Conversations and information conveyed over the phone is the ______ highest in information richness.

refers to dialogue across boundaries and hierarchical levels about the team or organization's vision, critical strategic themes, and the values that help achieve important goals. Facilitated by using open communication, actively listening to others, applying practices of dialogue, and using feedback for learning and change

Process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people.

Encoding--channel -->Decoding-->Feedback Cycle

Sender _____ the idea by selecting symbols with which to compose a message and selecting a communication channel.

Carrier of communication, like a phone call, blog, or text message.

Receiver ______ the symbols to interpret the meaning of the message.

Occurs when the receiver responds to the sender's communication with a return message.

Tangible formulation of an idea to be sent to a receiver.

the amount of info that can be transmitted during a communication episode.

Understanding effective communication will help if you use:

Communication channels, ability to persuade, gender differences, nonverbal behavior, and listening.

Electronic communication that allows users to see who's connected to a network and share information instantly.

channel richness is influenced by the ability to

Handle multiple cues simultaneously Facilitate rapid two-way feedback Establish a personal focus

ambiguous, concern novel events, and involve great potential for misunderstanding (time pressure and surprise) (need high channel)

Simple and straightforward: convey data or statistics or put words into what is understood and agreed upon (low channel)

Communication is used to ______ and ______ people.

Communication Apprehension

An individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with interpersonal communication

______ _____ directly influence communications

Communication that is transmitted through actions and behaviors rather than through words.

Skill of receiving messages to accurately grasp facts and feelings to interpret the genuine meaning.

Formal Communication Channel

A communication channel that flows within the chain of command.

types of formal communication channels 

1. downward communication 2. upward communication 3. horizontal communication

1 of 3 Formal Communications Refers to messages sent from top management down to the subordinates. Common ways include: speeches, videos, blogs, podcasts, and company interest.

Five Topics encompassed by downward communication

1. goals and strategies 2. job instructions and rationale. 3. procedures and practices 4. performance feedback 5. Indoctrination

Problem with downward communication

drop off (the distortion or loss of message content)

1 of 3 Formal Communications
Messages that flow from the lower to higher levels in the organization's hierarchy.

Five types of information communicated upward

1. Problems and exceptions 2. Suggestions for improvement 3. Performance reports 4. Grievances and disputes 5. Financial and accounting information

1 of 3 Formal Communications
The lateral or diagonal exchange of messages among peers or coworkers and includes team communication. Purpose is to inform but also request support and coordinate activities.

Categories of Horizontal Communication

intradepartmental problem solving interdepartmental coordination change initiatives and improvements

A team communication structure in which team members communicate through a single individual to solve problems or make decisions.

Team communication structure in which team members freely communicate with one another and arrive ant decisions together.

Personal communication channels

Exist outside formally authorized channels and include person networks, the grapevine, and written communication.

the acquisition and cultivation of personal relationships that cross departmental, hierarcical, and even organizational boundaries. 

Tips for building a network:

Build it before you need it Never eat lunch alone Make it win-win Focus on diversity

Carries workplace gossip, a dominate force in organization communication when formal channels are closed.

Managers can improve their writing skills in 5 ways:

Respect the reader Know your point and get to it Write clearly rather than impressively Get a second opinion

Four primary skills for communication during a crisis:

  • Stay calm, listen hard
  • Be visible
  • Get the awful truth out
  • Communicate a vision for the future

Important things managers should do to enhance organizational communication:

  • Create a climate of trust and openness
  • Develop and use formal communication
  • Encourage the use of multiple channels
  • Structure should fit communication needs

Which of the following types of communication is highest in information richness?

Explanation: The face to face conversation provides the highest information richness. The batter and quick exchange of the message and the information are possible only through face to face communication.

Which of the following types of communication is highest in information richness multiple choice question?

Face-to-face communication is very high in richness because it allows information to be transmitted with immediate feedback.

Which communication medium has high information richness?

Like face-to-face and telephone conversation, videoconferencing has high information richness because receivers and senders can see or hear beyond just the words—they can see the sender's body language or hear the tone of their voice.

What does the richness of a communication channel involve?

Channel richness refers to the amount of nonverbal communication provided and the immediacy of feedback. Face-to-face communication is very high in richness because it includes nonverbal behaviors and has immediate feedback.