found their 4 year old daughter and a male cousin of the same age inspecting each other closely as they used the bathroom.  What recommendation should the nurse make?

Neither condone or condemn the curiosity

The developmental task of the toddler according to Erikson is achieving a sense of ?

An 18 month old's parents ask you how best to aid their toddler in achieving the above developmental tasks (autonomy).  Your response would be:

Allow him to make simple decisions r/t food choices

The parent of a 17 month old Jerry tell the nurse that he says no to everything and has rapid mood swings. If he is scolded, he shows anger and then immediately wants to be held. The nurse's best interpretation of this behavior is what?

This is normal behavior for this age.

Two toddlers are playing in a sandbox when one child suddenly grabs a toy from the other child. What is the best interpretation of this behavior?

This is typical behavior because toddlers are egocentric

Mrs. Jones discusses with you that 2 year old Susan asks her to read "Cinderella" every night at bedtime. She asks "Why does she continue to do this when I try to read another book?" The nurse would explain that this demonstrates:

Which statement characterizes the development of a 2y/o? A.Engages in parallel play. B.Remains fearful of strangers. C.Has a vocabulary of at least 500 words. D.Has attained one third of adult ht.

A. Engages in parallel play

Kara, a hospitalized toddler, clings to a worn tattered blanket. She screams when anyone tries to take it away. What is the best explanation for attachment to the blanket.

The blanket is an important transitional object.

Which statement best characterizes a toddler's eating behavior? A.they have increased appetite. B.They have few food preferences. C.Their table manners are predictable. D.Food fads are common

When plotted on a growth chart, the toddler's height and weight show a:

Steady, upward, step-like growth

Which of the following characteristics of a toddler's language development at the age of 18months? A.Vocabulary of 25 words. B.Increasing level of comprehension. C.Primarily uses holophrases. D.Approximately 1/3 of speech is understood

B. Increasing level of comprehension

According to Erikson, the development of the ego is evident when the child is able to:

Tolerate delayed gratification

Mary 2 1/2 y/o is having difficulty at daycare when mom leaves. What will help with her separation?

Allow the child to have a blanket, toy or other transitional object.

Which of the following activities would you most likely see 3y/o Jake engaging in? A.Jumping rope. B.Riding a 2 wheel bicycle. C.Skipping rope on alternating feet. D.Balancing on one foot for a few seconds.

D. Balancing on one foot for a few seconds.

Following the same routine to maintain sameness is?

Concrete objects taking on life like qualities is?

Feeling that all thoughts are powerful is?

Inability to view situations from perspective of others is?

Persistent negative response is?

Which statement is correct about toilet training?A.Bladder training is usually accomplished before bowel training.B.Wanting to please the parent helps motivate the child to use the toilet.C.Watching older siblings use the toilet confuses the child.D.Children need to be forced to sit on the toilet when first learning.

B.Wanting to please the parent helps motivate the child to use the toilet.

Which of the following is characteristic of 2 1/2y/o child?A.Birth wt. has doubled.B.Primary dentition is complete.C.Anterior fontanel is open.D.Binocularity may be established.

B. Primary dentition is complete

Mrs. Jones asks about the negativism in her 3y/o Nathan. The most appropriate recommendation is what?

Reduce the opportunities for a "no"answer

The decreased nutritional requirements of the toddler are manifested in a phenomenon known as?

Kimberly is 15mos and her parents have been using a rear facing car seat since birth. The seat can be safely switched to the forward facing position when she weighs how many pounds?

The nurse recommends to parents that peanuts are not a good snack food for toddlers. The nurses rationale for this action is?

They can be easily aspirated.

As a precautionary measure in the event of poisoning, what would parents of a toddler use if necessary?

The telephone number of poison control.

Developmentally, most children at 12mos of age:A.Use a spoon adeptly.B.Relinquish the bottle voluntarily.C.Eat the same food as the rest of the family.D.Reject all solid food in preference for the bottle.

C. Eat the same food as the rest of the family.

Which of the following is the developmental task for toddlers?

The major developmental tasks a toddler (ages 1 to 3 years) demonstrates include the beginning use of language to communicate, toilet training, imitation, autonomy, and self-control. The toddler is in the sensorimotor and preoperational stages of Piaget's (1952) theory.

Which is the best advice the nurse can give to parents asking for help in handling their toddler's temper tantrums?

This is normal toddler behavior; sharing is learned later. The best way for a parent to handle a temper tantrum by a toddler is to calmly express disapproval and then ignore it.

When childproofing the home for a toddler the most important thing her parents should consider is to quizlet?

RATIONALE: By 2 years of age, children typically speak in two-word (noun and verb) sentences. When childproofing the home for a toddler, the most important thing her parents should consider is to: Put medicine in a locked cupboard. RATIONALE: Poisoning is at peak incidence during the toddler period.

When assessing a toddler's language development What is the expected findings for language development in a 2 year old?

At 2-3 years, vocabulary keeps growing and includes many different types of words and sounds. Toddlers are still mastering difficult sounds, but you can understand more of what they're saying. Toddlers are learning to make three-word sentences. Conversation skills are also developing.


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