Which of the following can be potential benefits from enterprise digital transformation Mcq?

Undergoing digital transformation is no more a matter of choice for companies but a necessity to thrive. According to a Forrester Research report, executives predict that digital will drive nearly half of their revenue by the year 20201. This is not just about digitizing customer experiences but extending it to all business areas, including operations, products, services, people learning, and performance support. This results in a more agile, customer-centric, innovative, and efficient organization.

Key Advantages of Digital Transformation

1. Improves Customer Acquisition and Retention

By relying on legacy systems infrastructures, businesses risk losing customers to digitally equipped competitors. To have a chance in this hyper-competitive market, companies should deploy digital technologies that enable personalized, unified, and responsive experiences.

Digital transformation solutions allow companies to tap larger online markets while delivering additional value to existing customers. For example, utilization of social media platforms and geolocation lead to increased customer engagement. According to Rosetta Consulting Study2, “engaged customers buy 50% more frequently, spend 200% more each year, and are five times more likely to turn into repeat customers.”

2. Extends Global Reach

Digital technologies have eliminated the barriers imposed by geographical locations. Mid-market companies can streamline their communication processes across borders through advanced collaboration tools. Customers and prospects can even learn about and engage with you anytime, anywhere.

By tracking IP addresses, companies can personalize customers’ experiences based on their geographical location. Talking about a B2C scenario, online retailers display personalized product recommendations depending on the local weather conditions of the visitor. For instance, retailers promote jackets and umbrellas, if it happens to be raining in the prospect’s location and sunscreen for visitors living in hot, sunny weather conditions.

3. Increases Sales and Overall Profitability

According to the MIT Center for Digital Business, “Companies that have embraced digital transformation are 26% more profitable than their average industry competitors and enjoy a 12% higher market valuation.”

Digital transformation can revolutionize your entire business. It ultimately enables a sounder understanding of customer behaviour and subsequently drives more accurate targeting of products and services. By building a positive brand reputation, you are more likely to retain existing customers and convert prospects.

4. Enhances Customer Experience

The key to win, grow and retain customers in this highly competitive environment is providing an exceptional digital customer experience. According to the 2016 Microsoft State of Global Customer Service Report, 61% of consumers now view customer service as “very important” in their choice of and loyalty to a brand.

With customer support ranking at an all-time high, companies must understand how their digital footprint is connected to this.

For example, if you are known for delivering phenomenal in-store customer support, your customers demand the same level of service across digital channels. You should, hence, train employees on how to deliver A+ customer support using their keyboard. Besides, conversation with the customer must be referenceable to the physical storefront so that customers don’t have to go through repeated processes.

Companies able to develop harmony between digital and physical channels have the potential to win over more traditional companies that aren’t expanding to meet the changing demands of their customers.

1. The State Of Digital Business 2016 To 2020, Forrester Research
2. //www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/rosetta-consulting-study-shows-that-customer-engagement-increases-market-share-and-drives-revenue-growth-267184761.html

What are the 3 key enterprise benefits of digital transformation?

What are the Key Benefits of Digital Transformation?.
Increases Customer Satisfaction. Customer expectations have never been higher. ... .
Drives Data-Based Insights. ... .
Enables Software Monetization..

What is a digital enterprise What is digital transformation?

Enterprise digital transformation is essentially the integration of unified digital technologies across a business. From startups to multinationals, these technologies change and optimize the way a company deploys and manages its everyday operations.

What are the three 3 main components of digital transformation?

Executives are digitally transforming three key areas of their enterprises: customer experience, operational processes and business models. And each of these three pillars has three different elements that are changing. These nine elements form a set of building blocks for digital transformation.

Why is digital transformation important for enterprise?

Digital transformation puts technology at the core of business strategy. This approach can reduce operating expenses and inefficiency. It could even change the course of your business. With a unified model across business and technology, it's easier to achieve future ambitions.


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