Which of the following parts of the research papers answer the research question of the study?

Which of the following parts of the research paper answers the research questions of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study
B. Conclusion of the Study
C. Limitations of the Study
D. Abstract of the Study​


b. conclusion of the study

or A

9. Which of the following parts of the research paper answers the research questions of thestudy?A. Recommendations of the StudyB. Conclusion of the StudyC. Limitations of the StudyD. Abstract of the Study

10. In writing the recommendations, where should the researcher based its suggestions?

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11. Which of the following suggestions should you use in writing your conclusion?

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12.Which of the following parts of the research paper serves as a practical suggestions forfuture researchers?

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13. Which of the following statements is the main purpose of recommendations of yourresearch study?A. provide a beneficial guide to resolve certain issues that can possibly result in abeneficial outcome.B. explain the methodology of your study.C. discuss the benefits of the participants.D. long and narrated like a story.

14. Which part of the research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findingsand its link to the theory used in the study?

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15. Which of the following types of research implications is also called convenientimplications?

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Which of the following part of the research report which contains the research question?

Thus, typically, the research question is included at the end of the Introduction section.

In which part of the research can you find the research question?

Good writing begins with clearly stating your research question (or hypothesis) in the Introduction section—the focal point on which your entire paper builds and unfolds in the subsequent Methods, Results, and Discussion sections.

Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the research paper?

Conclusion. As you conclude your research paper, you should succinctly reiterate your thesis statement along with your methodology and analyzed data – by drawing all these elements together you will reach the purpose of your research, so all that is left is to point out your conclusions in a clear manner.

Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the research paper in Brainly?

Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the research paper? Summary of research methodology, scope and limitations, and recommendations.


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