Why was the Glorious Revolution significant to the politics of the British colonies quizlet?


In contrast, entire families migrated from England to North America, especially to the northern colonies.

Contrary to what happened in the Spanish, Dutch, and French colonies, there was no royal official in the British colonies.

Conversely, the Navigation Acts required the colonists to sell their goods within the empire. They had to adhere to the Navigation Acts, requiring the colonists to send valuable goods to British colonies rather than Europe.

Although laws were established, they were governed by what one politician characterized as salutary neglect.

Britain did not always enforce the laws regulating trade restrictions over the colonies. The idea of salutary neglect allowed some degree of self-government. Problems arose when the British started to enforce these regulations and colonists resisted.


the French befriended the native peoples.

In 1663, French king Louis XIV declared New France as a royal colony and modeled its rule after an absolute monarchy. French colonies had no political rights and responded exclusively to the king.

The king had a solid interest in populating New France and sent settlers for that purpose. Young women formed part of the contingent that left France. They were destined to be the wives for the male colonists. Despite his efforts, New France was never vastly populated. He sent soldiers and settlers during the 1660s to solidify its colonial population.

King Louis XIV of France, The king awarded large grants of land to the aristocratic settlers, not to the poor. The grants were called seigneuries.

New France was never as large and populated as the English colonies. By the mid-eighteenth century, the population of the British colonies was five times larger than New France.

For the French colonists, it was essential to have friendly relations with the Native Americans because they far outnumbered them. They had no other alternative but to live and establish relations with them. The French colonists and the Indians developed fur-trade networks.

Very few women traveled to New France. Most settlers were men who lived within the Native communities and married Indian women.

The long-standing rivalry between France and England led the French to challenge the English by establishing their own settlements in the Americas. Yet the French never invested resources or convinced settlers to move to the Americas. As a result, the French colonies didn't grow as much as the English colonies did.

The French established settlements in the Caribbean, Canada, and the Appalachian Mountains in order to challenge the English presence in the Americas.

Why was the Glorious Revolution significant to the politics of the British colonies?

The event ultimately changed how England was governed, giving Parliament more power over the monarchy and planting seeds for the beginnings of a political democracy.

How did the Glorious Revolution in Britain impact the colonies quizlet?

How did Britain's Glorious Revolution affect the American colonies? It led to an increased sense of independence from Britain. After 1688, Britain relaxed their enforcement of colonial rules, especially trade laws.

What was the significance of the Glorious Revolution quizlet?

The major importance of the Glorious Revolution was to destroy any chance that England would have an absolute monarchy like that of France. Instead, the Glorious Revolution ensured that England would have a constitutional monarchy in which Parliament had the majority of the power.

What impact did the Glorious Revolution have on the political landscape of British North America?

What impact did the glorious Revolution have on the political landscape of British North America? Colonies gained more rights and became more independent. A new English government asserted more authority in colonial matters. However, the colonies were pretty much able to do as they pleased.


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