Congress is organized most importantly in two ways: by committee structure and by quizlet

• Sociological- type of representation in which represenattives have the same racial, gender, ethnic, religious or educational backgrounds as their constituents
• Angency- The type of representation in which a representative is held accountable to a constituency if he or she fails to represent that constituently properly. This is a good representation when the personal backgrounds differ that those of his or her constituenty

• Us congress is representative of the American people in a sociological sense is an example that affiliations of house and senate is protestant, next catholic, jews smaller category.

constituents work very hard for their constiuents views and to serve their constituents intrests
each representative will constantly seek to discover intrests of the constituency and take these intrests into account as she or he governs
there is constant comminication between consituents and congressional offices. They use email, create websites, blogs to describe acheivements

foreign policy

issues on which constituents have pronounced opinions, that they have little freedom of choice.
like wheat, cotton, tobacco

• Every member has a large staff -
- Handles constituency requests
- Deals with legislative details & administrative agencies
- Formulate and draft proposals; organize hearings; negotiate with lobbyists
develop policy ideas, draft legislation, insentive on legislative process
- House of Ethics incident in 2005.
- Republican and democrat fought over staff director job
- Gave it to republican, ended giving both parties the jobs
- Staff dealing with staff
- 11,500 or so staffs in House & Senate;
- 2,000 or so committee staffers
- staff agencies-legislative support agencies responsible for policy analysis
- These agencies engance Congress capacity to over see administrative agencies and to evaluate presedential pograms and proposals
- Congressional Research service, gov accountability office, congressional budget office

Congressional Budget office- asses the economic implications and likely costs of proposed federal pgrams

comitee staff- organize and administer the comitee work, including research, planning organizing hearings and draft legislation

congress man cant know everything. Have issues that they are passionate about it. They have people research for them. tell them how to vote, scheling.

-In making scheduling decisions, the Speaker typically consults only with majority party leaders and selected Representatives whereas the Senate Majority Leader confers broadly with minority party leaders and interested Senators. The Speaker's dual position as leader of the majority party and the House's presiding officer gives him more authority to govern floor proceedings than the Senate's presiding officer. While debate time is always restricted in the House, individual Senators generally have the right to unlimited debate. -

The House typically meets in the Committee of the Whole to consider major legislation;The House considers and amends legislation in a more structured manner (e.g., by section or title) than the Senate. In addition, while germaneness of amendments is required in the House, it is mandated only in four instances in the Senate. Rollcall votes can be requested at almost any time in the Senate, but only after completing a voice or division vote in the House.
Because the Senate often recesses instead of adjourning at the end of the day, Senate legislative days can continue for several calendar days. By contrast, the House routinely adjourns at the end of each legislative

When the Chairman of the committee receives a copy of a bill, the clerk of the committee places the bill on the committee's legislative calendar. While the bill is in committee, the committee members will seek expert input, hold "mark-up" sessions to make any changes or updates deemed important, and, if necessary, send the bill to a subcommittee for further analysis through research and hearings.

When the committee is satisfied with the content of the bill, it is sent back to the House for debate. It is also possible for a bill to die in committee if the legislation is deemed unnecessary.

By tradition, all bills must be given consideration by the entire membership of the House, with adequate opportunity for the Members to debate and propose amendments. The rules of debate are decided during the first day of each new Congress, including the amount of time allocated for debate on the bill. Typically, the bill is read section by section and Members are given the opportunity to propose amendments and debate the bill's content.

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How is the Congress to be organized?

Congress is a bicameral legislature divided into two equal institutions: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state sends elected representatives and senators to Congress.

What are the two most important functions of Congress quizlet?

Congress' main functions are lawmaking, representation, constituent services (casework), and oversight. Congress is given the power to establish broad national policies, a power known as lawmaking.

Which committees are the most important committees in Congress quizlet?

The most important committees in Congress are the permanent or standing committees . These committees do most of the work on legislative proposals. Each standing committee specializes in particular areas and deals only with bills related to those areas.

What is the structure of Congress quizlet?

While the Constitution assigned great power to the legislators, it also made Congress a bicameral legislature, meaning that it is made up of two very different parts of the Congress, called houses—the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each congressional term is two sessions, or meetings.