Which of the following is an appropriate strategy to use when communicating with a dying person?

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Terms in this set (148)

Components such as people (clergy), places (Vietnam Memorial Wall), times (9/11/2001), objects (wearing black in mourning), and symbols (skull and crossbones) are all part of what Robert Kastenbaum calls

the death system.

Psychologists prefer to describe Kübler-Ross' stages as ______ to dying.

potential reactions

When an individual's grief over a deceased person is a socially ambiguous loss that cannot be openly mourned it is called grief. (Make sure to spell correctly to get full credit!)


When a death is caused by an accident or a disaster, the effort to ______ is pursued more vigorously.

make sense of it

Which of the following has not been found to be an outcome for a person who has lost a spouse or intimate partner?

A consistent lack of prolonged grief

What has been found to reduce depressive symptoms and enhance self-efficacy in widows and widowers following the loss of a spouse?

Volunteer work

Which of the following deaths typically would not result in an intense and prolonged grieving process for the survivors?

The death of a grandparent from a serious disease

Which of the following statements does not reflect how those dealing with the loss of a loved one tend to "make sense of the world" as a part of the grieving process?

Survivors of loss tend to wish to be alone immediately following the loss.

What percentage of survivors experience normal grief reactions?

80 to 90 percent

When an individual's grief over a deceased person is a socially ambiguous loss that cannot be openly mourned it is called

disenfranchised grief.

More than _____ of Americans die in hospitals in a given year.


True or false: Among the Hopi of Arizona, the deceased are forgotten as quickly as possible and life carries on as usual.


Robert is an 80-year-old man who has been given three months to live. He has requested to be left alone. When asked, he says that he is not feeling much physical pain and seems devoid of feeling. He realizes he is going to die and feels a sense of peace. Which of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying is he in?


Which of the following are arguments that critics present against the funeral industry?

Funeral directors are focused more on making money than on providing closure.
Embalming is a grotesque practice.

According to research, how does volunteer work benefit women who have become widows?

It accelerates a decline in depressive symptoms.
It protects against depressive symptoms.

can play an adaptive role by insulating a dying individual against intense feelings of anger and hurt, but it can also function as a maladaptive strategy.


Positive and negative reappraisals of one's loss are associated with -oriented stressors in the dual-process model of coping.


True or false: People of all ages can understand that death is irreversible and final.


True or false: Spirituality has been found to help buffer dying individuals from severe depression.


Adults should take children's ______ into account when explaining death.

age and maturity

Which of the following statements is most accurate with regard to attitudes toward death?

The ages of children and adults influence the way they experience and think about death.

Enduring despair that remains unresolved over an extended period of time is called ______.

prolonged grief

Kevin is an adult who has been asked what he would want to accomplish if he had only six months to live. He says he'd spend his time meditating and contemplating the meaning of his life. Kevin is most likely in what phase of the life span?

Older adulthood

Which of the following has not been identified as a possible outcome related to children who lose a parent?

An easier understanding of death after the initial loss

Which statement is typical of how a person in Kübler-Ross' third stage of dying would react?

The person tries to negotiate in order to live a little longer.

Which of the following is not one of the stages of dying according to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' stages of dying?


Rachel has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She has been spending a lot of time at her church and praying to God. Specifically she has said to God that if she lives, she will donate half of her money to the church and volunteer at her local food pantry. Which of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying does this reflect?


Understanding of the certainty of death appears in which stage of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

Fourth stage: depression

What type of emotional reactions can be expected after the sudden accidental death of a child
Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms

Grief that is more intense and prolonged than a death that is not unexpected
Sleep disturbances, nightmares, and other symptoms of trauma
Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms

What is the most common characteristic of Kübler-Ross' first stage of dying?


Which of the following is a common response from a person in Kübler-Ross' second stage of dying?

Asking the question "Why me?"
Feeling resentful towards healthy family members
Feeling resentful towards healthy family members

Which of the following statements reflects what a person would say in the first stage of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

"The doctor is wrong. I need to get a second opinion. The doctor must have mixed my file up with someone else's."

Which of the following statements accurately reflects how psychologists today utilize Kubler-Ross' five stages of dying?

The stages are typically used not as stages but as potential reactions to dying.

Which of the following is a criticism made by Robert Kastenbaum about Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

The five-stage sequence has not been substantiated empirically.

In terms of setting, most individuals say they would prefer to die at .


Which of the following has not been identified as a possible outcome related to children who lose a parent?

An easier understanding of death after the initial loss

For many children, the death of a ______ can have similar outcomes as the loss of a parent.


Which of the following reactions have been found to follow after the death of a loved one?

Separation anxiety

Why does the inclusion of the dying patient's family in hospice care benefit the family members?

It can diminish their guilt after the loved one's death.

What has been found to help dying individuals become more alert and cheerful?

Supportive medical staff

According to research, which of the following age groups fears death more than the others?

Middle-aged adults

What has been found to help dying individuals become more alert and cheerful?

Perceived control

Carol has terminal cancer. She has read that eating certain foods has been found to prolong a person's life. Therefore she spends a great deal of time preparing meals for herself. She was given six months to live but has now exceeded that time. She owes it to her diet and perseverance. What can we expect of Carol's demeanor?

She will most likely be more alert and cheerful.

At which point in adulthood is the fear of death the greatest?

Middle adulthood

Jennifer believes that if people die, they can be brought back to life by doctors. Jennifer is most likely how old?

7 years old

Hospices are more likely to serve people with ______ than those with other life-threatening conditions.

terminal cancer

According to research, at which age do children begin to view death as universal and irreversible?

9 years old

Which of the following are part of the dual-process model of coping with bereavement?

Loss-oriented stressors
Restoration-oriented stressors

True or false: People in late adulthood are most likely to die from chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.


Tracy has been talking to her father about death after having experienced the death of her grandfather. She asks her dad if he thinks that her grandfather saw a bright white light and went to Heaven. She also asks her father if he thinks she could talk to her grandfather through a spiritual medium. How old do you think Tracy is?


Which of the following is an argument that supporters present for holding funerals and other community events to remember the deceased?

They provide a form of closure for family members of the deceased.

In the Amish community, for how long do community members provide a high level of support to the bereaved family?

For at least one year

True or false: A common occurrence is for family members to go over again and again all of the events that led up to the death as a part of the grieving process.


The diverse grieving patterns that people display are embedded practices.


When a person reports financial loss, loneliness, increased physical illness, and a psychological disorder such as depression after a loss, one could assume that the person who died was the person's


Adolescents develop more ______ conceptions of death than children do.


Monica is an adult who has been asked what she would do if she only had six months to live. She responds that she would travel to Italy, go sky-diving, and volunteer at the Salvation Army. Based on studies evaluating attitudes toward death in adulthood, Monica is most likely to be

a younger adult.

In the ______ model of coping, effective coping with bereavement often involves an oscillation between coping with loss and coping with restoration.


The dual-process model of coping with bereavement consists of two main dimensions called -oriented stressors and -oriented stressors.

loss restoration

Travis is experiencing the loss of his brother who died from cancer. He feels numb and as if the future does not hold anything for him without his brother. He cannot move on from the loss. What is Travis experiencing?

Prolonged grief

Monique's mother has recently passed away, and Monique needs to talk to her 5-year-old son about his grandmother's death. Which of the following strategies would a psychologist most likely suggest?

Monique should be honest with her son about his grandmother's death and answer any questions he might have.

What are the TWO primary goals of hospice care?

Helping dying patients face death in a psychologically healthy way
Bringing pain under control

Which of the following are the most common causes of death in childhood?


is often found to be a factor in deadly motor vehicle accidents involving adolescents.


What type of emotional reactions can be expected after the sudden accidental death of a child?

Sleep disturbances, nightmares, and other symptoms of trauma
Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms
Grief that is more intense and prolonged than a death that is not unexp

Which of the following statements are true regarding the definition of brain death? (choose all correct answers)

A person can still have a heartbeat after the higher portions of the brain have died.
A flat EEG recording for a specified period of time is one criterion of brain death.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding age-related conceptions of death?

Young children as early as 4 to 5 years of age understand that death is irreversible.

The highest risk of sudden infant death syndrome occurs at what age?

2 to 4 months of age

True or false: In childhood, death occurs most often because of accidents or illness.


Diana is a health-care professional who takes pride in the fact that she works to make her terminally ill patients as comfortable as possible, to involve their families in the process, and to help patients and loved ones cope with death. Diana is most likely someone who works in a(n)

hospice program.

Thomas is an 88-year-old man with incurable cancer. He has been given approximately one month to live. He is suffering with intense pain and has asked that he be aided in taking a lethal dose of a medication to end his life. Thomas is asking for

active euthanasia.

Anastasia had an abortion when she was 18 years old. Even though she made the decision to end the pregnancy, she experienced a deep and pervasive grief for many years. Ten years later, her sister became pregnant. When Anastasia heard the news, she cried for days. Anastasia was experiencing

disenfranchised grief.

Which two statements summarize the controversy regarding what experts argue should be the correct definition of brain death?

Death of higher cortical functioning should be sufficient for a brain death finding because those functions equal the "human being."
Death of both the higher and lower portions of the brain should be necessary for a brain death determination.

Which of the following statements captures the reality of the death system in developing nations such as India and in parts of Africa?

Poverty, illness, and conflict make death impossible to deny as a daily reality.

More than _____ of Americans die in hospitals in a given year.


Communication with someone who is dying should be directed toward

internal growth.

What percentage of bereaved individuals have prolonged or complicated grief that lasts more than 6 months following their loss?

7 to 10 percent

The religion that has a program of mourning divided into graduated time periods, each with its appropriate practices, is .


What percentage of Americans die in nursing homes?


What is the most beneficial type of communication one can have with a dying person?

Discussions regarding the strengths of the individual and preparation for the remainder of life

Which of the following statements best reflects the outcome of communicating about death with a dying person?

Discussing death openly with the dying individual has many benefits for the person.

Roger's wife just passed away. He has responded to the loss by repeatedly saying, "I can't believe it," and exhibiting deep despair by crying and sighing. Roger is experiencing ______.


Which of the following is an appropriate strategy to use when communicating with a dying person?

You should allow the person to reminisce.

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate strategy for communicating with a dying person?

Insist that the person accept death.

Which of the following is not an advantage of discussing death openly with a dying individual?

The dying person can avoid feeling depressed about impending death.

About how long after the death of a loved one do most of the negative feelings associated with the death diminish?

Six months

Which statement accurately reflects how the dual-process model of coping with bereavement works?

Coping with loss and engaging in restoration can be carried out concurrently.

What is the leading cause of infant death in the United States?

Sudden infant death syndrome

The determination of death in recent decades is

complex because signs of death are not always clear.

Which of the following statements captures the reality of the death system in developing nations such as India and in parts of Africa?

Poverty, illness, and conflict make death impossible to deny as a daily reality.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the experiences that many dying individuals face near the time of death?

Many health care professionals have not been trained to provide adequate end-of-life care.

The emotional numbness, disbelief, separation anxiety, despair, sadness, and loneliness that accompany the loss of someone we love is called .


Tracy has been talking to her father about death after having experienced the death of her grandfather. She asks her dad if he thinks that her grandfather saw a bright white light and went to Heaven. She also asks her father if he thinks she could talk to her grandfather through a spiritual medium. How old do you think Tracy is?


Around 90 percent of ______ care is provided in patients' homes.


What percentage of hospice care is currently provided in patients' homes?


What does palliative care focus on?

Reducing pain and suffering

Reducing pain and helping individuals die with dignity is the goal of

palliative care.

Which of the following statements is consistent with all forms of euthanasia?

The patient is diagnosed with an incurable disease or severe disability.

In the Gond culture of India, death is believed to be

caused by magic and demons.

Which of the following statements is consistent with deaths that occurred in 1900?

People were cared for at home by their families at the time of death.

Which of the following statements is the most accurate representation of the mourning practices in traditional Judaism?

The observance of all mourning practices is required of the spouse and the immediate blood relatives.

The culture calmly accepts death, takes care of virtually all aspects of the funeral, and provides fellowship and work projects to the bereaved family.


Which part of the dual-process model of coping with bereavement involves helping the survivor master skills such as learning how to do routine home maintenance?

Restoration-oriented stressors

Lucille signed a living will when she was 65 years old and in good health. It stated that she wanted no extraordinary medical procedures to be used if doctors determined she would not recover. She was conscious of the ramifications of her decision. At the age of 85 she had a stroke in her brain stem and could no longer breathe for herself or take in food. Doctors determined that she would not recover respiration or digestion. Which of the following would be true in Lucille's case?

Lucille could be given sedatives and pain medications but should not be put on a ventilator or given a feeding tube.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the development of a living will?

A living will must be drawn up by patients when they can think clearly.

The highest risk of sudden infant death syndrome occurs at what age?

2 to 4 months of age

Abigail has incurable lung cancer. Her lungs no longer have the capacity to function without the aid of a respirator. She wants to be sedated and to have her respirator turned off. What has Abigail requested?

Passive euthanasia

Derek's uncle just died. He understands that his uncle will never come back to life. Derek is most likely how old?

5 years old

Which statement is true when evaluating the experiences that dying individuals face?

Scientific advances have made dying prolonged and complicated.

True or false: Middle-aged adults think about and talk about death more than individuals in other age groups.


Which statements are most accurate regarding feelings and thoughts about death in adulthood?

Older adults talk about death in conversation more than any other age group.
Older adults examine the meaning of life and death more frequently than younger adults.

Which of the following is not considered to be a common cause of death in adolescence?


True or false: Kübler-Ross would recommend that loved ones try to cheer up the dying person in the fourth stage of dying, also known as the depression stage.


Which of the following has been shown to help dying individuals avoid despair and depression in their last days?

being spiritual or religious
knowing one's purpose and meaning in life

Which of the following is not identified as a component of a "good death"?

A hospital setting

Whereas a hospital's goals are to cure illness and prolong life, hospice care emphasizes care, which involves reducing pain and suffering and helping individuals die with dignity.


What is active euthanasia also known as?

Assisted suicide

Assisted suicide requires the patient to self-administer the lethal medication, whereas active euthanasia involves ______ administering the lethal medication.

a physician or a third party

The act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals who are suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability is called mercy killing, or ______________


Life expectancy has increased from ______ years for those born in 1900 to 79 years those born today.


Which of the following statements best reflects the role of denial in the lives of individuals approaching death?

Denial is an adaptive strategy because it allows a person to delay dealing with impending death, which can help avoid shock.

Making sense of the world becomes more important when the loss is a result of which causes?

Violence such as an accident, homicide, or suicide
A disaster

Which of the following examples is not consistent with how the American culture denies death?

Disbelief in the afterlife

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the understanding a preschooler has of death?

Young children begin to develop views of death that are more cognitively advanced than was previously thought.

Examples of disenfranchised grief include:

circumstances of the death that are stigmatized such as death because of AIDS
a relationship that isn't socially recognized such as an ex-spouse
a hidden loss like an abortion

The average life expectancy in the United States for a person born in 1900 was 47 years, whereas today it is


The program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible is called care.


Which age group is most likely to die from chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer?

older adults

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the views of grieving across cultures?

There is no right, ideal way to grieve; each culture grieves differently.

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the understanding a preschooler has of death?

Young children begin to develop views of death that are more cognitively advanced than was previously thought.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding cultural diversity in healthy grieving?

All cultures have unique reactions to the deceased.

Which of the following statements is not consistent with deaths in the United States today?

Most people die at home.

Which of the following is not consistent with the goals of a hospice program?

Prolonging life as long as possible

Which cultural group typically tries to avoid and/or deny death?


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the development of a living will?

A living will must be drawn up by patients when they can think clearly.

______ death is said to occur when all electrical activity in the brain has ceased for a specified period of time.


Which of the following beliefs regarding death is consistent with the view of most societies?

After the biological body has died, the spiritual body lives on.

Thirty years ago, which of the following was NOT used to determine if someone had died?

Hair growth

Which of the following is not a component of the death system as described by Robert Kastenbaum?


Which of the following statements is consistent with the death system in the United States?

It is common to reach adulthood without having seen someone die.

Robert Kastenbaum criticized Kübler-Ross' approach because the five-stage interpretation neglected the patients' situations including: (Select all that apply.)

relationship support
family obligations
specific effects of illness

Some experts believe that death should be declared once (higher/lower) portions of the brain have ceased to function even though breathing and heart rate may continue.


Those who provide care are increasingly interested in helping people experience

a "good death."

Which of the following is not a common part of Kubler-Ross' second stage of dying?


Which of the following is not a reason why older adults are more likely to accept death?

Older adults tend to be more religious and receive spiritual guidance.

Michael is an 80-year-old man who gets together with his friends over coffee every Friday morning. Their conversations typically revolve around friends who have died, what they have accomplished in their lives, and talking about funerals. In general, why do they do this when they did not talk this way when they were in their fifties?

The talk helps Michael and his friends accept death.
Some of his friends are more likely to have lost a spouse.
The subject of death has taken on an appropriateness it lacked in earlier years.

Michael is an 80-year-old man who gets together with his friends over coffee every Friday morning. Their conversations typically revolve around friends who have died, what they have accomplished in their lives, and talking about funerals. In general, why do they do this when they did not talk this way when they were in their fifties?

Some of his friends are more likely to have lost a spouse.
The talk helps Michael and his friends accept death.
The subject of death has taken on an appropriateness it lacked in earlier years.

In addition to acceptance, which of the following are characteristic of a person in Kübler-Ross' fifth stage of dying?

An acceptance of one's fate
A desire to be left alone
A sense of peace

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