Which of the following is the most common purpose of creating analytical reports and proposals

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What is the common purpose of all business reports?

Business reports provide useful insights for management such as information on spending, profits and growth. Reports will provide important detail that can be used to help develop future forecasts, marketing plans, guide budget planning and improve decision-making.

What are three major ways to focus the organization of an analytical report?

The three most common ways to organize analytical reports are by focusing on conclusions, focusing on recommendations, and focusing on logical arguments.

Which of the following types of proposals are generally prepared at the request of an external party that requires a product or service?

Soliciting proposals are generally prepared at the request for external parties require a product or service.

Why is writing analytical reports more challenging than writing informational reports?

Writing analytical reports presents a greater challenge than writing informational reports, for three reasons. First, you're doing more than simply delivering information; you're also analyzing a problem or an opportunity and presenting your conclusions.


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