A(n) _____ psychologist would most likely be interested in how you are adjusting to college.

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Terms in this set (75)

Nature vs. nurture and conscious vs. unconscious are considered ______ issues addressed by psychologist


Where is an experimental psychologist most likely to work?


A _______ is a degree that requires the completion of original research, whereas a _____ is a degree for those wishing to focus on the treatment of psychological disorders


______ is an historical approach advocated by William James that concentrated on mental processes and the purposes of the mind and behavior in the individuals adaptation to the environment


Conscious and unconscious is another major question of psychologists, which concerns how much of our _____ is produced by forces of which we are not completely aware


5 major perspectives


A behaviorist might study

Learning through conditioning

In the observable behavior vs. internal mental processes debate, which is more important from the cognitive perspective

Internal mental processes

Determinism is the idea that behavior is a reflection of

Factors beyond the control of the individual

Free will is the idea that behavior is a reflexion of

Choices made by the individual

______ are broad explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest


A ______ is a prediction stemming from a theory that stated in a way that allows it to be tested


A hypothesis that is restated in a way that allows it to be testable is called

Operational definition

Shari is searching through census documents to determine if there is an increase in the amount of people living in poverty. This is an example of ______ research


When conducting a naturalistic observation, it is important that the researchers

Not change the situations that they are observing

Deidre is asking a sample of people about their opinions regarding women's rights. This is an example of

Survey research

True or false: case studies often focus on the personality of an individual person or group


A psychologist is studying the effects on education level. Height and education level would be considered


Research that involves determining the associating between two variables or two sets of variables is called ______ research


A ______ is an investigation of the relationships between two or more variables by deliberately changing one variable in a controlled situation and observing the effects of that change on other aspects of the situation


In an _____ the variable is manipulated by the experimenter


In an experiment, which variable is measured by the experimenter


Random assignment to condition is a procedure where ____ are assigned to either the treatment or control group on the basis of chance


A _____ outcome is a meaningful result of an experiment as determined by statistical analysis


You are surprised at the outcome of an experiment which comes out very differently than you had anticipated. You should probably ____ the study to see if you get the same results


Determinism is the idea that behavior is a reflection of

Factors beyond the control of the individual

True or false: a disadvantage of theories is they do not provide a unified, coherent framework with which to understand phenomena


Which is an important difficulty of conducting survey research that can affect the quality of the conclusions that can be drawn

Finding a representative sample

The results of a ____ study may be based on studying one individual and cannot be easily generalizable to the general population


What would indicate a negative correlation

Amount of time spent at the hospital decreases as the amount of time spent exercising increases

The chance that an experimenter deliberately produces in an experiment is the experimental ______


An experimental group is any group participating in an experiment that received a _____


The manipulation implemented by the experimenter is called the _____


In an experiment, the group that received no treatment is referred to as the _____ group


The _____ variable is the value being controlled which affects the ______ variable

Independent, dependent

Latente and Darley experiment showed that as the size of the group witnessing an emergency increased, ____ behaviors decreased


Select four step process incluided in the scientific method

-question of interest
-Formulated expiation
-carried out research
-communicate the findings

In which types of research are a group of people called the sample asked to compete questionares about their thoughts, feelings and behaviors

Survey research

It is hoped that advances in ___ allow psychologists to focus more on prevention of psychological disorders rather than only treatment


Recent research has found a relationship between body fat and colon cancer in women. This means that

There is a correlation between these variables

The manipulation implemented by the experimenter is called the


Researchers must protect the rights of participants. These rights include which of the following?

Protection from mental harm
Protection from physical harm

The ____ _____ is the approach used by psychologists to acquire knowledge and increases understanding of studies topics

Scientific method

True or fase: deception in psychology research is not acceptable


______ minimizes the risk of harm by telling participants about what to expect before they participate in research

Informed consent

Disadvantage of using college students in research

College students are relatively more homogeneous sample; may not apply to general population

Dr. Langley unintentionally transmits his expectations to his participants in an experiment. What bias is occurring

Experimental bias

If you are a participant in a case study and you think you know how you are supposed to behave this is an example of ____ expectations, whereas an experimenter smiling at you when you do what he or she expects is an example of ______ expectations

Participant, experimenter

Bias is least likely when conducting a study that involves

Both double blind procedure and a placebo y

The control group in a study looking at the effects of a drug on behavior would probably be administered a _____ to make them think beg were getting the druv


When considering psychological studies an individual must consider which of the following when assessing whether the results are valid

Are the results due to how the independent variable was manipulated
Do the results fleecy subject or experimenter bias?

A subfield of psychology that studies how the brain and nervous system determine behavior is called

Behavioral neuroscience

If you meet a professor who says she studies how the size of the amygdala (a brain structure) affects a child's tendency to become a bully, in want field of psychology is she likely working

Behavioral neuroscience

In what field of psychology is the following researcher : Dr.White studies the process by which people remember common pieces of info such as name and numbers


A ____ psychologist might study how best to treat schizophrenia


A _____ psychologist would most likely be interested in how you are adjusting to college


Frank believes that the short temper comes from is family. This approach is an example of _____ psychology


______ genetics focus on the biological areas of psychology such as genes and chromosomes


_____ neuropsychology focuses on the origin of psychological disorders in biology factors


Most psychologists work in the _____ settings


A third of people losing masters degrees in psychology are in ____

Social services
Substance abuse counseling

I'm the observable behavior vs. internal mental processes debate, which is more important from the psychodynamic perspective

Internal mental processes

Behavioral perspective suggests that ____ when it comes to determining behavior

Internal mental processes are unimportant

The ____ perspective studies how people and non humans function biologically


Viewing slips of the tongue as an indicator for a person actual feelings would be considered usage of the ____ perspective


Researchers must protect the rights of participants. These rights include

Protection from physical and mental harm, privacy

Each theoretical perspective has a position on nature vs. nurture. Which would emphasize nurture

Humanistic and behavioral

Someone taking the nature side of nature vs. nurture debate is arguing for the importance of


Philosopher ____ believed that the human mind is a blank slate, whereas ____ believed some knowledge is inborn

John Locke, Rene Descartes

Who was associated with the gestalt movement

Max Wertheimer

Unlike other psychological perspectives, humanism focuses on

Growth and control

The _____ perspective focuses on how people think, understand, and know about the world


Unlike behavioral neuroscience, ___ neuroscience is a field that uses brain scans and other methods to understand interpersonal dynamics


What is the major reason researchers sometimes prefer to use animals as opposed to human Im psychological research

The shorter lifespan makes it easier to study he affects of aging

If you take a class in personality psychology, which of the following topics is most likely to come up?

The influence of conscientiousness on grades

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Which group of psychologists were interested in the study of perception?

Cognitive psychologists study how people perceive, process, and remember information.

What are psychologists interested in studying?

Psychologists study everything about the human experience from the basic workings of the human brain to consciousness, memory, reasoning and language to personality and mental health.

What would be of greatest interest to a cognitive psychologist?

A cognitive psychologist is a mental health professional who seeks to understand the nature of human thought. Cognitive psychologists are generally most interested in topics such as problem-solving, retrieval and forgetting, reasoning, memory, attention, and auditory and visual perception.

What is a behavioral psychologist most likely to study?

Behavioral psychology professionals assume that since all behavior is learned through the conditioning that occurs during interactions with an individual's environment, it can be analytically studied and observed. Behavioral psychologists also analyze how human actions affect decision-making processes.