Which major promotion category makes use of displays, discounts, coupons, and demonstrations? *

MKT MCQ MKT101 Which major promotion category makes use of displays, discounts, coupons, and demonstrations?

Which major promotion category makes use of displays, discounts, coupons, and demonstrations?

Which major promotion category makes use of displays, discounts, coupons, and demonstrations?

a. sales promotion
b. direct marketing
c. publicity
d. public relations
e. advertising

Answer: sales promotion

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Which major promotion category makes use of displays discount coupons and demonstrations?

Mass media still captures the majority of the promotional budget. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

Which promotional tool is associated with building up positive corporate image and handling unfavorable corporate stories and events?

Public relations - Building good relationships with the company's various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good "corporate image," and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.

Which one of the following is the greatest obstacle to implementing integrated marketing communications?

Perhaps, the greatest obstacle to integration is that few providers of marketing communication services have the far-ranging skills to plan and execute programs that cut across all major forms of the marketing communications (Atkinson, 2003).


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