Which of the following is a true statement of the evidence for Environment enriching intelligence quizlet?

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Terms in this set (315)

Which theory of personality includes the five-factor model?

Trait theory

Which of the following are topics of interest in biological psychology?

memory, sleep, AND perception

One of Carl Rogers' greatest contributions to the field of humanistic psychology was

his development of a person-centered approach to therapy.

Which of the following is a change that recently occurred in the DSM-V?

Asperger's Syndrome was eliminated, and is now included under Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Which psychologist used classical conditioning in order to teach 9-month old Albert to associate fear with a white rabbit?

John B. Watson

Which of the following is a core premise of evolutionary psychology?

all of these answers

In order to be called a "psychologist," an individual must have

a doctoral degree.

The main difference between comparative psychology and evolutionary psychology is that:

Comparative psychology studies animal behavior; Evolutionary psychology studies adaptive behavior in humans.

Which of the following is NOT a key principle of cognitive psychology?

reliance on phenomenological methods such as psychoanalysis

Who is widely considered to be the father of psychology as an independent discipline?

Wilhelm Wundt

What is the main goal of education and school psychology?

The promotion of beneficial educational environments for all students.

How is cognitive psychology different from behaviorist psychology?

Cognitive psychology acknowledges the existence of internal mental states.

What is a concern of having Western, educated, and industrialized populations over-represented in psychological research?

Findings from this research are often labeled "universal" and inaccurately applied to other cultures.

Which philosopher is known for his theory of dualism, in which the mind and body are viewed as separate entities?


A social psychologist would be most interested in studying which of the following?

How someone's reaction time on a task changes when they are observed

Which of the following pairs of variables most likely shows a negative correlation?

an individual's level of stress and degree of psychological well-being

Which of the following is NOT true of the survey method in psychological research?

Surveys include both a dependent and independent variable.

For his study on the relationship between sleep and mental health, a researcher uses all white male subjects from a large local college.His study has low external validity because of

sampling bias.

Which of the following is a psychological heuristic in which someone assumes that two objects that look similar also function similarly?

the similarity heuristic

What is a major disadvantage of case studies?

It is impossible to generalize their findings to a wider population of people.

Research-related human rights abuses over the years have resulted in ________.

the creation of ethical guidelines

In order for a data set to be considered valid, it must be

Accurate and precise.

In a representative sample,

Everyone in the population has an equal chance of being represented.

Correlational studies are used to

predict behavior.

The cognitive bias in which respondents give the answers they think the researcher wants is known as

response bias.

A small town has been largely destroyed by heavy flooding.A research team uses naturalistic observation to study the effects of the disaster on community members' morale and resilience.The decision to use naturalistic observation in this situation is

both advantageous and disadvantageous.

In an observational study, the researcher

observes subjects in their natural habitats without interfering.

If two variables have a negative correlation,

one set of scores increases while the other decreases.

What is an advantage to using the survey method of data collection?

Surveys are an easy way to collect data from a large sample of participants at low financial cost.

In a normal distribution, what percentage of the population lies within one standard deviation of the mean?


Cells that carry information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body are called _____.

motor neurons

Which system(s) would likely be activated if you encountered something you were afraid of?

All of the answers

How do messages from the endocrine system compare to messages from the nervous system?

Messages from the endocrine system are slower and last longer.

The primary responsibility of the central nervous system is to

synthesize sensory input to compute an appropriate motor response.

Which portion of the nervous system is comprised of the brain and spinal cord?

The central nervous system

Which of the following scans records both the structure and the functional activity of the brain through computer adaptation of multiple images?


Which part of the brain deals primarily with spatial processing?

Right hemisphere

A patient who has suffered damage to her parietal lobe might experience which of the following?

Problems with grasping math and understanding symbols.

Which of the following brain structures are part of the diencephalon, or "interbrain"?

the thalamus and hypothalamus

Which of the following statements about neurotransmitters is true?

Neurotransmitters are chemicals released by neurons that effect behavior.

Which of the following is produced by the HPA axis as part of its role in regulating stress?


Which of the following is a function of the central nervous system (CNS)?

all of these answers

Which of the following parts of the brain is primarily concerned with autonomic functions such as breathing?

The hindbrain

The left hemisphere of the brain specializes in the area of _______.


Which area of the limbic system is responsible for learning on the basis of reward and punishment?

the amygdala

Light first enters the cornea, where the image is focused, and then moves to the pupil. From there it moves to the lens, where _______.

the rays can be focused onto the back of the eye, or the retina.

The terminal threshold is defined as

the level beyond which a stimulus can no longer be detected.

Which part of the ear is a snail-shaped structure that converts sound vibrations into nerve impulses?

the cochlea

The component of the vestibular system that assists with our rotational movements is the ______.

semicircular canal system

Which of the following statements regarding the process of vision is TRUE?

The retina passes transduced impulses to the optic nerve.

Imagine that you're driving through a rainstorm.You see lights in the distance but are unable to discern what they are.In this example, the stimulus does not meet your

recognition threshold.

The absolute threshold is sometimes defined as the lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected

50 percent of the time.

Which of the following is an example of sensory adaptation?

A professional photographer no longer notices the strong smells of the processing chemicals used in developing film.

Which of the following is an example of sensory adaptation?

being unable to smell your own bad breath

What is the first step in the somatosensory system process that allows humans to experience touch?

Encounter with a physical stimulus by a sensory organ.

The sensation of texture is processed primarily by what type of the somatosensory receptors?


Which of the following is the best definition of the just-noticeable difference?

the smallest detectable change between two levels of a sensory stimulus

The level at which an increase in a detected stimulus can be perceived is known as the

difference threshold.

Which of the following is an example of chemoreceptive sensory interaction?

When the nose is covered, food no longer tastes as vibrant.

Which of the following are the thresholds beyond which a stimulus can no longer be detected?

the absolute and terminal thresholds

John finds that he is dozing off multiple times a day without warning, and he wakes often in the night. He visits a sleep lab for testing. What will his diagnosis likely be?


Wellbutrin, a common stimulant, is used to treat depression by

inhibiting the uptake of dopamine in the nervous system.

Which label would Freud apply to an individual who experiences the "tip of the tongue" phenomenon?


How do depressants usually reduce arousal in the brain?

by increasing GABA

What form of meditation involves the relaxation of various muscle groups while focusing on breathing?

Relaxation meditation

The following are examples of depressants:

Alcohol, Marijuana, Opioids

Which of the following statements is true?

both of these answers

We typically experience vivid dreaming in which stage of sleep?

REM sleep

What is the difference between trance and suggestion?

A trance is an induced mental state that facilitates the acceptance of instructions or suggestions.

Karen's phone rings while she is sleeping, but the loud noise does not wake her. What stage of sleep is she most likely in, and what brainwave activity is dominant?

Stage 3 NREM sleep; Delta waves

According to the activation-synthesis theory, dreams are the result of:

electrical brain impulses.

How do circadian rhythms affect sleep-wake cycles?

Circadian rhythms respond primarily to light and dark in an organism's environment.

Which of the following might be a topic addressed in studies on consciousness?

All of these answers

Visual stimuli have become popular in the study of neural correlates of consciousness. Why is this the case?

Visual stimuli are easily manipulated.

Hypnosis works to help treat pain and other symptoms by helping the patient through:

an altered sense of perception

A rabbit makes an association between a tone and the air puff that directly follows it. The rabbit learns to blink when it hears the tone. In this example, the air puff is the ___________?

Unconditioned stimulus

Dr. Wright wants to measure how quickly rats undergo operant conditioning in his experiment.Why should he use a Skinner box for this task?

It records how many times the rat presses the lever.

Imagine you eat a hot dog before going on a roller coaster.You then experience nausea after the ride, unrelated to the hot dog.However, from that point on you find hot dogs unappetizing.In this situation, the roller coaster is the:

Unconditioned stimulus

Which law provides educational support for all children, regardless of disability?

Section 504

The idea that behaviors followed by satisfying consequences tend to be repeated is one of the main tenets of what theory?

The law of effect.

The Acme Corporation employs a form of behavior modeling training with its junior employees in an attempt to increase productivity. Which of the following methods should they NOT include in their training?

A short training time to keep employee's attention.

Long-term potentiation (LTP) is associated with which type of learning?

Classical conditioning

A rat learns that if it presses a lever three times in succession it will receive a Fruit Loop. This is an example of what type of learning?


Dog A is rewarded with a biscuit as soon as she follows the "Sit" command. Dog B does not get her biscuit for 10 minutes following her "Sit" command. What will most likely be Dog B's reaction to the next command?

She won't sit, because she hasn't linked behavior and reward.

Which schedule of reinforcement is the most resistant to extinction?

Variable schedules.

As a preschool teacher, Marion knows that the BEST way to get a three-year-old picky eater to try new vegetables is to __________?

have them eat lunch with a four-year-old who enjoys vegetables

Insight learning involves learning through _________.

cognitive processes

Which of the following have been directly influenced by Pavlov's work?

All of these answers

A rat has learned that if he presses a lever he will receive a yummy Fruit Loop. In this example, the lever serves as the _________.

Conditioned reinforcer

Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement?

Tommy learns that if he cries at bath time, he won't have to take a bath.

Emma is learning German.On her weekly quiz, she sees a word she doesn't remember how to pronounce, but she does remember its definition.This indicates she has most likely performed which types of encoding?

semantic and visual

The hippocampus has been found to be most important for the formation of

declarative memories

According to mood-state dependent retrieval, if you are in a nervous mood you are more likely to retrieve memories:

that were encoded at a time when you were also nervous.

Which of the following refers to the process by which an unattended stimulus draws attention, leading to awareness of its presence?

Explicit attentional capture

What type of memory failure is involved in the "tip-of-the-tongue" effect?

retrieval failure

Patient HM, despite damage to his memory system, was able to improve at tasks involving motor skills.He did not, however, remember practicing these tasks.HM displayed the ability to form new memories of what type?

implicit memories

During which of the following stages can memory formation be impeded or prevented?

all of these

What is a key limitation of the Multi-Trace Distributed Memory Model?

Computational searches for specific memories among the millions of traces in the memory matrix seems implausible.

Which of the following could explain why a previously remembered memory would be forgotten five years later?

There is a problem with retrieval.

If you witnessed a house in your neighborhood burning down, how likely is it your amygdala was involved during the formation of that memory?

very likely because it was an emotionally evocative situation

A professional musician has a stroke and loses the ability to speak, but she can still play her instrument with no loss of skill.This is because practiced motor skills are

Implicit memories

What the relationship between short-term memory and working memory?

Working memory is one of the functional stages within short-term memory.

According to the parallel distributed processing model:

Networks of neurons are thought to work in parallel to change neural connections for the storage of memories

What type of memory failure is involved in the "tip-of-the-tongue" effect?

retrieval failure

Martin is trying to remember his grocery list.He knows that bananas were first on the list and milk was last, but he's a bit fuzzy on what came in between.What recall effects is he experiencing?

primacy, recency

Which of the following is a possible reason for differences found in traumatic and nontraumatic memories?

Traumatic and nontraumatic memories may be encoded differently.

Which of the following situations does NOT involve executive function?

Going to sleep at night

Functional fixedness is an example of

a mental set.

Which of the following statements regarding subliminal stimulation is true?

The presentation of a stimulus below the absolute threshold can prime our brains for a future response to that stimulus.

Many people may stop flying on airplanes after a widely publicized plane crash.This is due to the

Availability heuristic

Which of the following statements about shape constancy is true?

It allows us to recognize an object as a constant shape even when it is viewed at different angles.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a social schema?

Liking a nice teacher more than a mean one

Which of the following best demonstrates the phenomenon of cognitive load?

Worse performance on a test taken while loud music is playing

First-order motion perception occurs through

Specialized retinal neurons which track motion through luminance

Imagine a researcher shows you a picture of a golden throne.When she asks if the throne should be classified as a chair, you hesitate.This is an example of which of the following?

Prototype theory

Which of the following is an example of priming?

all of these answers

The brain detects motion

in all of these ways.

Which of the following is NOT a problem-solving strategy?

Gestalt reasoning

How does the presentation of a stimulus below the absolute threshold effect our brain?

It primes our brain for a future response to that stimulus.

Cognition includes all of the following functions EXCEPT

neural regulation of bodily functions.

Damage to which of the following brain areas would result in the inability to speak intelligibly but an intact ability to understand others' speech?

Broca's area

Which of the following facts is supporting evidence for the existence of a language acquisition device?

Infants learn their first language without direct instruction.

Which of the following is a quality of a language that can refer to things that are not present?


Which of the following is a real example of animal communication?

All of these answers

Which of the following is the LEAST likely to interfere with accurate memory recall?

The day of the week the event occurred

Incomprehensible speech is a result of damage to which part of the brain?

Wernicke's area

Why are the origins of human language disputed?

There is a lack of direct evidence for when human language began

General semantics tends to deal with the problems of ______ and ______ in regards to language.

abstraction; definition

The word "nondenominational" consists of what type of morpheme(s)?

Bound, derivational

A morpheme is...

The smallest meaningful unit of language

A stroke victim is having difficulty comprehending speech and is also unable to do simple arithmetic.What areas of his brain have mostly likely been affected?

Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus

Which of the following statements illustrates how grammar and semantics interact in determining the meaning of a sentence?

Incorrect grammar can alter the semantic meaning.

Which of the following is considered to be evidence for Chomsky's theory of innate learning?

All children make the same types of language errors regardless of what language they are learning.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Both binocular vision and monocular cues play a role in depth, size, and distance perception.

Which area(s) of the brain are involved in producing verbal expression?

Both Broccas area and working memory

If two parents with very high IQs have a child with a very low IQ, it's most likely due to:

Genetic mutation

What is the current conception of intelligence accepted by the American Psychological Association?

a hierarchy of lower-order intelligence factors, with g at the apex

The criticisms of the SATs and the ACTs have to do with their:

Applicability to general intelligence.

Which of the following is a TRUE statement of the evidence for environment enriching intelligence?

Social interactions, such as strong family life, can influence intelligent.

For an IQ test scored on a normal distribution, what percentage of test-takers fall within two standard deviations of the mean?


What types of intelligence would be most important in a basketball player?

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and spatial intelligence

IQ is no longer a relevant term, because most intelligence scales:

use a normal distribution for scoring.

Put the following intelligence tests in order of their invention, from earliest to most recent:

Binet-Simon intelligence scale, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

The leading cause of intellectual disability is

fetal alcohol syndrome.

What would be the most effective way to determine a child's true memory of an event?

None of these answers.

Henry has an intellectual disability.He lives independently, has a job, and functions well in society.Henry's intellectual disability most likely falls under which of the following categories?

mild intellectual disability

How might gifted programs be detrimental to kids' intellectual development?

It might create a self-fulfilling prophecy where those who are labeled "not gifted" do not succeed.

Both social and emotional intelligence are important to well-being in that

they allow for better functioning in the world.

An 8-year-old child is found on the Binet-Simon scale to have a mental age of 6. This indicates:

he was not able to complete the tasks most children of 8 are able to complete.

Individuals with an intellectual disability face societal challenges characterized by

devaluation and stigma.

Which of these statements about motivation is incorrect?

Motivations can be classified as rational or irrational.

You will be more likely to be motivated to study if you

are promised a reward.

Exposure to drugs and alcohol can lead to all of the following EXCEPT

improved physical health

What does the theory of cognitive dissonance propose?

That people are motivated to reduce dissonance by either changing or justifying their beliefs.

How do drive reduction theorists explain why one may seek stimulation despite already being relaxed or content?

Drive reduction theorists would argue that one is never fully content, and some drives remain unmet.

A young girl shares her father's athletic tendencies and loves to hike. Are these traits the result of genetics or her environment?

Both environment and genetics - while she may have inherited aspects of her father's bodytype and build, she has likely also been influenced by her environment.

Which of the following is a controversy surrounding incentive theory?

Controversy exists about how motivation changes behavior and for how long.

In a world that has been overtaken by zombies, safety is hard to come by.According to Maslow's hierarchy, what would be the <em>most</em> <em>likely</em> motivator (i.e., need to be fulfilled) for someone to compromise their safety?

They have no food or water and are starving.

According to arousal theory,

motivation is strongly linked to biological factors that control reward sensitivity and goal-driven behavior.

Which of the following is true about retrograde amnesia caused by an accident?

A person with retrograde amnesia will be able to encode new memories after the accident.

Cognitive-dissonance relates to an individual's motivation to:

justify their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Which of the following statements is true?

Performance goals are extrinsically motivated, while mastery goals are intrinsically motivated.

Why do animals behave in ways that are most likely to increase their genetic fitness?

Because those with the greatest genetic fitness are most likely to survive.

Ralph is an Olympic-level gymnast who trains many hours every day, and who often gives up opportunities to have fun with his friends. He is motivated by _________ needs.


Which of the following should a behavior be to be considered instinctual?


Experiencing and processing emotions causes what parts of the human body to respond and interact?

All of these answers

Emotions are affected by which of the following factors?

All of these

Unlike in the James-Lange theory, in the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion...

Physiological arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously

The emotions of jealousy and love differ from anger and joy in what dimension(s)?

They are complex emotions

What does the James-Lange theory posit about how emotions are processed?

Actions precede emotions, and emotions serve as explanations that organize our actions.

Human beings have two types of chromosomes - sex chromosomes and ___________.


According to the appraisal theory of emotion, we...

Label a situation with an emotion after appraising it

All of the following influence subjective interpretation of a stimulus EXCEPT for

the stimulus itself

According to the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion, what are the two factors that make up emotions?

Physiological arousal and cognition

By drastically reducing caloric intake to the point of starvation, which motivators start to be ignored?

Sleep, sex, social activities

Genes are not set in stone, but rather their expression is influenced by ______.

all of these answers

A social psychologist might argue that our tendency to group stimuli together is dangerous because:

it can lead to misguided perceptions.

Cultural expectations of emotions are referred to as

display rules.

Which of the following are common types of <em>visual </em>perceptual constancies?

shape constancy, size constancy, and distance constancy

When Marla was 8 months old, she was adopted by a couple with whom she shares no genetic traits. Years later, researchers compare Marla to her biological mother and find several similarities in personality. What does this kind of adoption study help to reveal?

The role of genetics on the development of personality

When David was three years old and his friend Matthew would take his ball, he threw himself on the ground and cried loudly.Now, David no longer throws a temper tantrum when Matthew takes his ball.David has learned which of the following skills?

emotional self-regulation

The stage of development in which children engage in the Oedipus or Electra conflict is known as what?


What change(s) occur during puberty?

All of these answers

Which of the following is NOT a cognitive change that may occur during late adulthood?

An increase in fluid intelligence, but a decrease in crystallized intelligence

The embryonic stage lasts from

implantation through the eighth week of pregnancy

All of the following are criticisms of Freud's work EXCEPT which one?

Freud was not an actual psychologist.

How do peer friendships in adolescence differ from those in childhood?

Friendships tend to be more complex and teenagers tend to have multiple layers of friend groups, AND friendships tend to be more dynamic and subject to change.

Birth defects due to environmental agents, such as drugs, alcohol, or smoking, are most likely to occur during which developmental stages?

germinal and embryonic

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the parent-teen relationship during adolescence?

Typically, the frequency and intensity of parent-teen conflict is high.

Developmental psychologists utilize which of the following:

Both of these answers

Which of the following is true of memory function in aging adults?

Working memory declines; procedural memory stays the same.

The development of dexterity is dependent on the development of:

Hand-eye coordination.

A 9-year-old boy who regularly disrupts his class, doesn't make high grades, and often leaves his toys outside to be ruined by rain most likely has parents who are too:


The behavior of an adolescent will most likely be guided by:

Peer influence

What aspect of intelligence is at its peak in middle adulthood?

Practical problem solving

Estrogen is the primary hormone in females, while testosterone is the primary hormone in males.Which of the following hormones is influential in both men and women?

both of these answers

A person who is assigned female at birth, and continues to identify as a woman today, is referred to as:


Which of the following statements about human sexuality is true?

Human sexuality is influenced by biological and hormonal drives.

Which of the following are secondary agents of gender role socialization?

religion and the workplace

Which of the follow is NOT an accurate description of a gender identity?

A biological man who self-identifies as homosexual

Gender identity is influenced by which of the following factors?

all of these answers

What do the Declaration of Montreal, the Yogyakarta Principles, and advocates like Anne Fausto-Sterling argue in favor of?

Intersex children should be old enough to give informed consent before "corrective" surgery is performed.

Which of the following sexual behavior can transmit sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

all of these answers

A new mother is finding that her libido is very low, even though it's been two months since she gave birth. What could be causing her problem?

All of these answers

The concept that gender is multidimensional and can include a wide diversity of identities is known as

the gender spectrum

A man is able to achieve erection but has trouble maintaining it.Which stage of sexual response is he having trouble completing?


Which of the following is correct terminology for someone who cannot be classified according to typical gender roles?

any of these

Which of the following is a reason a homosexual teenager is at risk for depression and suicide?

All of these answers

Which of the following groups of people are penalized if they do not conform to society's gender roles?

all of these answers

According to social learning theory, children develop their gender identity

through observing and imitating the behavior of others and then being rewarded or punished for their actions.

Which of the following is a weakness of trait perspectives?

traits have limited predictive value

According to Myers-Briggs, why might it be difficult for an introverted person to work at a job requiring extroversion?

They are opposite traits, and the introvert will require practice to reach proficiency.

According to Freud's psycholanalytic theory of personality, human behavior is determined by

the interactions between the ego, the id, and the superego

What is a common criticism of projective testing?

all of these answers

What is personality?

the combination of traits and patterns that influence a person's behavior, thoughts, motivation, and emotion

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is based on

Carl Jung's theory of personality.

Based on Maslow's theories, peak experiences can be experienced by only

self-actualized individuals.

Which of the following traits is most likely to correlate positively with academic success?


Which of the following theorists developed the concept of the inferiority complex?

Alfred Adler

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a person living 'the good life?'

Living by the expectations of others.

Which of the following does NOT affect personality?

brain size

What is the most significant criticism of Social-cognitive theory?

It is not a unified theory since research cannot connect observational learning and self-efficacy.

Twin studies on genetics and personality have shown that

genetic factors play a role in the expression of personality.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs,

all lower levels on the pyramid must be accomplished before higher ones can be reached.

Children who grow up in single-parent families from lower socioeconomic statuses are most likely to have what type of locus of control?

an external locus of control

Negative stressors are generally perceived to be:

Potentially overwhelming, out of our control and coping abilities

Malnutrition can result from what type of dysfunctional food consumption?

all of these answers

How can increased levels of stress effect personal motivation?

Energy used for motivational management is shifted to manage stress.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects how one copes with stress?

Social status

Which of the following is an <em>effective</em> technique in maintaining motivation?

All of these answers

Prolonged elevated levels of stress hormones leads to the decrease in all of the following EXCEPT:


Scheduled to work all weekend, Becky has a midterm to prepare for and a paper to complete. In order to feel less overwhelmed, and to clear her head, Becky decides to go for a run. This is an example of what form of coping?

Emotion-focused coping

Stress can lead to all of the following heart problems EXCEPT which one?

Decrease in heart rate

Which of the following responses is associated with a stress response in the body?

All of these

In what way(s) does poverty negatively impact health?

Those living in poverty lack access to healthcare AND suffer disproportionately from malnutrition.

Which of the following is a precept or point of view in the alternative approach to stress management?

It empowers the person to reframe their concept of stress.

Which of the following terms is linked to the sympathetic nervous system's response to stress?


The provision of advice, guidance, or suggestion that enables individual problem-solving is known as

informational support

Biopsychosocial theory posits that

the interaction among genetics, psychology, and socio-cultural influences affects health.

Healthy nutrition provides the body with all the calories and nutrients necessary for proper functioning.Which of the following does NOT result from good nutrition?

Deterioration of the body.

What is a major difference between a depressive episode and a manic one?

Depressive episodes involve low mood; manic episodes involve periods of elation or irritability.

Which of the following is NOT true about ADHD?

ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorder.

Which of the following would be an example of a tertiary prevention?

A diet and exercise program designed to help people with diabetes control their blood sugar.

What does the pathogenic theory of schizophrenia posit?

Exposure to pathogens in utero causes neural defects that create a predisposition for schizophrenia.

An individual believes that the president of the United States is in love with them, despite the two never having met, but has no other delusions or accompanying hallucinations.This person might be diagnosed with...

Delusional disorder, erotomanic type

A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia who suffers from mild hallucinations, erratic movments, and inappropriate social behavior likely has which subtype?


Which of these characteristics is NOT typically associated with autism?

excessively aggressive behavior

Joe presents to the ER after a month of repeated cycles of erratic, impulsive behavior followed immediately by periods of extreme sadness. What diagnosis should he be given?

Bipolar I.

How is intellectual disability characterized?

IQ score below 70 AND deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors

What is the first-line treatment for social anxiety disorder?

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Which neurotransmitter has been heavily implicated in the development of several psychological disorders, including anxiety?

all of these answers

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a phobia?

The person does not believe the fear is irrational.

What is the role of the amygdala in the development of anxiety?

It processes sensory information and communicates information about threats to the rest of the brain.

When a psychologist says that her client experienced a great loss prior to the onset of a major depressive episode, what type of cause is she identifying?

a precipitating cause

Trichotillomania is characterized by which of the following?

The compulsive urge to pull out one's hair

Somatic symptom disorders are characterized by which of the following?

concern that something is physically wrong but no accompanying medical condition

Relative to mood disorders, personality disorders are comparatively


Which personality disorder is characterized by excessive attention-seeking, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an extreme need for approval?

histrionic personality disorder

What is a key feature that distinguishes ASPD from other types of harmful conduct?

People with ASPD feel no remorse for their actions.

What personality disorder is characterized by a concern with orderliness, perfectionism, excessive attention to detail, and a need for control over one's environment?

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Symptoms of withdrawal include all of the following except

positive affect

What disorder is characterized by patterns of anger, irritability, defiant behavior, and vindictiveness but NOT aggression toward other people?

Oppositional defiant disorder

Which of the following is a necessary criteria of a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder?

Age over 18 years.

What is difference between Anorexia and Bulimia?

Anorexics avoid eating; people with Bulimia binge-eat and then purge to avoid gaining weight.

The diagnosis of gender dysphoria...

Is different for children and adults

Feeding disorders can be experienced by...

Children, adolescents, or adults who do not meet the criteria for another eating disorder

Which neurocognitive disorder can result in short-term memory loss, language, disorientation (including easily getting lost), mood swings, and loss of motivation?

Alzheimer's disease

What is a key feature that distinguishes ASPD from other types of harmful conduct?

People with ASPD feel no remorse for their actions.

Most people with ASPD are


In order to be diagnosed with factitious disorder, a person must...

Aim to deceive others by feigning or causing physical or mental symptoms

In what way is the focus of behavioral therapy different from psychoanalysis?

Behavioral therapy attends to behavior and not the underlying thoughts, like psychoanalysis.

Why are benzodiazepines preferred over SSRIs for the treatment of anxiety disorders?

SSRIs require high doses and are also slower than benzodiazepines.

What kind of patient may need ECT?

A depressed patient who has shown no improvement with other treatments.

What is a major difference between interpersonal therapy (IPT) and person-centered therapy (PCT)?

IPT is highly structured and focuses on relationships; PCT is less structured and client-driven.

What is a major difference between biomedical therapies and psychotherapy, with respect to their approach to psychological disorders?

Biomedical therapies believe that psychological disorders have biological causes.

What primary assumption about the nature of psychological processes does multicultural therapy attempt to challenge?

That psychological processes are consistent across cultures.

Which of the following is an example of how culture influences therapy?

All of the answers demonstrate the way culture influences therapy.

For which of the following disorders has group therapy been shown to have the LOWEST efficacy?

borderline personality disorder

Which of the following medications has widespread effects rather than treating a single specific symptom?


Which of the following factors influence the outcome of therapy?

All of the answers are correct.

A number of theoretical models used in therapy have:

a lack of quantitative data, relying primarily on qualitative data.

What is the philosophy of biomedical therapies?

The mind and body are connected. Poor physical health leads to poor mental health and vice versa.

What is the goal of humanistic therapy?

All of these.

Which of these is NOT a type of psychotherapy?

Light therapy.

What is a major difference between biomedical therapies and psychotherapy, with respect to their approach to psychological disorders?

Biomedical therapies believe that psychological disorders have biological causes.

Jennifer sticks with the people she knows from her homeroom in school, even though she has classes with other students. This is an example of what?

Ingroup favoritism

Which of the following factors has an impact on interpersonal attraction?

All three answers.

Milgram's famous study provided insight into which of the following phenomena?


Dylan's sister makes a rude comment at dinner, and Dylan assumes she must be in a bad mood. This is known to social psychologists as ______.

an interpersonal attribution.

Attitudes that are unacknowledged or outside of a person's conscious level of awareness are known as

implicit attitudes

Which of the following are factors that increase conformity? (a) public opinion (b) subtle influences from one's group (c) direct and overt influences from one's group, such as peer pressure

(a) and (b) and (c)

A teenager wants to go to a friend's small birthday party on a weeknight, but has to get her mother to agree to it first. She first asks for permission to go to a late-night concert out of town that night, and when her mother says no she follows this up with her more reasonable request. This is known as the ______.

door-in-the-face technique.

Which of the following contributes to deindividuation?

all of these answers

Individuals are likely to obey an authority figure for which of the following reasons?

All of the answers are correct.

Some theorists propose that passionate love naturally evolves into companionate love for an evolutionary purpose. What is this purpose?

Both of these answers.

According to conclusions from the Stanfard Prison experiment, the abuse and torture in the Abu Ghraib prison may have been the result of _______.


"Learned habits for responding to social stimuli" is the definition for which of the following concepts?


Why might the fundamental attribution error occur?

All of the answers

Which of the following types of aggression is largely goal-oriented?

Instrumental aggression.

Which of the following is the best definition of prejudice?

Prejudice is a negative opinion or attitude held by someone about the members of a particular group.

Which theory proposes that people with a high need for achievement are concerned with doing their best work and setting goals to help them get there?

McClelland's need theory

Who was considered one of the first to recognize the importance of taking individual difference into account when trying to predict and better understand employee behavior?

James McKeen Cattell

Which answer best describes: A characteristic or quality of a thing.


Which of the following attributes of a stimulus is LEAST likely to cause us to select it for attention?

its color

Tom plans to give potential candidates a test to determine attention to detail. He is interested in knowing if the measure he is using will predict the candidates' behavior across a variety of situations in the job. Tom is interested in:

Criterion validity.

Recruitment and selection are important workplace processes because they

All of these answers are correct.

Which answer best describes this definition?
A quality of measurement indicating the degree to which the measurement reflects the underlying construct- that is, whether it measures what it purports to measure.


The "I-O" in the title I-O Psychologist refers to?

Industrial and organizational

Which answer best describes: making good, thorough, or careful use of resources; not consuming extra; making good use of time or energy.


Which of the following is NOT a goal of I-O psychology?

treating clinical disorders

I-O psychologists are interested in studying and improving which of the following?

all of the answers are correct

Which answer best describes this definition?
Self-government; freedom to act or function independently.


We are likely to selectively attend to which of the following stimuli?

All of these.

Which answer best describes this definition?
To work from home, sometimes for part of a working day or week, using a computer connected to one's employer's network or the Internet.


Which answer best describes this definition?
Ownership, especially in terms of net monetary value of some business.


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