Wie alt ist der Name Peter?


This article contains sensitive or mature content that may unsuitable for users below the age of 18. Viewer discretion is advised.

Reason: Peter's behavior is inappropriate and not suitable for minors.

Peter, also known as Your Boyfriend, is the main antagonist in Your Boyfriend.


Peter appears to have a grey body. He has dark blue eyes with no hair. He wears black pants, a dark blue T-shirt with a white and black heart and a black vest. He also wears black shoes that match his pants.


Peter is a person who has a love-struck nature within his own heart; he is an obsessive, possessive, unstable, violent, Peter also tends to stalk whomever he loves most, which is Y/N themselves. and a desperate man that goes great lengths to show how much he loves the player in a twisted way. Peter loves the player so much that he doesn't discriminate based on his love interest's appearance, size nor gender which would bolster his chances of finding his love interest.[1]

Peter seems to be mentally unstable and awkward of how he interacts with others depends on the situation, although it is unclear how his personality came to be or it is just normal behavior for young adults like him.


On Day 1, Peter appears in front of Y/N sitting on the bench. He introduces himself and offers Y/N out to dinner. This is when the player decides which path they want to take with the story line.

In Day 2, it's been told that Peter records himself testing products, reviewing them afterwards as his job.


  • Peter's design was inspired from an animation called "Feed the Birds".
  • He would rather be called literally anything else, but will fold to whatever the player chooses.
    • Peter doesn't mind nicknames other than "Peter Parker" and "Peter Griffin".
    • It was decided that he would be pansexual before his name was chosen, his name arising from Fuboo joking about Peter Pan.
  • Peter's favorite animals are snakes and cats.[2]
    • Peter doesn't dislike any animals.[2]
  • Peter's favorite colors are blue and heather gray.[2]
    • Despite this statement, it's also been said his favorite color is red
    • Peter is somewhere between 20-to-30 years in age.[3]
  • Peter's eyes glow in the dark and also narrow like a cat's when he's mad. [4]
    • He can also purr.
  • Peter's tongue is very sensitive. If anyone touches it, he will instantly get aroused.[5]
    • As a result of the length of his tongue, he often bites his tongue when he eats.[6]
    • His tongue picks up more spice than normal.
  • Peter has a low alcohol tolerance.
    • When Peter is drunk, he talks to himself out loud and rambles.
    • His favorite alcohol is rum and coke.
  • Peter lacks cooking skills but is learning to do better.
    • He enjoys making omelets.
  • Peter's is pansexual.
  • Peter doesn't know how to swim. He probably has a fear of drowning.
  • Peter has canonically said "trans rights."
  • Peter has a hognose snake pet named "Rat".
  • If Y/N were pregnant, Peter would be a great father.[7]
    • He would also be very protective over his child.
    • If Y/N doesn't want to have a child, Peter won't push.
    • Peter would hate all other children except his child and their friends.
    • Peter would try to talk to his child's bullies and their parents at first, but they would all go missing if that doesn't solve the problem.
  • Peter had a scene phase during his teenage years.[8]
    • Peter does not like to remember and talk about this time. If Peter wore his goth outfit now, he would lay down on the floor staring at the ceiling having an internal crisis.[8]
    • Because of this phase, he likes Invader Zim and still looks back on it from time to time. The movie was fun.
  • Peter is older than Sarah/Your Girlfriend, In his words. "I'm the older sibling and she's the mistake".[9]
  • He has glasses but prefers eye-contacts.
  • Peter is willing to cut off his own penis for Y/N.[3]
  • Peter likes to eat any food except doesn't like sour candies.[10]
    • Peter has a sweet tooth.
    • His favorite candy are Lifesavers.
  • Peter's Pokémon team would consist of Aegislash, Chandelure, Bisharp, Cacturne, Seviper, and Midnight Lycanroc.[11]
  • His Hogwarts House is Slytherin.
  • Peter is seeing a psychiatrist.[12]
    • She is intentionally making his mental state worse.[13]
    • He would put up little resistance if you wanted to find him a new one.
  • Peter is canonically a virgin.
  • Peter has a breeding, bondage, and biting kink.[14][15][16]
  • Peter has the scent of cigarettes and generic soap/cologne.[17]
  • Peter has never had another crush other than Y/N.[18]
  • He prefers the classic horror movies, the "silver age, universal monster films" in his own words.[19]
    • Horror movies made from the 1930's to the 1960's in simpler terms.
  • Peter had a stalker once. As a result, the stalker went missing.
    • If Y/N was stalking Peter, he would pretend he didn't know anything and wouldn't even mind it.
  • Peter can play the piano.[20]
    • He wants to compose something just for you. [21]
  • Peter is fine with furries.
  • Peter's blood type is AB-.
  • Peter can't sing.
    • If Peter could sing, he would sing "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.
    • He's willing to take lessons to sing for you.
  • Peter can dance a little.
    • If he was a dancer, he would dance the flamenco.
    • Fuboo once dreamed of Peter.
  • Peter is circumcised.
  • Peter is ambidextrous.
  • Peter sees you as perfect.
  • Peter will seriously take care of you if you're deadly sick.[22]
  • Peter's favorite holiday is the Chinese New Year's.
    • He also celebrates the Qingming Festival, or 'Tomb sweeping day'. Of course, he does this for other tombs though since he cares little for family. [23]
  • Peter knows how to ice skate and roller skate.
  • Peter was asexual before he lay his eyes on Y/N.
  • Peter knows that he's in a game.

Stated in a stream

  • Peter has a bad taste in fashion.
  • Peter doesn't like chili.
    • He does like to eat fruits, especially any fruit that is crunchy.


owo peter vs sarah

"Come now, our 'Happily Ever After' is waiting for us~. . ."

"TFW MC is gushing over someone else online."

Emo/Goth Peter

Peter's Emo/Goth phase


  1. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1407362582223015939
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1398730519374819328
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/FAQ
  4. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1399584049673375745
  5. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1405182943983673355
  6. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1405908859525365765
  7. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1407438090013011975
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/645565207474831360/ooooh-i-love-his-scene-phase-how-old-was-he
  9. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/661819139109814272/are-peter-and-sarah-twins-if-not-then-who-is-the
  10. //invertedmindinc.tumblr.com/post/658225765346836480/does-peter-have-any-food-allergies-if-so-can-you
  11. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1405976320345919488
  12. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1424430050460401665
  13. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1424457841448943616
  14. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/638053596520448000/any-sexual-fantasies-boyfriend-has-that-he-hasnt
  15. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/655375994920861696/what-kinks-does-yb-have-im-guessing-one-of-them
  16. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/655377082079133697/this-is-so-embarrassing-uh-does-yb-have-a
  17. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/661819114990518272/if-peter-had-a-scent-what-would-it-be-i-find
  18. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/661818980414144512/does-peter-had-any-other-crushes-in-the-past
  19. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/654982540623560704/yb-darling-whats-your-fav-horror-movie
  20. //y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/654161830851280896/does-yb-know-how-to-play-an-instrument
  21. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1566836813225816065
  22. //twitter.com/LynsieG6/status/1478530865512828931
  23. //twitter.com/Y0ur_B0yfriend/status/1485740345249910787

Ist Peter ein russischer Name?

Pjotr (Пётр, DIN-Transliteration Pëtr) ist ein russischer und belarussischer Vorname.

Was ist die weibliche Form von Peter?

Weibliche Namensvarianten: [1] Petra, Petrine, Petrikke.

Auf welchen Platz ist der Name Peter?

Im Jahr 2021 belegte der Name Rang 310 der Vornamenscharts. Als Zweitname ist Peter jedoch relativ beliebt. Auf der Hitliste der beliebtesten Zweitnamen belegte er im selben Jahr Rang 41.

Wann war der Name Peter beliebt?

Peter ist einer der häufigsten männlichen Vornamen in der derzeitigen deutschen Bevölkerung und wurde fast das ganze 20. Jahrhundert über gern vergeben. Erst seit 1990 werden nur noch selten Kinder Peter genannt. Im verhältnismäßig langen Zeitraum von 1935 bis 1960 nahm dieser Vorname einen Spitzenplatz ein.


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