Which of the following would the nurse expect to include in the plan of care for a woman with mastitis?


Psychotic persons tend to lose touch with reality and frequently attempt to harm themselves or others. This behavior may occur when a woman experiences postpartum psychosis.

Anxiety typically does not induce hallucinations or cause a person to want to harm herself or others.

Depression involves feelings of sadness rather than hallucinations or thoughts of harming herself or others.

Feeling "down," but not to the extreme of wanting to harm herself or her newborn, is suggestive of postpartum blues.

Which would the nurse expect to include in the plan of care for a woman with mastitis who is receiving antibiotic therapy?

Which of the following would the nurse expect to include in the plan of care for a woman with mastitis who is receiving antibiotic therapy? Stop breast-feeding and apply lanolin.

Which recommendation should be given to a client with mastitis who is concerned about breast feeding her neonate?

Apply warm, moist compresses to the affected breast every few hours or take a warm shower. Breastfeed every two hours or more often to keep milk flowing through the milk ducts. If needed, use a breast pump to express milk between feedings. Drink plenty of fluids and rest when possible.

Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a woman is developing a postpartum complication?

Which finding would lead the nurse to suspect that a woman is developing a postpartum complication? Women should have a lochia flow following birth. Absence of a flow is abnormal; it suggests dehydration from infection and fever.

Which of the following complications is most likely responsible for a delayed postpartum hemorrhage?

The most common causes of PPH are: Uterine atony: Uterine atony (or uterine tone) refers to a soft and weak uterus after delivery. This is when your uterine muscles don't contract enough to clamp the placental blood vessels shut. This leads to a steady loss of blood after delivery.


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